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Posts posted by iamsomebody1

  1. Current Top 24 for Dungeoneering :D




    Zezima's currently at 118, so two more levels until max total. I suspect when he gets it, though, he'll just miss out on a front page rank.


    Wow, I can't believe he's gaining this quickly. Anyone think he may end up being the first to all 200ms?

  2. The thing about Zarfot though was that he was efficient 95% of the time, Every time I've seen Foot he was multi-tasking and missing potential XP's. The point I'm making is just because someone makes a 5 min video of them being efficient does not mean they are necessarily efficient so please don't compare Zarfot to Foot, that's like comparing Led Zeppelin to Simple Plan...

  3. I feel so bad for these people and you all encourage them.

    people are going to do what people do, why try to troll?


    I'm not even trolling, I genuinely feel sorry for them. I use to be addicted to runescape so I know what they're going through, trust me in 5-10 years most of these people will look back and wonder what the hell they were thinking, I wasted 320 days on this game and even that is depressing. This thread is just encouraging them even more, because you're giving them what they ultimately want. Unfortunately a lot of people in the world today could care less about others, thus they hate the "no life" posts and will deem them automatically as trolls.

  4. mithril is opening his effigys right now@@@@@@@@@


    let drumguns record be broken


    also, lets hope its not a repeat of sushi and he dcs after 2 hours, costing him the record by 2m xp because of loosing 4 hours


    I lost all respect for sushi after he didn't get that daily record.

  5. I might consider locking my account so my highscores still stay there. Also I cant block RS because my brother still plays :mellow:


    And grats Suomi, keep going <3

    What are you planning on doing in the real life mmorpg? :)


    He's been doing drugs with his friends since he quit RuneScape.

  6. I hope that people aren't taking this as narcissism=bad music. Narcissism certainly doesn't imply the music "sucks". It just proves that the artists (or producers) who write lyrics are more centered on themselves than in previous generations.


    I know that but I always try to raise awareness to the people that aren't aware of how much better music there is out there and are tired of the crap the radio forces down your throat.




    Rap has the most narcissism in my opinion especially the mainstream crap.


    [bleep] pop is pretty bad at the moment with the likes of Kesha, Gaga, K Perry and all those others idiots.


    I think mainstream rock has the least amount of narcissism (compared to rap/pop) but alot of the songs I hear just sound whiny and that gets annoying quickly.


    I disagree entirely.


    Here I am! rock you like a hurricane...



    I'm TNT I'm dynomite


    or that Ted Nugent song about stroking [kitty] cats and whatnot


    Narcissism knows no bounds of genre


    Well that's only three songs and their nowhere near as narcissistic as some of these songs you hear on the radio telling young kids about how much more money they have than them and how famous they are. These people on the radio are purely in it for the money, no love for music and if you believe otherwise, that's fine, enjoy your radio music. I'll stick to my indie music that still have some passion and aren't ego maniacs.

  7. No, iamsombody1, people don't listen to them because they LIKE the lyrics. Half the time lyrics don't even matter when it comes to mainstream music. My theory is that the people who listen to them just want something not-so-serious. The reason they are mainstream is because they appeal to the masses, why? because it's easy. Easy to produce, easy to listen to, easy to dance along, to sing along etc. The lyrics are also easy to memorize and repeat.


    Compared to mainstream music, other types of music are "harder" to listen to. They require more understanding, more appreciation. Take prog rock/metal for example, many of the songs are REALLY long, and this just bores some people. The longest song I have on my iPod is probably 15 minutes, and that doesn't even come CLOSE to the length of progressive songs. I find a song over 30 minutes to be hard to listen to, but others find over 10 mins is torture. But none of this means one person is better than another.


    You're really off, but it's ok, it's just a phase and we've all been there.


    The argument presented here defines well why I have so much top-40 pop music on my iPod. Easy to listen to, fun in the car with friends, and catchy.


    As for elitist music attitude/troll things going on here, I don't find any benefit in thinking my music tastes are superior to those of anyone else. As a matter of fact, I feel the same about my food tastes and clothing tastes; the combination of my opinions makes me myself, even if I have a lot of similarities with other people. We're all biologically very similar, and it's only natural that many of us would have similar tastes. We also like to fit in, which is why a lot of people follow mainstream tastes and pop culture.


    tl;dr second part: I listen to pop music, eat out at chain restaurants, and wear name brand clothes. That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else IMO.


