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Posts posted by vdevilv

  1. what the... who the... ew... wow... *dies from over thinking* Dude, 1st: What the hell is it. 2nd: You need to clean up lineart 3rd: i like the colors 4th: the buttcrack scares meh












    1. i have no clue, something between a chick/bunny :shock:




    2. wat u mean clean up lineart?








    4. It doesnt scare me 8)

  2. im having a hard time shading this sig and getting a good backround. All i got is ms paint so its kinda hard.












    ^ plz tell me wat to do.












    i drew a backround, but i think its really bad (really messed up on the grassy hill :? )








    plz help.

  3. it says i need to dig it up in karazi jungle, but i cant go in there.. Do i need to do legends quest to be able to go in?! Or should i just drop the clue cuz i havnt even started any of those quest needed for legends.?

  4. it always worked till now. it just says cannot find site.. I have pressed many links to it, still notin :( .
















    and for some reason many pictures i look at here on the forums have a X in them and they r unviewable :?












    :oops: i feel stupid now



    Either your ISP is having problems, or your computer cannot handle the broadband traffic maybe? Are you using wireless, and you're getting a poor signal?








    What are the specs on your computer, and are you using a wired or wireless internet?








    well im using a modem.








    Okay, and you didn't answer my questions. :roll:








    I'm assuming it's wired. What are the specs on your computer?








    um, wat r 'specs', sry im not good with technology nor spelling :(

  6. Either your ISP is having problems, or your computer cannot handle the broadband traffic maybe? Are you using wireless, and you're getting a poor signal?








    What are the specs on your computer, and are you using a wired or wireless internet?








    well im using a modem.

  7. since i got verzion dsl, i've started to always lose connection, it would say connection lost, then kick me to the log in place. Im not sure if this is the problem tho. Does anyone know y it keeps doin this? i tried using dif java n dif worlds, but it dont seem to help. It is getting very annoying, i have died 2 times already while fightin and losein connection~! plz some1 tell me wat to do! :?

  8. well what i use is photoshop elements 2.0.. cost about 50 usd in sams club ;p Not free programs though (although there are illegal ways to get them of course), and most of the higher level ones cost upwards of 700$




    u know any that r free?

  9. i need help with saving. i save on .png, but wen i use it as my sig, its says that the file size is too big, or somtin like that. but wen i save as gif or jpeg, it loses its color, i need help plzzzzz

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