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Everything posted by Dakashakk

  1. Now, I realise my concerns will seem trivial to the majority of Tip.it forumers. But bear with me on this. I started playing Runescape two days ago, and so far I am enjoying myself immensely. My character seems to be developing at a decent pace, and I've already earned my first 200k using the grand exchange. This is motivated by one simple fact: The starting area is full of absolute morons, and I want to escape as fast as humanly possible! I've just begun to train my magic skill, as a quick scan of the magic tab revealed a number of teleportation spells. I imagine these would become very useful in the near future, and indeed I have just wasted a few thousand gold on Law Runes in order to test out my new Varrock teleport. (It's rather sexy.) This training was not made any easier by the detestable level 3's who do not seem to be in possession of a functional brain. There I was, testing out my fantastic Level 1 Wind Strike spell on a conveniently placed flock of chickens, when some dullard walks past and enters the pen in order to demand "Free Stuff Plx." This in itself is annoying, but what made matters worse was the fact he was not blessed with the common sense to close the gate behind him. One of the chickens escapes, and I have to go out of my way to kill it in order to allow the unsuspecting bird to respawn in the pen. After the 26th time this happened, it began to grate on my nerves a little. Hence this nonsensical rant. My point is, Lumbridge and its environs are populated with idiots. I'm sure you are all aware of this blatantly obvious fact, but it's beginning to do my head in. ;) I'll just continue to grind my way to the top, eventually bring myself to subscribe and then look down upon these peons with a mixture of disdain and fury. Thanks for reading. I just needed to get this off my chest. xD
  2. So, in summary... 1.) Finish all f2p quests 2.) Around 30 in all f2p skills 3.) 100k in cash Does that sound reasonable? I guess I should look into the members skills too, and gather the necessary resources to train them immediately. Thanks for your help, and your kind welcome to the boards. :)
  3. 'Sup. I've been playing Runescape for a grand total of two hours now, and I've been getting on fine so far. I'm plodding through the beginner quests and slowly learning the game's interface. However, I have one question I would like to pose to the masterful denizens of the Tip.it boards. ;) I noticed that Jagex offers a paid membership option. I will gladly pay the fee without question, but I am also aware that leaping straight into the "pay to play" world would not be wise with my almighty level 4 chicken slayer. So, what milestones would you recommend I achieve before taking the plunge and stepping into the true game? ie. Combat level, quests completed, items obtained. I just don't want to be out of my depth when I hand over my "hard earned" money. A few guidelines on this matter would be appreciated. :)
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