    I understand people are alot lazier today and not everyone has the attention span to listen to an 8 minute song.


    I don't have an elitist view, I just have a passion for music. Another thing that bothers me is when people think just because a song is popular it automatically means it must be good, and how some people have the nerve to have Eminem or 2pac in a top 5 rapper list, when they blatantly aren't giving anything else a spin. My brother is like you Fluffy I was making a playlist for him on itunes and he declined Floyd/Zeppelin but put The Fray on his ipod, and that's fine with me, his loss.


    I've been less caring about what people listen to now because it's a pointless cause, at the end of the day people are going to listen to what they want.


    I'll give you laziness, to an extent. It's all in ease of access, and people tend to turn to the many pop music radio stations.


    As for short attention span, it may be true, but again, it goes back to ease of access to shorter songs on mainstream stations.


    After you claim that your views aren't elitist, you say people have "nerve" for going with the mainstream artists, and then present an anecdote on how your brother rejected your music and it was his loss. Your music was mainstream at one point in time and still has a strong following to this day. Although your tastes aren't current mainstream, they're still far closer to mainstream than things other people listen to, and the longevity of the artists you listen to (the ones you just mentioned in the quoted post) proves them to be mainstream.


    If your previous posts in this thread were all ignored and only your most recent reply was considered, you'd have a chance at showing some credibility until the final paragraph, where you destroyed all credibility for yourself by essentially saying your opinion is right and others aren't entitled to their own opinions. Your attitude problem is the only "pointless cause" I see here.


    Well I'm sorry I have a greater appreciation of music than most people do apparently? Also, they became popular along time ago before the music industry took a complete 180 turn. Anyone still looking at charts to find the best music of today is sorely misguided. That is an antiquated system of measuring music that is no longer valid. Who honestly still buys cds? Probably only young kids who idolize random celebrities that caught their attention. That is why you see the likes of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga dominating the charts.


    The hip crowd that is plugged into the really good underground music scene (where the best stuff is) generally download all of their favorite albums.

    Also, I'm not saying music today is bad only majority of the radio/top charts. There is a lot of great music out there today... A LOT of great music. You just have to scratch beneath the surface a bit.

  8. No, iamsombody1, people don't listen to them because they LIKE the lyrics. Half the time lyrics don't even matter when it comes to mainstream music. My theory is that the people who listen to them just want something not-so-serious. The reason they are mainstream is because they appeal to the masses, why? because it's easy. Easy to produce, easy to listen to, easy to dance along, to sing along etc. The lyrics are also easy to memorize and repeat.


    Compared to mainstream music, other types of music are "harder" to listen to. They require more understanding, more appreciation. Take prog rock/metal for example, many of the songs are REALLY long, and this just bores some people. The longest song I have on my iPod is probably 15 minutes, and that doesn't even come CLOSE to the length of progressive songs. I find a song over 30 minutes to be hard to listen to, but others find over 10 mins is torture. But none of this means one person is better than another.


    You're really off, but it's ok, it's just a phase and we've all been there.


    The argument presented here defines well why I have so much top-40 pop music on my iPod. Easy to listen to, fun in the car with friends, and catchy.


    As for elitist music attitude/troll things going on here, I don't find any benefit in thinking my music tastes are superior to those of anyone else. As a matter of fact, I feel the same about my food tastes and clothing tastes; the combination of my opinions makes me myself, even if I have a lot of similarities with other people. We're all biologically very similar, and it's only natural that many of us would have similar tastes. We also like to fit in, which is why a lot of people follow mainstream tastes and pop culture.


    tl;dr second part: I listen to pop music, eat out at chain restaurants, and wear name brand clothes. That doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else IMO.


    I understand people are alot lazier today and not everyone has the attention span to listen to an 8 minute song.


    I don't have an elitist view, I just have a passion for music. Another thing that bothers me is when people think just because a song is popular it automatically means it must be good, and how some people have the nerve to have Eminem or 2pac in a top 5 rapper list, when they blatantly aren't giving anything else a spin. My brother is like you Fluffy I was making a playlist for him on itunes and he declined Floyd/Zeppelin but put The Fray on his ipod, and that's fine with me, his loss.


