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Everything posted by Bromswell

  1. Thank you for all your advice Litterbug, very helpful. So farming and MTK for money? How do you farm ranarrs, do you wait by them and make sure they're not diseased or do you just accept that you're going to lose some?
  2. Any suggestions on how to get there? From my experience, hunter is pretty slow to train.
  3. Yeah, but not necessarily good money. All I can really do is sell red feathers at my level.
  4. Thank you everyone for your replies. I plan on leveling up strength through slayer after I do Lost City and getting my range up around 40 too. How can I make money from hunter and farming? is that only if I get them up a lot? Thanks again!
  5. I've been hanging around these forums for a while now and I figure that since I just got 1000 total levels, now would be a good time to join. So what should I work on now and how? What are some good ways to make money at my stats, or close to them? Pretty much any general advice would help. Thanks, Bromswell
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