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Everything posted by TheSolitary

  1. TheSolitary has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

    Hello, now your happy aren't ya?

  2. There was alot of player complaining about the grinding, saying its jagex that made them grind because either they wanted alot of exp, or the timer was going down to fast (wich is both almost the same) i think its not really jagex faultif you went grinding on a skill, cuting off discussion with friends so you can GRINDGRINDGRIND it might be on the other side .. wich would be the player fault, a lack of discipline maybe, also.. wasnt this game made to be fun? we need to consider "ourself" too in part of the problem, isnt alway others fault (in this case, jagex) should we get where is the limit before we bypass it... ive done 1m exp in summon in about 2h, not cuting myself from talking, since 2x exp is still better than 1x exp, after running out of charms, i just went away, doing my normal activities (slayer, with 2x ..along with dark beast, almost giving 1k slayer exp a kill) could have done something else after, its the 2x exp, GRINDGRINDGRIND nah.. once done with my assigned task, i went to get another, didnt feel like doing it so i just went to do something else its not jagex fault if i didnt abuse it, neither its their fault if some say i did with summoning, i didnt prepare myself either for that weekend considering it would be unfair, i just done what i wanted to do wasnt a stressfull moment of rushing here and around... just get yourself You limit Also.. for the market prices, some got alot of exp out of it, buying ressources, on the other hand.. maybe some poor people sold their stuff to make money, waiiting price to be normal... then buy back the material, getting their exp there
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