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Posts posted by Killert

  1. Smooth Edge set up a fight with Hells Army for today because he knew he wouldn't be there (jk :> :wub:) and so we started getting people signed up. Our signups were, to put it lightly, pretty terrible, so we weren't sure what to expect going into the fight. Shortly before massing, HA's leaders PMed Jeff and I because they were panicking about not pulling high enough to beat us. They wanted to cancel the fight, but we asked them to at least try to put up a fight.


    Our signups were pretty accurate, which meant that we ended up pulling significantly lower than we normally do. However, with 40 of our finest inbred goats, we prepared to fight one of America's most feared biker gangs, Hell's Angels Army.


    The Rising starting: 120




    Hell's Army starting: 130




    After 15 minutes of waiting for HA, we rushed them on sight and took an immediate advantage. Within minutes they were regrouping with 60-75 options, and that's pretty much how the fight went down. After 30-45 minutes, many of us began to run out of binds/blasts due to not dying much (if at all), and that allowed Hell's Army a little chance to get back into the fight. In addition, a few Hohtos showed up to keep our poor little goats busy, which set us back further.




    After about 30 minutes when HA showed signs of coming to life, we picked it up again and forced them to regroup even more desperately than before. Hohto attempted to make a comeback, but I quickly got him under control and used him against HA.












    With about 10 minutes left we were tearing through HA just like we did at the start. They ended up regrouping with 10 or so people a few times, and just as it was time to take ending they managed to find about 100 options because of some backup that they called from a group of rogue biker dogs.




    Unfortunately for them, it wasn't enough to defeat our goats of honor.


    The Rising ending: 135




    We had a few returners too, as you can see here






    Hell's Army ending: 100-120


    Plus this guy who got lost on his way back from Hohto's place




    Kill/death info:






    The Rising kills: 228

    The Rising deaths: 113


    Hell Army kills: 93

    Hell Army deaths: 202


    Their kills/deaths may not be accurate because they're a country clan and some of them are in the clan chat of a main clan.

  2. Orginal topic: http://tr-clan.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25899


    We set up a fight with TCL for today from 3-6 PM EST. Our signups didn't look particularly great because it's a Saturday, but we prepared to do the best we could with a limited number of people. Unfortunately, TCL became involved in a 7 hour fight yesterday between them and some of their biggest rivals. As a result, they came to me and asked to shorten the cap to 90 minutes. I was faced with a difficult decision because many members of TR had been looking forward to and expecting a 3 hour fight, but I ultimately decided that 1.5 hours was better than nothing.


    The Rising starting: 140


    The Call of Legends starting: 120


    So at 2:30 we began to mass up. 30 minutes later, we had about 50 in TS and 140 opts in game. After waiting about 5-10 minutes, TCL came along with about 120 opts. They rushed us and the fight began. Before long, we had a clear advantage. TCL piled a bunch of our fall-in leaders, who tanked around our pile as we picked up KO after KO. Our snipers crippled their pile and brought them down to 60-75 options, which allowed us to kill TCL's snipers and keep our main pile going strong. We chased down a few of their regroups and after 45 minutes they informed us that they were done.


    The Rising ending: ~170 (1-2 pures)




    (As we were taking ending, our TS went down, but it didn't make any difference.)


    TCL ending: 0



    Thanks to:

    • TCL for the fight
    • TR members for staying in and Scaping instead of going out
    • Our Finnish fan club for the free KDR



  3. 1. Why is there such a distinct lack of GMT clans in the top 10?


    Its all based on uncapped fights now and GMT clans simply lose in an uncapped fight from an EST based clan due timezone.


    2. Do you think that a GMT clan is ever going to make it into the top 3/5?


    Depends how its going in the future, i think Fools is kinda top 5 already but they just can't win from a clan in an uncapped pkri but they can win a capped fight easily ( They won from VR and that kind of clans in capped fight ) if it was based on full outs / capped fights then GMT clans would dominate.


    3. Is there any one reason why EST clans seem to flourish so much more than their GMT counter parts?


    As i said before its all about uncapped fights right now and the timezone just makes it alot easier for EST and almost impossible for GMT or they have to outnumber very bad.


