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  1. Well I'm 83 rcing now I've started double astrals and if Thingsngonas planned I'll have 40m from the first 125k pure ess and then in the end of astrals I'll have somewhere between 61-90m based on prices (which are going up thank god) but to answer your question I had about 17m starting and that was plenty after about 60-65 rcing at zmi I started making my money back which was nice, tho I'm not sure if I'll stop at 91 rcing to get str or attk up seeing as how money gets addictive anyway I'll keep you guys posted
  2. Hey guys no activity so far lol but for those who skinned this and thought I wasn't serious about rcing then here you have it my updated levels and goals Attack 60/70/99 Strength 60/85/99 Health 90/92* sorry/99 Runecrafting 40/74!!!/91 Prayer 52/52/70-95
  3. Oh and Also to let it show how fast and hard im working, i started this path last tuesday.
  4. Hey guys, Best Farcast here, SO basically my account as it stands is a pretty good pking account. I started my most recent journey where i left off before i went on vacation, cb lv 94, 99 range 99 mage 90 health 52 prayer and 70 def and 40 runecrafting. SO lets break it down easily --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health: 90/93/99 Attack: 60/70/75-80-99 *in that order Strength:60/83/99 Defence:70/70/70 Prayer:52/52/70-95 Range:99/99/99 Mage:99/99/99 Runecrafting:40/51/91 Total Cash flow:17m/25m/500m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just made this rune tips account so based on how active this thread becomes... I will post as often as possible. *I would love feedback on what you guys thinks, i have some pk videos out on youtube if you guys want to take a look, but my goal is that for my next video i will be a maxed 70 def tank with AGS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next up is tips from you guys, I have never trained melee up until now, and i would love some tips on easy places to train strength where i can get 100k exp/hr kinda thing and not have to worry about banking a lot or using a lot of food/prayer, i have been training at experiments, but its kinda boring. I also don't really want to train at monkeys with dh cuz i probably am not going to have the money, vie invested a lot of it into pure ess for ZMI and currently am bleeding by the fingers to get 75 runecrafting for that huge pouch. Anyway thanks guys, Try to help me out, give me your opinion look my account up Best_Farcast, youtube me subscribe and wait like hell for the masterpiece to be completed. Hopefully i can drive a stake through that [wagon] wtf elvemage. Cheers mates
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