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Posts posted by Afishinsea

  1. It's been Jagex's policy since the start, and if they change their position on it there is already a backlog of thousands upon thousands of players who have lost money from bugs, hacked accounts and so forth that would also need to have their items returned. They can't just change the policy because chessy is famous, nor would it be right to do so.


    There are also a huge number of issues in returning items. If player B hacks player A, taking player A's blue partyhat and selling it anonymously on the ge to player C, how would you return the hat to player A without duping it?

  2. Drum: Solo TDs can be 35k+ summoning experience per hour from charms alone and I'd choose them over waterfiends and rock lobsters any day.


    I did some calculations and TDing for 187m summoning experience would take roughly 5350 hours, give over 1000 pairs of claws (1:250 droprate) and give ~3300 effigies. If the effigies and dragonkin lamps are used on summoning that time would be cut in half, but they could be used on rc for 195,620,700 rc xp or rc (effigy option) and slayer (lamp option) for 37,125,000 xp and 158,495,700 xp respectively. Using urns for every kill is an additional 20m prayer xp for free.


    For a player who hasn't yet made cash for buyables, that could be a very smart way of getting 200m slayer, sum and other combats. At current prices 1k claws would sell for 24b.


    The constant stream of effigies and primarily blue charms would also give a lot of opportunity for breaking XP records.

  3. ^ That's exactly why anyone seriously aiming for all skills 200m is smartest to leave all combat and slayer training to last, as combat receives far more updates that improve XP rates than any other part of the game. In just a little over a year we've had chaotics, effigies, d defender, turmoil, kuradal, extremes, full slayer helmet and now these ashes.

  4. Flipping isn't "abuse" of the GE though, it's a required economic function. Without flip merchers the GE would be a completely unstable and utterly chaotic trading environment where prices fluctuate millions by the second and trading is a lot less convenient.


    There's a culture in RS today of being able to buy and sell anything instantly. As players wishing to conduct instant trades naturally rarely coincide, there needs to be players buying from the people who want to sell instantly and selling to the people who want to buy instantly.


    As there's nothing bad about it, by not flipping you're only really harming yourself, and increasing the profits of those who do choose to flip.


    Of course, you could make the argument that it is only design flaws in the GE that make flipping required - but as the game stands, it is required, so you may as well take advantage of it.

  5. I'm a player who wants high level equipment. I'm a player who is ready and willing to boss for hundreds of hours for that equipment. I was misled into believing Nex was going to be the boss that would allow me to do this.


    The problem with Nex isn't the killcount, or the difficulty, or the kill length - it's simply that its drops, for 99.9% of players, aren't achievable. You can kill Nex for 1000 hours, spending 500k-1m on supplies and risking 30m of equipment each trip, but you're guarenteed nothing in return, and players have responded to that by simply not killing it.


    To me, there are two things which would require minimal changes to Nex to implement but either of which would make Nex worth killing:


    Remove randomness from Nex drops - The absurdity in assigning items worth 1b+ to players on the basis of nothing other than the result of a random number generator should be obvious to most people. While such a system works relatively fine for lower level monsters with lower value drops as they can be killed frequently enough to average out the drop rate, at a place like Nex it's just silly. With randomness removed, a torva/pernix/virtus piece could be guarenteed to every player after a certain number of Nex kills are participated in, adjusted for team size. The piece that is received could be either random or chosen by the player, so long as them getting one is guarenteed.


    Drastically increase the drop rate - Considering the team sizes required to effectively kill Nex, drops being made 10-15x as common as they are currently would be the only reasonable option short of making them 100% drops.

  6. The information I'd like the GE to show is the current best offer and the current best ask. From that I can work out the best price to trade at for how quickly I want the transaction to complete.


    Average price over the last day may be good for a historical graph and as a reference to know whether you're getting scammed or not, but it isn't very relevant when actually choosing a price at which to put an offer up, leading to overreliance on the prices 5% below and 5% above yesterday's average.


    Personally, I'd like to see the 4 hour buy limits on the GE strengthened further to balance out the GE's convenience (read: make merchants have to do actual work again). No item over 500k has any reason to have a limit higher than 1 per 4 hours - if somebody legitimately needs 100 furies in 4 hours they can go and buy them in face to face trades, same with 10 santas or 10 godswords.

  7. Runescape's [bleep]s are showing themselves in this thread. If only we could make a complete list of them so that considerate players know who not to afford their kindness to when a training spot is taken.


    If someone is at a spot, it's theirs. That's it. Hop and find your own spot. Can't find one after trying multiple worlds? Maybe then you can consider taking another person's spot, but it's still douchey and there's surely something else you could be doing.


    Far too many players act as though they're in a single-player game where everything exists solely for their benefit and they don't need to give any respect to other players at all. To play the game like that is one thing, but to actually argue in favour of such a playing style on forums is something else.


    This isn't as much of an issue for me as it once was as I can now outhit or outskill most every spot stealer and crasher, but I will still never steal a spot myself and look down heavily upon those who choose to.


    There does seem to be a strong correlation between lack of intelligence (or at least concern for cost and time efficiency) and spot stealing, as when someone does attempt to steal my spot it usually results in a far lower experience rate for them than they could be getting had they spent the 35 seconds it would take to hop.

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