    4. Why aren't the majority of clans GMT based, and as such why are most wars not fought at a time that is more suitable to GMTers?


    I think the top clans have more GMT people then you think, and GMT clans / wilderness in GMT is alot more active then in EST timezone i don't know why alot of GMT people join EST based clans.

  4. Topic on our forums: http://tr-clan.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18665


    The Rising



    60min Cap PKRI


    Well at around last monday i set out looking for a fight for thursday night, i decided to ask Solace since they are a really tough clan. The motivation for this fight was really great, we pulled more ppl than expected and we outnumbered them for like 20 ppl. We lead the fight since we started and about 20 mins - 30 mins later they logged out. I would like to thank Solace for the fight, big respect for you guys.


    The Rising Starting: 165 Options




    Solace Starting: 105? ( need confirmation )



    The Rising Ending: 162 ( few others returing )



    Solace Ending: 0 (logged out)



    Once again i'd like to thank Solace for massing up to fight us being outnumbered <3

    Heres some other pictures:











  5. The Rising



    Uncapped PKRI



    Well at around 5pm GMT i set out looking for a fight for Tonight, After some confusion with Brutality we ended up pking without a fight. Of course the wildy was empty until our Commander found a fight with RJ. RJ massed to fight us straight away <3 which we are very greatful for.

    The Rising were incredibly pumped to win this fight and as soon as we started fighting our numbers shot up.


    The Rising Starting: 183 options


    Rejuvenation Starting: 120? ( need confirmation )





    Due to the number gap The Rising took the lead straight away. After about 15 minutes Rejuvenation started mass sniping which took us a while to realise. We then took advantage of this topic by claiming east tree and 1 hitting everyone around us. Rj then tried to get a pile and we hit it within seconds. Our spam towers were off the screen every single pile and the intensity of each and every single member of The Rising forced RJ to regroup straight away. After around an hour of fighting we had received confirmation that RJ had ended.


    The Rising Ending: 192 ( few others returing )


    Rejuvenation Ending: 0




    Once again i'd like to thank RJ for massing up to fight us with no prep at all <3

    Heres some other pictures:











    Thanks to Spark and KK41 for the ac





  6. bannerdo2.gif




    The Rising + Ascension


    Wilderland + The Brazilian Kings


    A few days ago The officials of each of the four clans got in contact each other and came with a 2 vs 2. Being this a change to the usual fight each clan gets we were pretty pumped for this. We came up with the follow Rules.



    Spiders - Gdz Rock

    All Styles

    10 man sniper cap

    Highest pull attacks

    2 Hour Cap


    With The Rising + Ascension massed and ready we were pumped for this event to be a great success.


    The Rising + Ascension Starting: 228 Options


    Wilderland + TBK Starting: 243 Options


    From the start of the fight TA( The Rising + Ascension ) were pumped and fighting hard. We spent the first section of the fight clearing snipers and then taking out the stragglers at the pack of their piles. From there we managed to hit their pile successfully time and time again while there pile was being dragged by our Snipers :wub:

    We knew there was no looking back, with an Amazing performance by TA, All clans came for their ending at the end of the 2 Hours at 11:30 GMT the Results were:


    The Rising + Ascension Ending: 246 Options

    Wilderland + TBK Ending: 156 Options






    I'd like to thank Ascension for being an amazing partner in this fight and Wilderland + The Brazilian Kings for a great fight.


    GOOD JOB TA! :wub:


    Some other Pictures of the fight:










  7. Expected TR, Poison have terrible organization and usually end within 10-15 minutes in pvp but looks like they can't even win in cwa either!


    Poison did it really well, don't think this comment was needed.


    Thanks for the fight once again Poison.

  8. therisingfas-3482149.png






    • First round All styles
    • Second round Melee+Binds+Range
    • Corr+Dung OFF
    • Rings+Fog ON
    • Highest pull attack first, other clan attack second.


    War Summary:


    Earlier today Jeff set up a fight vs Poison. Knowing Poison are a respected "smaller" clan in the clan world we all were prepared for a tough challenge.


