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Posts posted by BlitzKriegMod

  1. Mather - You find a fat old man on lying on the floor, he is wearing a large bearskin suit and holding a club.


    If you choose to ally him you will be on your first steps to creating a tribe, you can now individually move both members of your tribe or move them together, it would be helpful if you mark your area somewhere on the map.



  2. Mather, It will normally, I am on my phone so can't use a fair dice system or research without taking a long time, it's only for tonight.


    Earthsage - your body gets cold but your hand feels slightly warmer.

    Mather - you look around the river until you find a sharp flintstone, there is a cave infront of you, a heavy snoring resonates from within.



  3. Earthsage - you make a shoddy looking stick which looks like a five year old made it, you walk to the stream, you can't find any fish.

    Mather - the bugs are poisonous you feel quesy, as if you ate about to throw up.



  4. Earth - your find yourself that it's dark and hard to see, it is still warm. There is lots of rocks on the floor, a couple of twigs you hear a stream nearby and birds tweeting.


    Your not allowed the bow or the dagger.



  5. There is a a stick lying just next to the small river, you pick it up and find that it is soggy and covered in woodlice. There is a tree to the left of you with a large stick next to it, you decide to pick it up.

    You have nothing to sharpen the stick, and no string to attach a rock.



  6. Mather, the map was intended for large populations. You don't really require it at the moment.


    TomH, feel free to join, give a description of your character and whet he is and you can start


    Mather - In your sights you find yourself in a large green field, The grass stil has dew on it. You clamber through the thick grass For a long time until you find a gleaming source of water.



  7. Hello, I am BlitzKriegMod.

    I will give the password to this acount to Archimage_A if he feels like joining and knows the rules.

    And anyone else who has proven themselves trustworthy.



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