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Posts posted by FuryoftheGods

  1. Thanks everyone for your very effort intensive and meaningful advice. I will surely be taking all of these to the lab. I'm quite intrigued by the frost dragon method.


    I think I can give you a ballpark estimate that if you flip twice daily for 2% profits each time and make 6m doing frost dragons also daily, getting the money your looking for won't take more then three months playing three hours per day. This is assuming you are starting from zero cash. The trick is that since the flipping profits are exponential to always keep enough money to flip and not actually spend it on skills until you have enough for all of your skills.


    This is very much an estimation as me and Zaaps1 (mostly Zaaps1 actually) have yet to find a formula for this. But really, yea it's doable, you just need to persevere and have patience with the flipping.


    Three months, holy crap. Do you believe effective flipping on the grand exchange will still be possible after the re-release of free trade?



    Yes! Even more so than it is now, in fact! The removal of min/max on items will make merchanting so much more profitable with only slightly more effort.

  2. Sounds cool, I want to save this in my calculator so I can tell people like this OP exactly how long it will take them to get the money they desire.


    Well I do have a formula that's more accurate now, but you're not going to like it. Here it goes:


    Assuming a=your initial cashpile, b=percent profit from flipping (1.02 if you want to keep to the previous example), c=profit per cycle (outside of flipping, to keep it simple, lets say from 2 hours of frost drags), n=number of cycles you're looking at.


    ab^n + cb^(n-1) + cb^(n-2) + cb^(n-3) ... + cb^(n-n)


    I believe this takes into account that you will not use your first frost dragon profit to flip, as well.


    So for example, if we work in the millions, a=1 (1m initial money), b=1.02, c=6 (6m profit per flip). Now if we take n=4:


    (1)(1.02)^4 + (6)(1.02)^3 + (6)(1.02)^2 + (6)(1.02)^1 + (6)(1.02)^0 = 25.8 (25.8m total cashpile at the end).


    Note that last term simplifies down to just +6, because you get the profit from those 2 hours of frost dragons, but not from flipping it.


    As you can see, this formula gets crazy tedious with a lot of cycles.


    An exact formula for a situation like this is exceedingly hard to compute because it involves an iterative differential equation that would need to be solved on a case-by-case basis. Yours is a relatively good estimate for low n, but with higher n, the error becomes very significant.

  3. The update today just made this guide that much more useful.


    Item packs!


    We've created a handful of item packs for some shops, similar to the box of spirit shards. In certain shops, you can now buy the whole stock of eyes of newt, empty or water-filled vials, raw bird meat, and empty baskets or sacks in one go.
  4. To respond to the above comments, wait as long as you think is prudent, then buy, buy, and buy some more!


    Events like this are perfect times to make killings if you play them correctly.


    I can't really tell you much more than that, as I don't know how the RS economy works nowadays 'cause I just came back recently.

  5. I'm looking for a clan that has: Ventrilo(or some voicechat) and tolerant members for my noobishness(but I learn quickly, I promise.)


    It would be great if the clan was medium-sized and regularly hosted events. I would like a clan that does PvP relatively often as well.


    I would like to stress, again, that I haven't played in a few years, so I've got lots of catching up to do.


    I'll probably at least get on every day, and I can put in some serious hours over weekends.


    My stats are in the sig

  6. And another:


    Pest control: is it the most efficient xp/hr? If not, what is and what would be the cost difference per hour I save?


    Why would Jagex institute a system that can be exploited and cause the economy to inflate as much as it has? (This is more of a rhetorical rant than anything, but WTF?)

  7. Hello tip.it! I just returned from a long break from RS(since right after summoning came out) and made an account, since you all seem to know what you're talking about. My stats are in my sig, and I have several questions for you:


    What are currently some good ways to make cash other than soloing GWD/Tormented Demons/etc.? I've read about green dragons making 1m/hr; where and how?

    I also don't have much cash to invest upfront, but I DO have most of the basic equipment, so keep that in mind.


    What is "tricking" and "76k" and "26k"?


    Don't remember if this one came out before I left or not, but I've heard of people using penguins for slayer/hunter? What is this?


    What else is new and worth mentioning?

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