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Clan Official
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Posts posted by RedAnarchy

  1. Your Clan Name (as you want it to appear): Ascension

    A link to your clan's banner (please keep it under 810x250 or it will automatically be resized): http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e325/lazyaznboi28/ascen.png

    A link to your clan's website/forums: http://rsascension.ipbfree.com/

    A link to your clan's runehead/memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=theascension

    Your Clan Leaders: Zeldagamer13

    Your Clan Initials: A

    Your Clan's Main Focus (ie. Warring, Skilling, Pest Control, etc.): F2P Warring & Community

  2. Layout:



    <Officials list>



    <Why should you join?>







    103+ F2P Combat | 10 or more rune sets | 1500 water/earth rune 1000 nature rune | Ventrilo | and access to IRC


    Leader: Zeldagamer13

    Council: Coask | Insert215 | Lq82

    Warlord: Ice Cube619

    PK Leader: RiceMonsta

    Elder: Anti__Rob | Haleigh923

    FA Manager: Sirrick123 | Kool_dude170


    Forums: http://rsascension.ipbfree.com

    iRC Channel: #rs-ascension

    Memberlist: http://runehead.com/...an=theascension



    Ascension is a brand new clan, here to form a family atmosphere and a strong and serious warring position. We strive to be as close to our members and officials as we can and prove ourselves as formidable opponents for any clan. We use IRC as our most active form of communication and we ask that you please use SwiftIRC /mIRC /mibbit.

    (to be continued)



    Ascension was founded by Zeldagamer13 and Anti__Rob on November 16th 2009. Officials were decided by past experiences and whether or not the founders thought they could do the job, the website was created, the ventrilo server payed and Ascension was opened on Friday November 20th 2009. At our clan opening gathering the leaders and warlords decided to get a war, Silent Ember agreed to giving Ascension its first war ever, and we had a great fight in which Ascension came out on top.


    So why should you join?

    We have a Strong current memberlist, Dedicated Leaders, and Great Organization by our Fall-In leaders and warlords. With these attributes, Ascension will climb to the top. We have a variety of fun events in Ascension, including: Wars in Clan wars, and PvP worlds. Castle Wars, Fight pits, inter-clan magic fights, DMing events, God Wars dungeon and other bosses, these events are varied between P2P and F2P (magic fights, dm events etc will be in f2p)


    Ascension has plans to step it up and take the f2p clan world by storm and one day fight some of the top clans of Runescape. All the while keeping our close family setting and continue to get close to our members.



    PvP Wars:


    Clan Wars:


  3. Hey Bro, if you haven't found one yet, you should check us out:





    <Officials list>



    <Why should you join?>







    103+ F2P Combat | 10 or more rune sets | 1500 water/earth rune 1000 nature rune | Ventrilo | and access to IRC


    Leader: Zeldagamer13

    Council: Coask | Insert215 | Lq82

    Warlord: Ice Cube619

    PK Leader: RiceMonsta

    Elder: Anti__Rob | Haleigh923

    FA Manager: Sirrick123 | Kool_dude170


    Forums: http://rsascension.ipbfree.com

    iRC Channel: #rs-ascension

    Memberlist: http://runehead.com/...an=theascension



    Ascension is a brand new clan, here to form a family atmosphere and a strong and serious warring position. We strive to be as close to our members and officials as we can and prove ourselves as formidable opponents for any clan. We use IRC as our most active form of communication and we ask that you please use SwiftIRC /mIRC /mibbit.

    (to be continued)



    Ascension was founded by Zeldagamer13 and Anti__Rob on November 16th 2009. Officials were decided by past experiences and whether or not the founders thought they could do the job, the website was created, the ventrilo server payed and Ascension was opened on Friday November 20th 2009. At our clan opening gathering the leaders and warlords decided to get a war, Silent Ember agreed to giving Ascension its first war ever, and we had a great fight in which Ascension came out on top.


    So why should you join?

    We have a Strong current memberlist, Dedicated Leaders, and Great Organization by our Fall-In leaders and warlords. With these attributes, Ascension will climb to the top. We have a variety of fun events in Ascension, including: Wars in Clan wars, and PvP worlds. Castle Wars, Fight pits, inter-clan magic fights, DMing events, God Wars dungeon and other bosses, these events are varied between P2P and F2P (magic fights, dm events etc will be in f2p)


    Ascension has plans to step it up and take the f2p clan world by storm and one day fight some of the top clans of Runescape. All the while keeping our close family setting and continue to get close to our members.



    PvP Wars:


    Clan Wars:


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