    The Rising R1 starting - 24 (one dced leaving us 23)


    Poison R1 starting - 24



    The fight started and as we took back the two person advantage Poison had they fought hard for matched numbers. Thanks to some great tanking on TR's half we managed to get a 2 man advantage at the ~10v10 mark and from this point we didn't look back.


    The Rising R1 ending - 6 (waiting on screenshot)


    Poison R1 ending - 0



    The Rising R2 starting - 24



    Poison R2 starting - 27 (dropped to 24)



    TR got off to a steady lead in the melee binds range round and as we took a one person advantage Poison had a DC, leaving 23 vs 22. Once this point hit TR ran through Poison members and thanks to some amazing TR tanking we ended this round with a strong 18 people.


    The Rising R2 ending - 18 (waiting on pic, apologies)


    Poison R2 ending - 0



    Thanks a lot for the fight Poison, your a really fun clan to fight. Hope theres more in the near future :wub:





  9. therisingfas-3482149.png






    Jeff set up a 3 day prepped 90 minute PkRi vs TRWF with the following -



    • All Styles
    • Spiders - East Tree
    • Sniper cap of 5
    • No Corrupt
    • Lowest options attack


    War Summary:


    The Rising starting (180) -



    TRWF starting (~130, please confirm) -


    The fight started out with a clear advantage towards TR, due to the big number difference mainly. As the fight progressed, we sent our 5 snipers and kept the main pile to how it was. The Rising went through a few rough patches, due to energy deficiency, pile splits etc but overall it was rather one sided.


    Thanks for the fight TRWF, much respect for staying the entire capped outnumbered.


    Personally had

    1 kill / 9 deaths

    Calling sucks :unsure:


    The Rising immidiate ending (180, 70 on audio) -



    TRWF immidiate ending (120, 53 on audio) -



    The Rising Full ending (~210) -



    Post your pictures TR -


  10. In light of our upcoming third birthday, The Rising would like to invite anyone from the clan community who wishes to participate to an open karaoke event. Anyone is welcome to attend, but we ask that you respect other people on our Ventrilo server and, of course, don't try to sing over everyone :P Other than that, just get your singing voice ready and get ready to listen to some people embarrass themselves (and hopefully you'll embarrass yourself, too)!


    Event Information:

    Wednesday, July 28th

    Start - 1 PM EST (6 PM GMT, 7 GMT+1, etc)

    End - 4:30 PM EST (9:30 PM GMT, 10:30 GMT+1, etc)


    Server Information (Ventrilo):

    Server/IP: Vent16.gameservers.com

    Port: 4939

    Password: therising


    Note: This server info will not work until the day of the event.


    Thanks, and I hope to see you all there :)

  11. After beating Usa Lordz , The Death Monkeighs and Crimson Raiders our next oppenent was called Downfall.


    After discussing about the rules we came up with the following:


    Saturday, July 24th

    9pm Gmt start

    Clan Wars middle bounds

    No dungeoneering/corrupt

    3 sniper cap

    All styles

    Fog/Ring allowed


    We both dropped to 20 people and the fight started:



    Our first pile was Blu3 Dogg and he did pretty good, we both dropped our pile at the same time and faced eachother again at the centre.

    Downfall had a quick ko so they had a 1 man lead till we catched 2 people in robes who both got 1 hitted, 18 - 17 for TR at that moment.


    From that moment, TR had the upperhand and didn't look back by having a few quick ko's and GREAT tanking from our side we made the gap bigger.





    The Rising ending: 14

    Downfall ending: 0




    Thanx for the fight Downfall.

  12. The Rising vs Lithuania


    Sunday 2nd of May 2010



    We massed up at our usual time and walked up to moss giants. We got word that LT was waiting for us on world 21 with 130 active members on teamspeak, we quickly hopped to their world and waited at spider hill for them to rush us.


    The Rising starting: 180opts ( 64 on audio )




    Lithuania starting: 360 opts ( 136 on audio )




    The fight started being outnumbered really hard, but we kept our momentum high and our ko train going on, LT decided to send around 50 snipers but this couldn't stop us.





