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Posts posted by Scorcheddd

  1. Sorry, I'm studying python first so those are the kinds of books and tutorials I'm looking for.


    But here's one of the codes, written the same as the book, and it keeps getting a syntax error.


    # quadratic.py
    # A program that computes the real roots of a quadratic equation.
    # Illustrates use of the math library.
    # Note: this program crashes if the equation has no real roots
    import math   # makes the math library available
    def main():
       print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic")
       a,b,c=eval(input("Please enter the coefficients(a,b,c): ")
       print("The solutions are: ",root1,root2)


    The first discRoot there keeps giving me an error...

  2. Dell's monitors are terrible, Samsung and LG are the best ones.


    Personally I've got a 23in Samsung LED Backlight with 2 HDMI ports and a DVI port. It's a phenominal monitor, I play Xbox360 and use it as my main monitor and it's been phenominal!

  3. Hey guys, I'm a future computer science student but I need a bit of help.


    Can anyone recommend me any good step by step guides/books/textbooks that will help me learn it?


    My teacher this fall assigned us Python Programming: an introduction to computer science, but every time I type the examples into IDLE, they don't work. I've checked my syntax at least 15 times, entirely typing the script again and comparing side by side to no avail. It keeps saying there are errors when I have exactly what the author initially put down in the book.


    So any GOOD tutorials/books are greatly appreciated, thanks!

  4. Look at how some classes will affect you at your future school before you fret over a bunch of classes. For example, my future school will only take one U.S. History/U.S. government credit, so having both of those is kind of irrelevant unless you're planning on history. Likewise, the English Language test (Most take Junior Year) counts and an English 101 test, while English Literature counts as a credit only if you're planning on going into English as a major.


    If you're going to retake US History then don't go for AP Government unless your vying for a top position like valedictorian of your class. That test changes A LOT each year. I took it my junior year and got a 2, senior year and got a 4.


    Also, the same thing that was said about calculus above also works for economics, although instead of Micro, I'd suggest macro as many higher level Econ books start with that to help with a foundation (and it's supposedly easier to grasp as a whole.)


    Ultimately it comes down to which type of school you want to go to. If you think that you're at Ivy level, then by all means, take every AP and etc that you possibly can. If you're not though (and most of us aren't) then don't fret about going into the lower classes as a GPA booster. Look at how each will affect you.

  5. I've been watching a lot of Glee lately, and I have to say that Matthew Morrison (The teacher) has a sense of style in the show and real life I'd really like to try and bring a bit of to myself.


    I really like how his vests are to be honest, anyone know where I can find some good ones?




  6. What are some good ways to stand out from other guys? My typical wear has turned into flat front khahis/jeans, and a nice shirt (button up or plainly colored), and alternating between various loafers/brown shoes and a few watches.


    What's a way I can mix it up a bit?

  7. Got named an Official Candidate for the US Naval Academy today. Is it bad that one of my first thoughts was "God now I'm going to have to wear sailor outfits"?



    One of my good friends are going there next year! Congrats, it's a huge achievement. (Just to be clear, the one in Annapolis right?)

    Aye, Annapolis (and thank you). Has he been given one of the, I forgot the name, but basically an assurance of admission due to grades? I'm figuring on one of those, judging by a fellow I know. I just wish the sailor outfits weren't so... Yeah. Eh, just a couple years, then I'll be in MARPATs or a flight suit. Sorry, being irrelevant.


    Yeah, she was. She loves the place too, even though she's been there for one week. She got the assurance of admission in ~November of this past year (our senior year). Although, she had minority leader McConnell's support and personal letter as her recommendation for the position.

  8. I didn't get pissed when the guy ran through with rune on, i got pissed when the people who were wearing void/ahrims did. The biggest thing though, was a guy who was at the next spawn, kept running back to my spawn, messing with the monkeys I had, then going back to his. And then when his prayer ran out he just started barraging my spawn. THAT is what pissed me off.

  9. First off, it's not difficult to get a spot chinning. Really. It's not. I promise you all, if you hop one to two times, you'll have a world.


    Secondly, its not DIFFICULT AT ALL TO USE A bleepING Gree Gree. Seriously, it'll save hassle for you and other chinners.


    Three times now, in less than an hour, I've had to wrangle all of the monkeys back because some ass's can't use a gree gree.


    Third, when you're out of supplies. TELE OUT. Don't go to someone elses spot and start maging their monkeys because you're out of prayer. I'm only going to think you're an obnoxious [puncture], along with 99% of the RS "Community." Yes, Noob, I'm talking about you if you read these boards. It really isn't difficult at all.



    These things aren't difficult at all. Literally none of them are.


    It's simple things like this that make me want to punch someone through my screen.

  10. Got named an Official Candidate for the US Naval Academy today. Is it bad that one of my first thoughts was "God now I'm going to have to wear sailor outfits"?



    One of my good friends are going there next year! Congrats, it's a huge achievement. (Just to be clear, the one in Annapolis right?)

  11. I used to be a windows guy, but then swapped to mac when I bought my laptop 3 years ago, and now I'm getting a desktop. I'm considering using Linux, as i've started to really like open source.


    What do you all think? What are the pro's and cons of each OS?

  12. I personally think not much else than white shirts look good with black jackets. Try to get your shirt to peek out of your cuffs:


    Also, look into getting some better shoes (but of course, they're expensive). I think Die! Workwear and Sartorially Inclined are great blogs for you.


    The sleeves on that shirt were a bit small for me, I'd gained some muscle since I last wore it so it didn't go down my arm all the way haha.


    Shoe wise, they're nicer than they look in that picture (And cost me roughly $80 or so)

  13. Researching over clocking, I've decided I'll most likely do it. I won't be doing heavy after effects, but probably will be doing some because I mostly do jobs for company's such as small commercials and filming teaching courses. After a while I'll probably upgrade my graphics card to a nicer one, but for school something that works well will do for now

  14. I'm not sure if my friend was planning on over clocking it or not, It's what he's done to his own, however he said it took him a long time to do that so idk. I was also planning on getting the SSD for the os and applications, as well for the quicker start up



    Thanks everyone for the help! I'll make sure to come back and post my final build/how the project goes!

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