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Everything posted by btraill

  1. Give the Wilderness Guardians a look-over! I guarantee we have everything you're looking for a more. We have players that play across all timezones. Click one of the images in my signature to take a look at our forums. Our updated website is currently under construction.
  2. I just want to start off by saying Stormrages article hit the nail on the head with how 99% of the Runescape community takes nearly every decently sized update and or overhaul of systems. A vast majority of Runescape's community seems to get stuck between the stage of Denial and Acceptance. While Runescape was first developed for the world as a game, not a business -- everyone needs to understand that successful things in life eventually turn to money-aspiring businesses. You cannot expect a game that has been around since the 90's to stand tall on its feet without some sort of funding. With the release of Squeal, yes, there were some drastic changes and some of them were quite hard to accept at first, however; people need to understand that Runescape is becoming more fast-paced and less of an over-all "grind". It is commercializing. This is something that everything that is successful in life eventually goes through. This game is also a business. It needs to cater to both ends of the spectrum. People can either see this in the light of that it will actually have greater content quality, or, they can simply stay in the stage of denial and anger and bash the game and its developers. On to EoC... Change is something that is hard to adapt to for most people. Especially since combat has stayed "static" and "linear" for decades now. It is going to be a tough pill to swallow for the community that is against this update. People also need to understand, change is not always bad. With every change you have pros and cons. The Runescape community (I'll use a figure of speech) has simply grabbed the horns of the cons and have ridden them since. Maybe it's time to step back and analyze some of the positives these updates can provide. EoC will provide the more casual player a more enjoyable environment. (*ding* I guarantee you we will see an influx of NEW players to Runescape during this time. Something I think Runescape needs dearly. We need fresh players.) Combat skilling will now see a whole new era of interaction... Skills, rotations and attack styles will now actually play a decent role in strategy on both lower scale warfare/combat and higher scale warfare/combat. While yes, there are some incredibly saddening changes (Example: The single/multi problem within the wilderness for Clans) -- but who knows, updates are not set in stone. Improvements, changes, and modifications are bound to take place within the months after these updates. Patience is a virtue, something I think people need to understand. With patience, I do believe a lot of the negative nancies will realize things will be straightened out. Give the game a chance with this update, don't give up on something that has provided you so much quality content for something that is actually evolving the game. Hence the name of the update, The EVOLUTION of Combat. In conclusion to my paragraph regarding EoC -- I'm going to call out all the "ZOMG IM QUITTING -- STUPID UPDATE IS RUINING THIS GAME" players that they will end up returning to the game within the months to come. Changes that are still not liked after this update will be nerfed/balanced to cater to the community that pays these developers to make these changes. Game production is a cycle. It eventually comes back to to us the game players to decide how the game will remain. A prime example, the removal of Free-Trade. Stop being so closed minded and accept change! Who knows... Maybe you'll do a complete flip-flop of how you feel Note: I wrote this quite fast, sorry if my train of thought took off in some areas. Also, some grammar and sentence structure is questionable. I'm quite busy at the moment but felt this article deserved a response. Great content Ts Stormrage! I always enjoy reading your articles.
  3. I do not agree. 99 still takes a ton of dedication. Runescapes skill progression and XP charts are quite ridiculous. Don't make the game a career. It already is a part-time job.
  4. Btraill's Blog to a Fighter Torso Why? Gearing my character to be the best possible at my current level. a Challenge I lack a lot of motivation so hopefully this will give me a good kick-start! I will learn the Barbarian Assault Mini-Game while getting closer to earning my torso Lastly, some group fun! Where am I currently? About to start! I'm at 0 points, so it's from scratch. Hopefully it will only take a few days, though!
  5. I already looked that over, however; it says last updated April 2009. Is it still accurate?
  6. Downfall is running an amazing community for skillers. /Greetings from the MyBB forums! :)
  7. Can someone recommend me some of the best items to High Alch? (Will be buying from GE)
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