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Posts posted by SeanCalibur

  1. I recently bought a PS3 and this is one the games i got with it.

    I love it so much! the size of the areas you can explore at free will is just amazing and all the free running just makes it so much fun :P

    I must admit it did take a while to get used to the controls but now that I'm used to them I'm enjoying it to it's full potential and I'm nearly half way through the game.


    I'm really getting into the story involving Ezio :P But one problem for me is that I was put off from buying the first game because I played a small section of it ages ago and it seemed horribly repetitive and it had too long cut scenes. So could anyone please explain to me the main key points of the story in the first game so this game makes a little but more sense to me XD

  2. I'm in 6th form at college, i have frees and go around the village quite a lot with my friends, and what annoys me is:

    People who are not in 6th form, that don't have frees, that purposely skive off lessons...


    Seriously, if you're going to skive your lessons what is the point of going to school!

  3. I went to Lady Gaga's concert about 3 weeks ago

    and MY GOD it was thee bomb diggityyyy :thumbsup:


    It's about a month until i see her in Birmingham :D

    So looking forward to it!!!!


    Tickets came the other day :)

  4. I want to read other bestsellers than Harry Potter, is there any chance to find another awesome book like that?




    I think I should start with Eragon, but I heard that it is a huge Lord of the Rings plague, is it actually worth reading? I saw the film and it was pretty damn boring.


    Just finished this book myself

    It's an awesome read...the film though...i want to punch the people who decided that that film was good enough....

  5. Wtf? I try to get into a match and then after a few seconds it freezes up and is unresponsive until I turn the Xbox off.

    Happens to me all the time, but it usually goes after a few minutes if you wait. But that's boring.


    Right now I'm trying to figure out whether I like the Intervention or the Barrett .50 more, so I have a class for each one.


    Intervention is so much better IMO

  6. My playing time has just hit 2 days, I'm level 51 no prestige, is this decent? or should I be almost to a prestige?


    Depends if you're used to the game or not

    If you're new to Call of Duty, i would consider this very good!


    I've played both Modern Warfare games over a long period of time, i just reached 2 days of play, and i'm level 68.

  7. I hate to double post, but did anyone in the UK see her on Jonathan Ross? :)

    It certainly was an amazing performance and interview IMO.


    Yeah, I saw that. The telephone hat was amazing. :thumbup:


    I love how she kept 'hanging up on him' XD

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