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Posts posted by Greg295

  1. Do you make your own pots? Without knowing you im guessing you dont. If i could straight up buy my exts without having to get brown spice in that godforsaken basement, hoping for a good boost, logging out every inventory to keep that boost, then decanting them i would gladly buy them.


    Ah. Why not just get the actual herblore level FOR the potion and get rid of getting the brown spice?


    If pots were tradeable you would have to, unless your proposing to use said stews to DRINK THE POTION instead. Yeah. That'll work :rolleyes:


    I don't have the actual level for them because like many people my bank isn't amazing, and i was thinking along the lines that selling untradable exts (most notably spec restores) would allow many people to buy the actual level that they used to have to boost to.


    And no, of course im not proposing we run into gwd with an invent of brown spice, stews, and ext pots for every time we repot.

  2. Do you make your own pots? Without knowing you im guessing you dont. If i could straight up buy my exts without having to get brown spice in that godforsaken basement, hoping for a good boost, logging out every inventory to keep that boost, then decanting them i would gladly buy them.

  3. I agree with that dragonlord and totalpwnage have said completly, espescilly about the ability to wield them instead of buying them. But for this to work, i think that every buyback you do would have to be rather expensive (20-35m) so you dony have a ton of chaotics running all over pvp. But i never pk, any pkers want to tell me what they think of this idea?


    On a side note, i also think that extremes should be tradable and just require level X to drink them. This would eliminate boosting for them, but you could also sell back any extremes you make while training, and i know alot of people have 10k+ spec restores just siting in the bank that will most likley never be used.

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