    I've been less caring about what people listen to now because it's a pointless cause, at the end of the day people are going to listen to what they want.

  9. You don't know what I listen too I only put 2 songs. I have many obscure bands on my ipod.

    A song is good to me if I enjoy how it sounds, it's that simple. I find mainstream music boring and repetitive, you need to accept some people don't like mainstream and can have their opinion.

    Like I said, I am perfectly at peace with the music you like and the music you dislike. The problem is you consider yourself to be an authority. In short, you think if you don't like it, it's crap.


    A song is good to me if I enjoy how it sounds, it's that simple

    As opposed to:

    I like a song if I enjoy how it sounds, it's that simple


    Your close-mindedness is all the more frightening that you're accusing me of not accepting your opinion, when you're making your subjective opinion into an objective statement. I don't mind people saying they don't like a style of music. But saying it's bad and anyone who listens to it will need luck in life (what for anyway?) without arguing about the music itself is not an opinion. It's insulting and injurious.

    Like I pointed out earlier, musical taste can be even biologically determined. It has nothing to do with your level of intelligence.


    Whatever buddy, I'll leave you my channel and vids. I'm done arguing with a troll.





  10. No music without singing? Well, there go all of Bach's fugues, jazz, most electronic music spanning from ambient to EDM and including IDM, movie soundtracks, post-rock, and a big chunk of metal and progressive rock...


    I don't mind what you listen to; but you pat yourself on the back for listening to deep music and searching for your music when there's nothing complicated about the lyrics, nothing different about the score, nothing underground about the band. Moreover, you put people down because they listen to music you don't like, despite the fact that you clearly know nothing about music history or composition; how can you judge whether music is good or not without this? You can't; you can't name a single reason why this band is good, based on their music and solely on that. That's why you resort to calling everything you don't like [cabbage]: your own, subjective taste has become a benchmark according to which you belittle what you dislike, and hail the bands you like, backed by anonymous music critics whose opinions are likely not much more valid than yours.


    It's like reading Lord of the Rings-type fantasy books and saying you have great taste in literature, and every book you don't like (including the classics, which are respected by people far more educated) is [cabbage]. You don't have outstanding taste. You're different from everyone else who just reads the books they're given in class, but you're only doing it to make yourself feel good about yourself, and your taste isn't "better"; it's just not the same thing; rotten apples and rotten oranges, if you will.


    I'm not upset you said Sympozion was [cabbage]. I know enough about music to know they're an extremely innovative band.



    You don't know what I listen too I only put 2 songs. I have many obscure bands on my ipod.

    A song is good to me if I enjoy how it sounds, it's that simple. I find mainstream music boring and repetitive, you need to accept some people don't like mainstream and can have their opinion.

  11. I listen to them simply because I enjoy their music/lyrics and that's good enough for me

    Nice one.


    Same for just about everyone else who listens to music, mainstream or otherwise. Personally I can't stand metal, but I'm not going to slate you for liking it or claim my preferred music is better simply for not being metal.


    So you're telling me the people that listen to rap and the other crappy artists like lyrics about mistreating women and about how they have so much more money than you? *braindead zombie cough cough*

    I'm really finished here because I know you guys don't want me bashing your favorite artists. I will leave you with some classic songs you will probably like.



    The fact that they have sold over 100 million albums tells me they must be good. I listen to them simply because I enjoy their music/lyrics and that's good enough for me also they don't sound like anyone today, that's the good thing about the old days every band was unique and had there own sound, now you can't tell them apart. I swear nickleback and theory of a deadman are the same exact band.


    Sympozion sounds terrible to me I like to have a singer in the song without a singer it's all just crap like trance/techno (which mind you, take absolutely no talent at all I could probably make that music if I put my mind to it).


    You're out of your mind if you think I will sit through an hour let alone 3 minutes to listen to them, just to give them a "fair" chance. They suck imo.


    Justin Beiber has sold over 10 million albums in two/three years, does that mean he's good?


    Musical taste is a matter of opinion. There's no way around it. It's impossible to be "right".


    Justin bieber has no real credibility (or staying power), the Scorpions do. The only people that would say Bieber is good/best are young tweens/teens.

