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Everything posted by CaptHunter

  1. Time zones :/ Easter Eggs: 1: XP- 3: One of the yellow dots show someone running north then back south again for no reason :o 4: Most people are perfectly still, this would not be the case (dots are static). References: 2: That's your Pts currency. Bonus points, since they're blue. I can't figure out what 73 represents :P 4: Little Pwny Unicorns!! 5: Sailing in the skills interface. 6: TzHaar Hero - both the guitar and the beard hair :P How I made it 1: 250. 2: Old CWars platebody (lowest class). Indeed, it is currently still used in the quest Hazeel Cult, it is named Carnillean Armour. 3: Super Energy. EDIT!!! :D COINCIDENCE???? I THINK NOT.
  2. Any new skills released may have a cap for X weeks like Dungeoneering, so that people who had Penguin Points saved up, etc, wouldn't be able to jump to 1st place. But perhaps if you've trained normally after that month or so, that would be a good idea :) In any case, that's a very impressive bank!
  3. Wow, you registered really quickly :XD: Nah, bro - was this morning before you actually mentioned it :P Gotta study this, now :P Haha. First, however, 50% questions answered on the last contest? ;)
  4. Nice work, Wolfie :) It looks really cool.
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