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Posts posted by EvilZerga

  1. Who is Jagex?


    I always found it rather unusual that i never seen any in real life pictures of any jagex mod.

    They have never been interviewed to my knowledge,

    There have never been videos about their work places behind the scenes...


    And when I play any other game, theirs a lead designer, a graphics engineer, a code engineer and so forth. Any game has one. And every game has pictures of these people.

    Why does nobody know jagex?

    Is their any source that shows these ugly nerds faces?


    And if such pages exists then does anybody have a link.

    Id like to know whos game im playing.


    Thanks for your answers...

  2. @peregrin,


    Whaha funny :thumbsup: Well its not quite like that honestly, but i can mimic the similarities.

    ANd thanks, I though for a moment i was the only only one feeling this way. Still makes no difference,

    Jagex adds more values to kids and i can imagine that, still makes this reality a bit sad.

    Its even worse that you cant talk with them about it freely, as i also posted similar rants on runescape forums,


    I used no scold words, only contexts to how mods behaved and how they used their rules in almost a communist form to maintain order. I know its a problem for them.

    But when i post a similar rant on runescape dot com, mods are replying to me in a highly bureaucratic, unsopporting, unsymphatized way... on top of that, all those messages are pre written. They have it set in notepad to copy and paste in their messages the moment a annoying character like me is putting actual truths on the internet. Its so pathetically sad... I have no words for it...


    When he posted that it made me so angry... I said mods suuked and all theyre chassing is a children community with child like values and they should listen to me. Then i told the mod that he should send a personal message to my message center for sympathy on the subject and if he didnt do so i would classify him as a 12year old. Some stupid forum mod anyway whom probably is 12...


    So again i got a basic copy/pasted message that if i didnt ease down i would never be able to use the forums again.

    On top of that i got alot of other ASCII tissue boxes and man with hand on face messages cause theyre all just like i said they were.

    I never used the rs forums since,


    And i see no value in going there again.

    The worst thing is, im "Right"

    And proving my right is actually a offence to them, and they cant accept that. The only thing that kept me away is because the whole bucket of bolts of immaturies were in a majority, so there wasnt much support on my side.


    I feel more sorry for these people including those pathetic Fmods. They have no lifes irl, they dont deserve better...

  3. I dont wanna take people out of their dreams,

    But every top player is runescape is a bot.

    Everyone in atleast the top 1000is a bot.


    8years of RS2=



    2920x24hours = 70080hours...

    Averaged maximum of xp rate per hour (average over all skills)

    About 60k per hour.


    Jdelacroix=2,34billion xp. 2.340.000.000XP

    2.340.000.000\70080=33390XP per hour.


    Which means he must be online for 13hours every day, without vacation, without having to work or go to school, without doing anything else then skilling, with no alternative events of money making, fun slaying, or doing anything enjoyable but just skilling skilling skilling.


    These guys are bots,

    Really good bots!!! :ohnoes:


    EDIT: and that calculation is if they actualy all started the moment rs2 got released...


  4. I really feel i need to go ranting about this.

    Just by hoping some people support me on the view of social matters in runescape.

    My rant is specifically aimed for chat monitoring, and abusive words. Not to mention the pathetic chat filtering.


    Its a long read.




    TL;DR version: I hate jagex mute system, mute evidence, and social surveillance troughout the game.

    TL;DR messages i will receive. Please dont post... You waste your time on 5 characters which time you could use elsewhere. If you feel free to reply to it anyway with TL;DR... L2READ!




    Within 1 week i've been muted for 2 times...

    Yesterday i got muted aswell... So for what you might ask?

    I've went to my message centre to the appeal ban/mute service, and I reviewed the evidence against me. For like 10minutes I was starring at the evidence, just to actually realize what innapropriate language I used.


    So then I found out, at last.

    I was with a friend in the partyroom, I was about to eat my dinner,

    So i've told him i was gonna visit my girlfriend after diner and I should be online within the next 5hours.

    So the mute must apply to the phrase... "i was gonna visit my girlfriend..."

    Ye... this is really abusive language,

    It was pure sollicitation, and a actual girl from runescape.......SARCASM!!!! TO THE LIMIT!!

    If girlfriend is such a arousing word then why didnt they chatfiltered this word in the first place.


    This whole event brings me to the fact which I always knew about.. Runescape is for kids..

    Im not a kid, im 19 and close to getting 20 years old. Its not the actual kids that i blame. They are all around me, on this site alone. Well sometimes i do bother myself about some reall immature characters. But in general, i talk to them i play with them and we can all make fun and i have no actual problem that this game is aimed for kids in the first place.


    The reason I blame jagex is for not accepting, or creating a environment in which a few grownups can talk like mature people. I always need to be aware, and alert that im playing a game with teenage people and some that are actual kids under 10 years old.


    Im very sorry to all the community of runescape that i have a girlfriend, and sorry if you havent.

    Its just a 24hour mute, so why am i so angry?

