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Posts posted by Fred_S

  1. Awaiting confirmation from Billing support that claims the following:


    The Customer Support team is here to ensure that you have the best possible customer service whilst playing RuneScape by providing coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for all of our players.


    Asked if we would get the Golden Katana if we bought a 90/100 day card from another retail store. And to confirm if this indeed was a compensation item for those that skims through news posts too fast.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkbBb-xc1s4

    ^Den's American Guide.


    If you dont trust direct links, please go to amazon.com and search up Runescape [Game Connect]


    If you're american simply follow this link www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008AX06ZI/ (credits to allmonkey for finding the golden katana)


    How to get a Golden Katana if not American: (Mod please remove if this guide somehow goes against forum rules)





    Notice: One could probably skip the gift card section and order it directly with a fake address, but this guide was made so one wouldn't buy something with a fake address and get into trouble.

    With this guide you buy a code thats worth the exact same as the membership first with your real address and then use the gift code with a fake address to evade trouble. Skip Gift Card section at own risk.


    1. Make yourself a amazon account on co.uk, first add your normal home address and a credit card.


    2. Log on with your amazon account now at Amazon.com and buy a $22 gift card for gamers with your credit card and send it to your address, a e-mail will be sent to you. be sure to enter 'today' on the gift send option.This will take some minutes to receive. (redeem this code at step 4)

    (You can see the Gift Card Tab on the top of the site, Ctrl + F and search for Gamer) Here you can set your own amount ($22).


    3. Select a 90-days or 180-days membership deal at the link posted above, follow the steps until you get told that this is a US promo only.


    4. Go and edit to your credit card information (bottom right screen) and edit your home address like this:


    Address 1: Fakeaddress 101

    Address 2: Fakeaddress

    Town(example): Alafaya

    Zip(example that fits with Alafaya): 32816

    (The code to enter is FL) at - - (this is a florida address)


    5. Redeem gift code.


    6. You are now allowed to press buy now instead of getting the non-US error.


    7. Congratulations, you now have the golden katana!


    Optional for further purchases with Amazon in the future

    8. Change your address back to normal (on co.uk)


    Result for a Norwegian player:






    Old Post:




    Apparently someone has already received it in game.


    Anyone know how to unlock it?


    Try quick chat: I like your item: Golden Katana.




    This guy talks about getting it personally added from Jagex themselves for not getting his flaming skull item from a 90-days card but people have been seen and reported that it randomly got added to their inventory/bank. Hopefully this is like the Mad May Necklace where Jagex themselves had to add each member manually.


    Just want to add a point: Jagex must have planned this ahead and that makes up for a interesting contradiction, they couldn't have made that item so fast to compensate for a wrongly bought membership card... this must have been planned ahead. Its not really fair to the players that reads the update thoroughly carefully instead of skimming them.


    The big question is... will we be able to get a Katana now a day after the deals by again buying yet another 90 day membership card from another retail shop?


    It has not been confirmed 100% yet how to get one, the wiki pages changes often.


    Guess we have to wait for a Mod to comment this.


    Edit: Quick Code: 291-292-15-63816506


    Hi All,


    There has been a lot of talk in RuneScape recently, probably since those devilishly looking flaming skulls have appeared, with rumours about a Golden Katana.


    We appreciate both items would be an exciting addition to game and would continue our promise to add new and exciting content into RuneScape.


    At this time we can say that more news on the Golden Katana will be announced soon and suggest as ever, that you keep your eagle eyes peeled on our home page for any future announcements.


    In the meantime, while you wait for more news - have you checked out our post about the Flaming Skull Promotion we have running?


    Remember if you have any questions after reading our FAQ on the Flaming Skull promotion you can contact us at Billing Support.


    Hope you all have a great weekend from here at Jagex HQ.


  3. Hope they mix out those rewards with the lamps so the chance of getting em gets worse.


    What is people issues with the lamps? Do you not like getting the lamps instead of the 50 gp spins? If people want to pay for 99 in a skill via SoF, good for them. You shouldn't be angry at these people just because they have the extra money to spend on the wheel when you won't.


    Never been angry about it, just think they're too common. And i think the main reason people are giving SoF the evil eye is because it was a drastic game change from the idea of what runescape was built from.


    I've been there through almost every update of this game, both good and bad.

    And as everyone does when they've built up memories in something they make their own values that they think only matters, but i can't decide what your good experiences in a game should be, its interesting to see someone actually enjoying the SoF feature actually.


    I'm not playing the same game anymore and i guess i just have to get used to that.

  4. Dont know if i dislike the ice mask more or the bow. They're rushing these promoes too fast, not good development for a costmetic... wasnt there anything special about the arrow shooting with the bow?


    Katana is still far the best promo so far.

    As said in the FAQ these promoes will be used for shop promoes at first but later on in other offers, so in the end for the patient one will get the chance to get it too through bank cards.


    Edit: ForsakenMage is there anything particular interesting in firing the bow?

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