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Posts posted by British_Dan

  1. seems like [cabbage] got serious again


    gj guise


    Well if you want a rivalry again, please pick up the pulls and not rely on an alliance to war us fullout. Oh wait i forgot it's daddy downfall we're talking about here :ohnoes: ....L.

  2. Is this even really necessary? This is exactly why Downfall doesn't mass declare on TWR anymore, clans are so [cabbage] point hungry that they need to keep this [cabbage] going. It's sickening tbh, a loss is a loss learn from it and move on. The funniest thing is back when Downfall was younger we complained about Legendz attacking first and Legendz even said it was no biggie, now they use that against PH. I say well done PH and congratulations. The topic should be finished as Ninane made the ruling and it shouldn't have to be carried on any further. This is why the older TWR clans are moving on to wars outside of TWR, no one wants to deal with this 10 page [cabbage]. Take the loss and move on PH outperformed. I realize that you are all probably upset because A B K B 2 4 tanked for 30 minutes and that's why PH won, but really just let it go and learn from it and move on. There is nothing more annoying than having to go through 10 pages of nothing.


    200 points isn't that big of a deal. You lost the war, we've all seen that. Just because some mods declare it a win for you doesn't cover up the fact that you legitimately lost the actual war.


    I find this interesting though as Legendz laughed at us for making up "excuses" during our wars, and I quote from one of your members. " I left Downfall because they can't take a loss they always make up excuses."


    Now I ask that member as they know who they are.... take a look where you ended up, is it any better?



    Congratulations PH, take the loss Legendz, they're just points.


    Go back to your dead clan, you lost 2 straight wars, and 3rd one is coming this weekend with your alliance. I would really be worrying about that right now if i was you.


    Oh snap someone link me to the closing topic. Or is this another fail troll by infinitone?


    He trys bless him :rolleyes:

  3. But i think LGZ deserved the victory.


    Wait what?

    LGZ deserved the win. PH cheated big time. And you guys did out-perform, I know most of LGZ hates me because some stuff i did in the past but like I'm being serious right now. You guys deserved the win.


    O.o..........Ok, Rizzle.


    Krist, maybe with more even opts we would of got so "dominated", no need to be so biased. but as you said we did, our pull wasn't good and idk about our orginisation i wasn't there personally but im sure a Rm with new rules will bring us hopefully closer next time.



    Go back to your dead clan, you lost 2 straight wars, and 3rd one is coming this weekend with your alliance. I would really be worrying about that right now if i was you.


    You win some you lose some, I do believe I remember when Legendz was slumping and could barely pull 20. However I'm not going to flame you and talk [cabbage] about your clan as I have no reason to, as some of us are more mature than others. My clan is not dead, if it were then there wouldn't be a war this weekend of Ascension+Downfall vs Collided Legendz.


    I'm pretty sure losing 2 straight wars has happened before in the clan world and this isn't a first. Also, I beg you to follow our clan more closely since you already are trying to tally our win/losses. If you did this you would realize we already won a war today. So now that resets. We lost 2 in a row and just won a war, which means we are on a 1 war win streak. I plan on getting a 25 war win streak to get my Nuke, and I won't let your clan get in the way of that. I hope your members stock up on Rune as I'm not even going to try and hide the fact that we will be hitting you all the most, as we all know Collision can return, however we know for a fact that you all can't. Good luck in your first pkri. I wouldn't talk [cabbage] until you know for sure you're going to win.




    Also, I would like to point out the last part of your "scary big boy post"... and I quote. "I would really be worrying about that right now if I was you." Yes you would be worried, however we're not... It's Runescape, It's a game nothing to be worried about unless you leave Runescape for real life, come back to find your clan dying then have to rehabilitate that. Oh right. That happened to Legendz. Seeya Saturday.


    Sorry since when have your members known how to return, if i recall half your members are well known for haveing one rune set, have you checked our Ml lately? You can hit our members all you want but Don't worry, you won't recorgnise half the names as unlike your clan we bring in NEW members weekly, in your other post you stated how we slumped, well, we come out of it, you've been in this slump for like a month or 2?


    We've been preping alot for this pkri so don't expect it to be so easy, you talk big but until you back that up with some legit pkri wins, only us will know that both clans are inexperienced in pvp (Lgz haveing 3 pk trips) and Downfall haveing about 7-8 and afew wars, that is still inexpereinced. Both our clans talk like Pvp is something we do every day and then you and us wonder why we get hit by clans like tk and others so much whenever we try and go there, well, that'd be because they can talk and walk, all you can do is talk, same for us Lgz members take note of this.


    Ot: Goodjob Ph, maybe a 40v40 next time would be better for us. :thumbup:

  5. props to hp for killing 4 people with that huge number difference.

    lovely pull lgz, keep it up and grats :thumbup:


    They killed 2 - 2 dc's - our african unit's connections tend to play up.


    Goodfight Hp, didn't think to offer a matched war. Could of been fun, maybe a war matched sometime would be nice seeming as you had some decent levels and tanks there.


    Respect <3:

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