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Posts posted by embracearth

  1. Get your facts straight. We're recruiting and rebuilding, we're not "winless" and we do step into the wild, just not on the level you should be expecting because we are a CWA clan after all. You should know all of that by now. For whatever else you're saying, that is a lie. What I think he meant was that ALL clans go through slumps at one point. Df has been in a slump in their time, and so have we. Good on you for your victory, you deserve it Downfall. All clans will have their times to shine, no need to rub it in at all. And personally, DW really needs to back off. It seem like you're pushing to start beef out of nowhere to get your members all hyped up to beat us. We're not looking for a rivalry, so your buildup of all that e-rage and baiting is useless.


    Well said!!


    OT: Grats downfall, best of luck in your future wars Legendz!



  2. You won because you outpulled us, good job on that, and nice win.


    Clean fight, Hope to war you guys again very soon. Good luck in forthcoming matches.

    you guys were insisting on a cap of 20 man pull when negotiating =/

    Yeah someone got the time wrong on the forums and clan chat (Not naming anybody)



    But that's no excuse, you guys still did well. Next time we'll do matched ;)


    Congrats anyway.



    @ Kuru, yeah, we did used to rely on numbers, but I'm saying that they won because the pulled more, that was their advantage..

    In the rematch, it was matched, range off. and we won..


    But still, Good job.


    If u didn't notice we allowed our trial members to stay for the second round and get some prac

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