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Everything posted by NJARSP

  1. Would this be for personal use or on a website? ATM personal use (Being a downloaded App that runs locally), however I wouldn't mind experimenting with a applet or serlvets. There are countless other planners on websites like Tip.it that work great now. May I ask how this one will be different? The idea is to be able to plan multiple targets within multiple goals, not just lookup what level you will be when you smith 1k steel plates. NJARSP will allow you to set multiple targets within a goal, and allow you to track your progress towards a "goal". an example would be if a goal was to finish all quests, then not only the completion of each quest could be a target, but you could also the skill levels that are needed to complete certain or all quests. And I believe that Runescape only uses Java for the interface screen. Correct me if I'm wrong. How will using Java make the planner easier to use? As far as I know, you are correct, however you still need java for the interface screen, thus removing the need to download and install java for this program(because its already done). java may not be easier, but thats the language I'm most compentent in, hence my preference to use it. Elaborate on "everything" please. There are enormous quantities of information that would need to be stored for "everything" to come even close. Xp rates being only the tip of the iceberg. Everything is big, however im trying to plan the software in a way that is goal oreinted, so the comparisions between current state and a goal is not dependant on what the data the targets are. Not only that, but add in features to allow people to estimate both time and difficulty in such tasks. lots of ideas, and I'm sure others will think of more. hard and maybe impossible, but thats what im trying. I'm not trying to discourage you, I just want to make sure that you know what you're getting yourself into. Big task, and i cant do it alone, not even close. hence why I'm here looking for people keen to help. I'm still cutting my teeth on software engineering and development, so i'll make mistakes, but im trying. Cheers Brettw
  2. Hey guys, Brett from NJARSP here, I'm starting this project called NJARSP (Not Just Another RuneScape Planner). The idea behind this program is to be able to plan everything you could want to do in runescape. Language of choice is Java, and as RS requires java, anyone who is interested in this program will be able to run it =D. If your interested in getting involved in this project, then send me an e-mail at [email protected] This project it at the very beginning, so now is a perfect time to join.
  3. Hey guys, Brettw from NJARSP here, I'm starting this project called NJARSP (Not Just Another RuneScape Planner). The idea behind this program is to be able to plan everything you could want to do in runescape. Language of choice is Java, and as RS requires java, anyone who is interested in this program will be able to run it =D. If your interested in getting involved in this project, then send me an e-mail at [email protected] This project it at the very beginning, so now is a perfect time to join. Cheers, Brettw
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