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Posts posted by murtagah8

  1. From the Impossible Balance: "Similarly, anyone gullible enough to believe that Jagex had some sort of comprehensive strategy to defeat bots as Jagex did, at one point, claim is the same sort of moron who gets ripped off under free trade."


    Yes, I was skeptical too (clearly for good reason.) However, I trusted their word on this matter because they had done something about it in the past (aka removal of free trade/ "old wild".) This does not make me gullible. They said they had a plan, there was evidence from the past that they could come up with remedies to similar issues (the bots pre-free trade/ "old wild" removal.) Due to this, I chose to believe them. THIS DOES NOT MAKE ME A MORON! They said they could take care of it, there was evidence from the past saying they could. Please do not deride players who thought differently than you to try to reinforce your point. It is not okay.

  2. I've never given my password or pin to anyone, nor have I ever asked for them either. That being said, if someone really needed my help I don't know whether I would help them or not.


    As for the bugs article, I knew about fally massacre (no duh haha) and about the pvp drop glitch. Didn't know about the safe deaths, but really not all that surprised.

  3. In the first article it says "At press-time, the highest player in the game has already reached level 115" I'm not entirely sure what at press-time means...but I just checked the highscores and the highest level is only 114...fact check next time maybe?

    It means the time of writing/going to press. Articles are written in advance, not on the day of publishing, so it's very possible for facts to be incorrect - something we can't avoid.


    Ah thanks for clearing that bit up. Yes I do know the articles are written in advance, I just found it a little strange that the author would attempt to guess at the highest level on the date of publishing rather than just saying what the level was at the time of writing. But that's just my opinion. Oh and fyi my original post was not meant to be rude in any way...I was merely saying that I thought there may have been a mistake which is why I said to do a fact check next time maybe. Just wanted to clear that up. ;)

  4. First article I won't bother saying much about, simply because it's already been talked to death.


    As for the second article one line I particularly enjoyed was "sometimes what gets published is no more than an elaborated brainfart on a vuvuzela." Thank you for that. With all of the depressing talk about climbing boots that line just about made my day. :thumbsup:


    Article #2 was also meh.


    Its true that a trip to most bosses require being strong in melee and not many bosses (if any) are weak to magic. But Runescape has a boss that requires specialization and teamwork. Its called the Penance Queen. I'm guessing that Jagex saw the lack of people playing Barbarian Assault and assumed that specialization like that was not the way to go.


    The penance queen can be killed by 5 level 80s (summoning included). the rewards have always been, and are still not comparable to any other bosses, and it takes 30 mins to get to the boss, and less than 10 mins to kill it. With a team that has played barbarian assault for a couple hours as individuals, you never fail killing the queen with ease. Mithril dragons are certainly more bosslike than BA. quite frankly, barbarian assault is popular with the lower levels to some degree, and is in no way master or elite in content or reward. does soul wars also constitute boss killing?


    All bosses currrently can be farmed effectively with a small team of players all wearing the same gear. By all "bosses" i consider monsters that should be difficult to kill, not just a routine. If Jagex assumed anything about bosses comparable to the corporeal beast and god wars dungeon from an old minigame, i would be extremely surprised, and very pesimistic about the future of the game.


    Article 1 was interesting although personally I don't skill widely enough to really benefit from Shattered Hearts.


    As for article 2...


    "These free spirits need to be integrated into the community only if they wish it, as single-player alternatives remain. These single-player elements need to be less effective than their cooperating counterparts."


    I'm sorry but, seriously? You say that free spirits need to be integrated into the community only if they wish it? You just used need to and only if they wish for the same subject? Also, it seems as though you're penalizing those of us who choose to be more solitary by making us " less effective than [our] cooperating counterparts." Yes I know it's an MMORPG, however, that does not give you the right to penalize someone if they choose to play a more solitary game. It really irks me when people try to force their ideology on others like that. :angry:


    Oh and P.S. I'm not a loner, I'm just able to see a loner's viewpoint.


    reorganizing the words of the first sentence you quote, retaining the original meaning: "These free spirits need only to be integrated into the community if they wish it."


    What i meant by the second sentence was obviously also unclear on my part: consider soloing bosses today. It's very inefficient, especially at god wars, because you spend your time mostly getting kill count, not fighting the actual boss. That means the single player alternative is clearly ineffective compared to a team strategy. That leaves you identical options as today: get a team, or spend more time on your own.


    However, the single-player way of killing bosses should never be as efficient for the individual as working with a team. You have a free choice to play as a pure character, however in making that choice you sacrifice some aspects of the game. The same goes, and should go for those who choose to turn their public chats to "off", choose not to add friends to their friendslists, and choose to contribute to the runescape community.


    Ok the first sentence makes more sense to me now. And the second sentence I can see where you're coming from now, I just thought you originally meant that players who are more solitary should be directly penalized for being solitary. But I agree with you that undoubtedly a solitary player should be indirectly penalized by not being as effective at killing bosses etc.

  6. Article 1 was interesting although personally I don't skill widely enough to really benefit from Shattered Hearts.


    As for article 2...


    "These free spirits need to be integrated into the community only if they wish it, as single-player alternatives remain. These single-player elements need to be less effective than their cooperating counterparts."


    I'm sorry but, seriously? You say that free spirits need to be integrated into the community only if they wish it? You just used need to and only if they wish for the same subject? Also, it seems as though you're penalizing those of us who choose to be more solitary by making us " less effective than [our] cooperating counterparts." Yes I know it's an MMORPG, however, that does not give you the right to penalize someone if they choose to play a more solitary game. It really irks me when people try to force their ideology on others like that. :angry:


    Oh and P.S. I'm not a loner, I'm just able to see a loner's viewpoint.

  7. They were both very interesting, but I really enjoyed the second article. After being a p-mod for almost 3 years I know the feeling of just wanting to smash my head on the desk. It would be nice if everyone who played rs was forced to read that article because it outlines the most common misconceptions about p-mods and would help answer so many questions before they were even asked.


    P.S. Yay for registering just so I could respond to that article haha. :thumbsup:

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