    We focused on their snipers and thanks to our dedicated bind unit we were able to down them really fast, after around 1 hour LT dropped around 30 people on their teamspeak and called some snipers back.


    With around 20 snipers less on us it was a lot easier and started to focus on their blasters / low levels in there pile, this worked excellent and LT started to drop even more.


    After about 90 minutes in the fight LT called all their snipers back and dropped to even numbers on audio, 30 minutes after this LT called it off.


    The Rising ending: 170 opts ( 68 on audio )




    Lithuania ending: 0 ( 60 on audio )



    Random Pictures:







    Thanks for the fight Lithuania it was a pleasure.


    Great job to all TR members, fighting outnumbered 1:2 isn't an easy thing <3

  13. Today we heard Fools were going out, lucky for us our pk leaders had set up a pk for today (1 day prep). We massed 30 mins earlier than normal and went out looking for Fools. Fools contacted us and we told them our World, the fight began.


    Tr starting: 168




    Fools starting: 190 (before they hopped)





    The First part of the fight Fools had a small adventage due the options, but after ~10 mins the fight was even and we had 64 on audio. We sent 10 snipers and just like yesterday they did an amazing job. After about 30 mins into the fight we took the advantage and kept our momentum. After an hour fighting Fools called it off and we stood victorious at MG.


    Tr ending: 201 (72 in vent)





    Fools ending: 0 on the battlefield



    Pic of the fight:








  14. So, TR got out today for a nice and cozy F2P Pk'ing trip in the wonderfull wilderness of the world we call RuneScape, or Gielenor for the more refined 'scapers.

    While we were preparing to mass though, we heard FOOLS and NG were both out, and we went out 30 minutes earlier to hit FOOLS or NG, whichever one we saw first.


    We sent scouts out to various worlds and they eventually found FOOLS on w 57. We quickly hopped there with about 120 options with 47 on vent.


    FOOLS Starting: 160 (55 on audio)

    TR Starting: 120 (47 on audio).

    No pictures, sorry.


    As the fight started, more people got on thinking we were still massing and quickly got to the fight. Our vent numbers went to 60-ish in about ten minutes time. The first part of the fight was fairly even, we got some good transitions in and FOOLS had an advantage over us in options. When we bridged the options gap at about 20 minutes in, we basically took advantage of the fight and never looked back. We sent about 10 snipers to put the pressure on their main pile and they did their work, as expected, really good. Snipers quickly got rid of FOOLS' binders and it started to get easier to tank FOOLS. They gradually dropped numbers in game while we rose up to 72 people in vent.


    TR sent a few more snipers and, after ~1 hour, forced FOOLS to leave the fight. Leaving TR at MG with 210 ending and 74 in vent.

    TR ending:





    Good fight, FOOLS, was a fun fight starting out outnumbered. .

    1 kill, 7 deaths.











  15. Was an even fight, but you know our bedtime :D


    You guys really should stop using your bedtime excuse.


    We where better this fight and chased several of your regroups the last 30 minutes, you guys just kept regrouping to make it to your 10pm mark.


    Thanx for the fight TRWF, finally we had a fight on more even numbers.

  16. So The Rising massed up for their year prep PK to find some action. We massed up around 120 options and headed out.


    After hopping some worlds we got word that Divine Kings were massing, we waited a while till we found them at GDS world 17, we quickly rushed DK with a pile on King Lips and immediately took the lead, after this we never looked back and after around 20 minutes DK decided to hop from worlds.


    The Rising starting: 120

    Divine Kings starting: ~150 ([21:20:30] <gotenks_2322> dk 51 on ts )










    The Rising ending: 126

    Divine Kings ending: 0 ( Hopped away )


    After we made an ending picture we quickly banked and hopped after DK again, we hopped to world 32 and saw DK standing at dwarfs, we immediately got a fast ko off again and took the lead from the start till the end, after around 15 minutes DK decided to log off.


    The Rising starting: 120

    Divine Kings starting: 120






    The Rising ending: ~120

    Divine kings ending: 0 ( logged )



    Thanx for the fight Divine Kings.

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