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Posts posted by Myu

  1. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    +++ - - - - - - - - - I'm a beautiful, strong - - - - - - - - - - +++

    +++ - - - - - - - independent game developer- - - - - - - - +++

    +++ - - - - - who don't need no company politics- - - - - - +++

    +++ - - - - put this in your signature if you agree - - - - - +++



    I'm more interested to see where Fen Research will go from here, if Andrew has what it takes start it all over again. It's a different world from back then. It seems like it's supposed to be an indie developer. Honestly, indie developers are the only ones with the assets(or more accurately, without restrictions) to make innovative, creative and original games.

  2. Most professional artists use reference pictures almost every time they draw something. Expecially if it's something they haven't drawn before. The most important thing to realize that you don't need to know WHAT you're drawing, it's what you're DRAWING. That means, that if you want to make a wolf, you don't draw a wolf. You draw what a wolf looks like, feels like, acts like. You have to know the anatomy, behavior, muscles, texture, weight, and so on. That's what's most important if you want it to look realistic, and believable. Otherwise, it's not gonna look like a wolf, only what you think a wolf looks like. I hope that makes sense.


    If you know that, then it doesn't matter what medium you're using. You could do just as well with photoshop as with a simple pen and paper.

  3. Here's the initial sketch I did for my entry. Posting because I'm not sure I'll be able to finish because I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm having a lot of fun trying out pixellating, because it's a completely new technique for me. I've learned a lot just trying to get photoshop to work properly to be able to work pixel by pixel. I hope everyone has as much fun as I do entering this contest.



  4. This is a reminder that Tip.It strictly enforces all RuneScape rules and admitting to violating them isn't something that we allow. General discussions are okay but stay away from, "Yeah I sold GP for real money and I'd do it again," kind of posts.


    I sold gp on runescape for sexual favors while snorting cocaine and I'd do it again, if it weren't for those meddling mods and their ability to hand out bans on a Runescape fansite forum.


    But seriously, breaking runescape rules doesnt make you a bad person irl [or support prostitution or drugs or cheating of any kind] and it doesnt encourage trolling on a fansite. Tip.it should give up their stance on this, you are only driving a wedge in your community. It is rather sad that you care more about Jagex rules then Jagex :lol:


    Part of being in a close relationship with jagex, staying in the good light of jagex, keeping the site platinum, is abiding by the rules.

  5. It's a legal scam. The odds are in your favour. With a capital, there's nothing to lose for the host. It's just about finding players stupid enough to gamble when they have the odds against them. Even if you get lucky, it's still a bad move to play even once.

  6. "blink" spells - short range teleports such as 5 - 10 yards in any direction, would promote maging and hybriding



    I swear to god i once saw that in RSC. There was a mage and he was teleporting several squares at once and i was trying to follow him as fast as i could to ask how on earth he was doing that but i lost him.


    It might have been a jagex mod. but i have no idea.




    it was lag. :rolleyes:

  7. Still, you probably don't want to accuse someone of botting, when you technically have no proof yourself.

    why not?

    Because that would be morally wrong.


    Morally wrong how? I'm guessing it's an assumption, not an accusation, and there's no moral concerns about thinking, only about actions. If it was an accusation, meaning he took action and reported without proof, then it's not morally wrong, just stupid.




    I miss the time when botters were bald, had tanned shirts and green pants.

  8. The skin doesn't need those bright white highlights on the arms. Having it on the nose is fine but nowhere else. Adding those highlights in other places gives it more of a porcelain look rather than realistic skin texture.


    Otherwise it's nice :)


    Yes, the porcelain look is easily made by having crisp highlights on all skin parts.

    I know it's not good, though. I have to get more experience with colour in general, since I mostly work in B&W. It feels as if I can't see minute shifts in the colour, especially in saturation. Skin is such a hard thing to colour for me.



    Here's a B&W picture I did. Most of the time is spent on the hand, obviously. I gave up on it because the face gave me endless problems. The sketch of this took around one minute. All the shading is in one layer. I also notice now that his hidden knife is misplaced and deformed.


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