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Posts posted by PkAllDay

  1. Hey guys, I havent played in about 6 months.. Just got membs for a month (for now). Update seems really cool..one question i got: Is chinning still good/the best range exp? i have a ton left (enough for me to get 99 range probably) in my bank.. but is this still a good method or should i do something else? thanks! :P also curious about 2h vs dual wield as sy said

  2. Hey guys I cannot get the music to work for my video!!!

    could someone help me please?



    Please subscribe and like it :] more will come.


    LOOOOLLL gf lurers. but i got a question...

    how do u get so many people to lure u? like

    i dont see many people doing that.. i want a free 600k :P

    add me if you want.


    if you ever see me in w99, chances are im in the bank...


    i dress in such a way that attracts the luring crowd :thumbsup: .


    I fixed the video. you have to watch in 480p or 240p though.


    interesttinn.. sure ill add ya :D

    i loved how that guy in the vid was like "wait u werent supposed to take those, give back"

    silly lurers..

  3. [hide]

    pictures are from videos


    When I get time i'll work on a signature centered around P hat's if you would like. Heres what I did in Paint since I'm not at home on my desktop comp. Are you stuck on forming words with items? Or do you just want a signature?


    if you could do a "999134th" phat word that would be great :D



    Lovin the sig, if u use the cropped blue phats thatd make it better but still good.

    Um.. around how much have you made off staking? jeez :P

  4. I just got hacked today for a crap load of stuff and this is my rant to jagex/the hacker/the world




    C ya runescape and Tip.it, its been real but i gotta quit now for the sake of my sanity


    ouch sorry for ur loss man...but i agree with you, i wouuld much rather lose my bank than chaotics..

    even though my bank is nothing to urs still..

    but on another note..

    that hacker is the STUPIDEST one out there.. estimated 1b worth dropped or w/e...

    when free trade is coming out in like 3 days?? he shoulda just waited, not that its good he hacked u.

    Probably traded his bank for junk and then dropped it.

    Do you mean the hacker traded that stuff to his own account and gave junk to brio's?.. if so, 500m+ junk is crazy o_O

    if u mean somethin else then sorry :x

  5. I just got hacked today for a crap load of stuff and this is my rant to jagex/the hacker/the world




    C ya runescape and Tip.it, its been real but i gotta quit now for the sake of my sanity


    ouch sorry for ur loss man...but i agree with you, i wouuld much rather lose my bank than chaotics..

    even though my bank is nothing to urs still..

    but on another note..

    that hacker is the STUPIDEST one out there.. estimated 1b worth dropped or w/e...

    when free trade is coming out in like 3 days?? he shoulda just waited, not that its good he hacked u.

  6. Online honour is worthless.



    So if i take some stuff ill get a guy flaming me.. big deal.. PM to friends.

    People should be actually WILLING to risk what they bring wherever.

    Now for example: i tend to dc/lag or run outta supps a bit early into a frost trip.

    If there was a guy who like shared a few food and gave me a couple supps or blessed if i dced..

    then yes i'd bless his grave should he dc or just die

  7. they said the entrance to the dungeon will possibly be located in the wilderness.


    The cave in the north-west wilderness (zamorak temple in around 40 wilderness near kbd) has been unused since it was introduced with Whilst Guthix Sleeps, has no left click option.. and looks like a gooood location to have it.


    I saw that today, never really go up there but i knew it wasnt new.


    If it is there-- getting there will be a pain too along with actually dealing with revs/people in there


    @sir squab-- statuettes ARE tradeable though, however it doesnt make a difference because u'd get same amount.

  8. Terciu:

    Will the new revenant dungeon have some sort of mighty revenant boss? Will the "dungeon" itself require any dungeoneering level to enter?


    Mod Fetzki:

    Good idea - let's see whether we add both these things.


    Might add a Dung requirement? ! *points to dung lev*

  9. Wow Triquos, another great idea!

    I can honestly say not ONE of your ideas have been bad, all are great!

    On topic of dyes: this is a very interesting idea! It'd be fun to see colored dragon armor or mage robes.

    The infinity robe color change was great when it came out, so if some of these ideas were implemented, itd be great.


    SUPPORT :thumbup:

  10. ^ Idk its either it leaves attacking to follow you, or it cant seem to appear :P or both..


    A friend of mine showed me these pictures...decent cropping.




    1. That armor looks greaattt!

    2. I got no idea what the says on the door...

    3. Looking at the pic on bottom right, the boss has a way of stunning you/pushing u back, looks similar to what cyclossus does

    4. Apparently there ARE zaros minions, i thought itd just be kill 40 of each haha.. wonder how tough these minions will be?

    The door is in Latin.


    "Life is short, in a short time it will be finished

    death arrives faster than anyone believes

    Death annihilates all and pity on no one"


    Jagexfail though, you don't capitalise in Latin except for names.

    Wrong, though you were close. The second line is "death comes quickly and respects no one"


    Seeing as the rangers are graphically different to the current spiritual ones, could we be seeing a general GWD graphics update?


    I didnt know what language :P

    interesting translation and k112-u may be right. those probably are zaros minions but could be gwd graphic update. either way those armors are hot

  11. ^ Idk its either it leaves attacking to follow you, or it cant seem to appear :P or both..


    A friend of mine showed me these pictures...decent cropping.




    1. That armor looks greaattt!

    2. I got no idea what the says on the door...

    3. Looking at the pic on bottom right, the boss has a way of stunning you/pushing u back, looks similar to what cyclossus does

    4. Apparently there ARE zaros minions, i thought itd just be kill 40 of each haha.. wonder how tough these minions will be?

  12. on the topic of learning from scamming and lures.. haha i recall one time when i was alot noobier

    i lost my bank to a dungeon lurer(all 2-3m of it! lol) well this was when construction was

    still a popular skill but not like new.


    what happened was: a guy was advertising for his house

    so me lookin for fun, i decided to go. i went down to his dungeon thinking i'd own everyone and have fun..

    his friend was down there attking me, and he was maging me.. there was no escape from the dung..

    RIGHT AS I DIED (serious, perfect timing) he expelled guests, leaving me to die outside the house and people

    could freely loot my stuff :wall: but i mean it was a good lesson for me, something *could* go wrong.

    in almost any situation.


    trading wise- rofl that team scam.. one guy "buying _______ 5m" and another guy "selling _______ 1m"

    i fell for that, it was a zerk ring but i learned from that and i was cautious whenever i made deals/traded


    there was also a trick where people would sell veracs--noted. the skirt was replaced with a bronze skirt

    this made it seem like it was veracs because it was noted. learning from the past experiences and such,

    i checked the items and everything before accepting. so i didnt fall for that :P


    anyways to sum it up: scamming,luring,etc, while these may be bad, they also help teach lessons and such

    if you dont learn for them well, then thats ur problem.

  13. ooh i remember staking.. i was alot noobier back then

    id wear my full rune as though it were regular gear for my lv

    then during the fight i'd switch to veracs haha :D never staked more than like.. 200k but still

    if wildy, free trade AND staking came back.. idk thatd just be so pro

  14. Meant this picture for proving a point on the Wildy/FT thread, but there's several things wrong with it


    Spot 2 Easter Eggs and the glitch:




    The fact that at the top it says "up to recent updates" and at the bottom is says "up to contact us"


    And the fact that he says "Jagex will exercise the right to keep Runescape the way it is, which implies that they already made up their mind no matter what and therefore the vote is just PR. Calling fake on this.


    Or the fact that the QFC is invalid :P

    the flags are in wrong order :o


    its also locked yet theres a reply button :P

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