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  1. ima stop posting now, so i dont annoy ppl. srry for calling him a jerk. and i guess one day ill get over it and play.
  2. i do not know what trolling is, and im being serious jerk. i actually have a problem, i posted in help and advice. if u dont want to post a reply in this that doesnt help at all then dont plz.
  3. ok, so i have a problem with playing runescape. ive never really been able to describe it well, but i have already posted like twice on here about it. so im going to try to explain it this time clearer. im not really a noob at runescape, but i just have this problem. im basically, not able to play runescape. i get on, and kindof try to play, but then my mind just starts racing, and since i have stress, anxiety, and adhd i cant really put all my attention to the game. i also have a habit of talking in my head, and i hear voices. no joke, its just a probloem i developed after i started doing drugs, and im not trying to exxagerate or show off that im 'insane' or something, its just a habit i developed. i started getting very paranoid cus of weed. no this is not my life story. im just a 15 yr old that wants to play runescape, and have some problems. my main is lvl 72 cb f2p. so plz, if u have any tips or suggetsions, tell me. yes, i have looked at the guides on this site, but i still couldnt really find a solution.
  4. i abandoned my old character a few weeks back, in order to maybe get a new start in the game.
  5. im not a mem anymore, but i cans till play f2p
  6. i have a problem with playing runescape. theres not really a way i can describe it, because its a bit too complicated. heres an example of how i play: i log in and then kindof sit there, doing nothing, basically waiting for an answer thats never going to come. or i try to go and train something, or do something then i log off again usually about 10-15 mins later i get back on, hoping that i will be able to play, which most of the time doesnt happen. i try talking to ppl, but soon that also seems hopeless and pointless. so whenever i completely give up, all i do is get right back on the game. and yes, i am not all that much of a noob, i know all the basic cities, and where to buy things, and know how to use guides. yea, even trying a guide wont work. also, i am very addicted to this game, even though i cant play. im always thinking in my head 'how do i play'? and, think about the guides i try reading, and since i am not able to play, it is constantly stuck in my head. i stress myself out about it, and am very impatient also. i dont really like any other video games. i also have this problem with various other games, same way; i just start thinking, and sooner or later, i give up on what im doing. and yes, u could say im a 'no lifer' in a way. but since i cant play this game, im not even considered a no lifer.
  7. kk, so on my last post i told about how i have a problem with rs, and am addicted. most ppl told me to quit for awhile, and then get back on. i think i can play runescape now, and heres my strategy: im not gonna use guides, im just gonna use my world map, and look for monsters and things to do. and explore and find things on the map. i think doing this will help because im not following a guide, and guides arent fun to me because ur doing what something or someone tells you, and can take long times to reach your goal. i might give up again, and change my mind. any advise?
  8. ok, ty for the advise. that was one of my plans, get off for awhile.
  9. my problem is, i cant play runescape anymore. ever since i started playing again about a year ago, i for some reason just dont get the game anymore or something. i try new ways to play, and either just give up or try quitting, but end up not quitting, becuase i like to play. can any1 give a solution to someone who is not able to play runescape? (btw, even when i try to use a guide, i still just cant play. i want to keep playing, and i dont want to quit. i feel kindof like im being tortured by the game in this way.)
  10. sup im jake, ive always gone to tip.it but never have considered becoming a member
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