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Posts posted by ranqe

  1. anyone know what the doughy bread you can buy in greece (and probs other countries to) is called


    i always had that on holiday but i cant remember what its called and i would love to get some

  2. hnnnnng. using a bolt action sniper, if not getting a 1 hit kill close up to the chest wasnt bad enough when i fire somtimes it dosnt fire, the trigger is all the way down, fire you [bleep]ing piece of [cabbage]


    also that spot to get underground is so annoying the area you can get under is massive and even if 1 person goes down there the squad norm spawns on him and will never leave. can nades hit people under the ground?


    also also, [bleep]ing rambo revivers are [bleep]ing annoying, every [bleep]ing time i get rambo rev'd some [bleep] camper kills me


    So refuse the revive...herp derp


    before i can i get shot and die in my 2nd chance state



    also. muting people needs to be easyer and faster. going all the way in to their gamer card and hitting mute takes way to long + you cant really see if anyone is coming at you. mic spam is so annoying

  3. hnnnnng. using a bolt action sniper, if not getting a 1 hit kill close up to the chest wasnt bad enough when i fire somtimes it dosnt fire, the trigger is all the way down, fire you [bleep]ing piece of [cabbage]


    also that spot to get underground is so annoying the area you can get under is massive and even if 1 person goes down there the squad norm spawns on him and will never leave. can nades hit people under the ground?


    also also, [bleep]ing rambo revivers are [bleep]ing annoying, every [bleep]ing time i get rambo rev'd some [bleep] camper kills me

  4. some sniper impressions. looks like we wont be able to 1 shot with the bolt actions at close range now :(


    been watching some of the beta game plays and there is alot of camping, prone on rocks or in bushes lets hope this dies down


    also. y does knifeing look so bad, its just ugly now

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