  12. I'm done here though too many butt hurt mainstream fanboys

    You've been calling me out on my mainstream taste even though what I listen to is, for the most part, not mainstream, and I mean that in terms of popularity. I wouldn't be surprised if, even if you wanted to listen to them, you weren't able to find where to download these.


    8,992 plays (1,349 listeners)


    The Reign Of Kindo

    781,514 plays (14,889 listeners)


    Dark Castle

    104,192 plays (4,109 listeners)


    Iron & Wine

    46,759,018 plays (1,354,145 listeners) [7-digits for good measure, or else someone's going to call me out on being a hipster or something stupid like that]

    I could go on. The fact that you pointed out Scorpions is considered (by whom? citation needed?) a great band once again shows that you're going by other people's opinions, as opposed to forming your own. You probably have no idea why Scorpions could be said to be a great band. Clearly, it's not because their music was complex, because as I showed earlier it's simple as can be.

    That doesn't mean Scorpions are bad. I just said you had nothing to be proud of.

    Also, calling Sympozion crap because you don't like it after a minute is just absurd, the track lasts three minutes and a half that form one cohesive block; you can't judge a whole song, let alone a whole album or artist based on a one minute sample... Do you play or write music at all?


    The fact that they have sold over 100 million albums tells me they must be good. I listen to them simply because I enjoy their music/lyrics and that's good enough for me also they don't sound like anyone today, that's the good thing about the old days every band was unique and had there own sound, now you can't tell them apart. I swear nickleback and theory of a deadman are the same exact band.


    Sympozion sounds terrible to me I like to have a singer in the song without a singer it's all just crap like trance/techno (which mind you, take absolutely no talent at all I could probably make that music if I put my mind to it).


    You're out of your mind if you think I will sit through an hour let alone 3 minutes to listen to them, just to give them a "fair" chance. They suck imo.

  13. Pfft, you have nothing to feel special about. This song is set in a very simple i - VI - VII chord progression, and reaches its pinnacle of complexity at the end of the riff with a harmonic minor, which remains within the most basic music theory. The lyrics are nothing special, it's a typical unrequited love story. The singer and the lead guitarist are technically good, but they don't do anything particularly special. This is hardly more complicated than a Katy Perry song (which I dislike, by the way).

    Sounds like you don't know much about how music works, and you decided to dislike music based on its popularity and associations as opposed to its intrinsic merit.

    [Edit] Haven't listened to the second song, I'll do it later.


    Haha Scorpions are considered to be one of the greatest bands ever you really have no idea what you're talking about. I would love to see your idea of a good song and no trance/rap bullcrap.


    And by millions of people Kesha is the best ever too.


    The issue here is that you don't value music by it's complexity of production but rather of your opinion. Kesha and Scorpion are both very bland in the ways of musical theory/math/thingsidon'treallyunderstand according to Omar.




    tl;dr (a word of advise to all too)

    Stop bashing the mainstream and listen to your damn music.


    Kesha the best? if anyone thinks that lmao gl irl all I can say.


    These people are going to grow up and look back and wonder how the hell they listened to that crap. I use to listen to some [cabbage]ty bands when I was young like mcr/linkin park/papa roach etc etc mainstream crap but I finally grew up few years ago.


    I'm done here though too many butt hurt mainstream fanboys


  14. Pfft, you have nothing to feel special about. This song is set in a very simple i - VI - VII chord progression, and reaches its pinnacle of complexity at the end of the riff with a harmonic minor, which remains within the most basic music theory. The lyrics are nothing special, it's a typical unrequited love story. The singer and the lead guitarist are technically good, but they don't do anything particularly special. This is hardly more complicated than a Katy Perry song (which I dislike, by the way).

    Sounds like you don't know much about how music works, and you decided to dislike music based on its popularity and associations as opposed to its intrinsic merit.

    [Edit] Haven't listened to the second song, I'll do it later.


    Haha Scorpions are considered to be one of the greatest bands ever you have no idea what you're talking about I would love to see your idea of a good song and no trance/rap bullcrap

    I hate to do some type of battle of tastes, but here goes...



    Key changes, time signature changes, insane layering.


    I got bored after a minute or so you can't compare that crap to Scorpions

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