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  1. 4lvl clue from bronze dragon. This scroll will work within the walls of East or West Ardougne. Orb scan range: 22 paces. east from north bank This scroll will work in the desert, east of the Elid and north of Nardah. Orb scan range: 27 paces. transportation in middle of desert east from shilo north from edgeville loot - price check 3 super sets(4) ancient chaps armadyl body 2 yew seeds 1 snapdragon seed Crew Edit: All Compass search clues have been added to the guide up to this post. ~Juhnie
  2. my level is 112, got clue from jungle strykewyrm 1. wizard tower, 2. knot, 3. north-east shillo, 4. knot, 5. north-east yannile (125 lvl guthix), 6. north-east black knights' fortress (125 lvl guthix), 7. scan- east/west ardougne (west one, east from anvil), 8. knot, 9. scan- fremennik slayer dungeon, just past basilisk, 10. knot, 11. north from ancient pyramid (by its right edge), 12. bandos puzzle box. reward: 65 nats, 18 prayer(4), dragon longsword, 9 antipoison++(4), 22 biscuits
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