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  1. Cry in Catherby archery shop. Bow or curtsy before you talk to me. Equip a round red and black snelm, a hard leather body and an unblessed silver sickle. The above is what was stated on my TT clue. Tip.it TT guide states that gnome boots are required, which I believe is incorrect.
  2. I played evony, hithere.com, and a few others that strangely were all very similar to each other. Anyone who played evony knows the sort of problems it had when it was first released. Poor customer service, players not getting items they paid for, servers going down, super slow load times and proported malware etc.. It was an effin joke as far as quality gaming goes, and this type of game ranks of evony all over again. Call it Evony version x.2 if you will. I am shocked and surprised that Jagex made the decision to publish this game. Have they had their heads in the sand?? Do they not know how many gamers came to despise Evony because of the cheap adverts flaunting scantly clad females which had absolutely nothing to do with the game, and the lousy service? Or do they know something that we don't? Is this type of game THAT popular?? I just don't get it. In my opinion this is an epic fail for Jagex as far as investing in a game that will turn out for the long run. To me it seems like Jagex is out for the quick buck, which is strange as I don't perceive them as that type of company. At least I used not to, but with a move like this, one wonders... :???: And oh yea, one last thing. PAY TO CHAT????? :shame:
  3. Yea I dislike games that force you to pay to get the good stuff. This game is exactly like evony and the numerous rip offs. I realize that Jagex didn't create this game and is only publishing it, but I'm still disappointed. I'll probably play it until my village is attacked and my 3 villagers die and village taken over by an active player, then I'll go back to skilling on Runescape. :rolleyes:
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