    Im angry, because


    *the mentality at which jagex bases their mutes, they actualy call it a offence, when theres nothing offending about it. It is just a level of chat that doesnt fit into the picture age which they like to offer to their game. If i were to use the "word" girlfriend in any other community, everyone would agree what i was saying, we would have an adult like conversation about sexy things and girlfriends.


    Just because there are pedos on runescape or whatever reason these jigglyplex fools imagine we cannot even call our loved ones by the appropriate term.

    So next time i need to be cautious which characters and words i use.

    Sometimes im switching between MSN messenger and the runescape client.

    And in the MSN window i have to adapt to my friends vocabulary, and in runescape i need to act like a daddy on the playground.

    Not that i use such abusive language irl. Im a very proper person, and even if you are proper there are sometimes some slightly innapropriate words that fall in the wrong ears.


    Also i find that the actual chat filter sucks hard... very hard... Alot of english words cannot be said properly,

    Sometimes i have to bypass certain english words just to say them. But perhaps those are offending aswell.

    To my knowledge everything is offensive to jagex if its source is no actual cambridge english.


    This doesnt only account to english, there are lots of non english languages that suffer more from the chat filter.

    And sometimes i even read forum topics on runescape dot com that want the chat filter to be even more strict.


    I find there shouldnt be a chat filter in the first place.

    Then again i do agree that certain kids use alot of abusive words. Im not going to mention them cause i know just as you know theres alot of abusive words and phrases in circulation.

    Sometimes i wonder how runescape attracts so many immature characters,

    I dont see such environments anywhere apart on runescape.

    Maybe because runescape is a low standard game when it matters to graphics. I mean, you can use a very weak computer to play it.

    It wont amaze me if alot of low standard people in this world play this game...


    Sorry for judging reasons here,

    im just getting mind buckled by how things are in runescape while they shouldnt be the way it is.


    Im a very proper person,

    and i get accused of things just because im selected to belong to the same brush of people that play runescape.

    But in reality im totally different then most of these people.

    I never use scold words, i never threaten others, I help more people then anyone else.

    But i get muted by the offence system regardless of that just because im part of a immature system.


    Im afraid that alot of people out there might feel adressed. So their egos are going to play tricks on them, telling me to GTFO.

    Maybe i shouldnt bother with affairs which cannot be changed. Runescape is as it is.

    I hope some people are going to agree with me,

    there must be some mature people out there....


    I have actualy posted a similar topic on runescape dot com in the ranting section.

    I know the runescape ranting section is one big troll, i shouldnt expect any supporting messages,

    But there were non supporting messages.

    Everybody just love the chat filter and the abuse system it seems,

    These actual kids dont even realize jagex is feeding them up like mom and dad.

    And im suffering from it badly.


    Hopefully there are different minds here on tip.it

    Sorry for the long rant,

    I just boiled over from hatred,


    NOTE: The first mute i received one week ago was in regardence to spamming.

    There was a mod next to me,

    I knew he was there,

    What i didnt knew is that he could possible anticipate my spamming and classify it as a offence in the first place.

    But it seems jagex itself has a very different view on that.

    It was nothing more then 3 lines of text.

    And it was in regardence to a 600M drop and the contents of the chest.

    May i please rant a few lines, no i may not.

    It feels like im participating in a communist state,


    Well thanks for the read.

    Or thanks for not reading.

    Either way, goobye and have a good time in runescape..

  5. I didnt asked to look in the crystal ball.

    I said what you guys think based upon past events and usual occurences in this scenario.


    Eventually they alll go up.

    But concerning the poll here most people think its gonna drop.

    Im not asking for a fact cause there is non.

    Im asking for opinions.


    And thanks for the grammar lesson...

  6. I have moved your thread to the help & advice section of our forums. You are asking a question and advice more than looking for a discussion on the prices from other forum members. If you do want to dsicuss the state of rares and other high value items such as rares, the following is a very good thread to use: http://forum.tip.it/topic/259136-3rd-agespirit-shieldsphats-discussion/


    Thanks for your information, i will read it trough.

  7. Im currently in possesion of a halloween set.


    I bought it yesterday at the 17th to celebrate the returning of free trade and the wildernis. I bought them oblivious to their current market setting, and i was never planning to keep them long.

    So if i was a smart person which im not i assume, i would never bought them, i would have bought a santa instead.



    Ive been trying to sell them everywhere, the rs forums, the grand exchange (which always fails but i tried) and on allmost all trading worlds for hours,

    and i cant get rid of them, and they say theyre crashing badly.


    I know a crash comes with reasons and recently i found out why theyre dropping.

    But hween masks have already dropped tremendesly on the 180days charts. I cant imagine they will drop further since theirs simply a set amount of them since theyre discontinued.

    Im willing to keep them 1 month after the FT&WILD UPDATE, give it a few more weeks if your sure theyll rise again eventually.


    I wasnt planning to make money with them.

    But either they drop or im getting very broke,

    Or im lucky and theyre rising.

    I wis they could just stabalize.


    Ive putten quite alot of money in them of all cash that i had.

    I would kiss my ass if this turned out to be all time low.


    Can any of you give expert advise, with forethought on how the marketprice of these items will change over time...

    Thanks for your answers.

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