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Posts posted by PurpleCrayon

  1. LMFAO ^ This thread is full of the best random pictures. Love it.


    Damit! I don't know..I'm not that fond of my videos thyre pretty bad compared to some of the quality you see people do but I'm learning and I want to do in game stuff and get better. But aslong as I make people laugh/cheer them up with my awkwardness my job is done. :)

  2. I just google imaged weeboo to try find out what the hell that is and it comes up with stuff like an alpaca and some hideously customised croc shoes...as if they weren't already manky enough.

    They're essentially people obsessed with japan and japanese stuff. Usually characterized by loving manga, anime and cosplay. Also they like to say kawaii.


    mfw Miss Liddles keeps a chicken.




    Yeah! Im getting two new baby yellow fluffy ones next week too. So fluffy...maybe they will make an appearance in vids. I'll start them young. They'll be wearing p hats in no time.

  3. XD thanks! I'm sorry to disapoint but my cooking fails irl. :L

    I'm one of those wierd science experiment wimiminz who loves to play video games, drink beer but is also rather girly and likes to dress up and has a large ammount of shoes.

  4. I don't know...I'm in the middle on this one. It seems a bit advanced for a java game? I mean I love using ventrillo etc with friends but I can't help but think the girl gamers such as myself will get a bit hounded by random kids asking to chat, even if it's in an argument 'to proove we're not guys irl'. Vent suits me fine for boss monsters and just random banter with friends. But yeah if it happened that's cool I guess and obviously it would be optional and maybe an add on thing like that internet toolbar they released. I'll probably just stick to my ventrillo.

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