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  1. Farming, by far the most longest and boring skill to level up.
  2. I don't think adding in-game casino's would work as that would add to the problem. The only way I see fixing the economy would be jagex having mass ban waves of bots weekly or even daily in hopes of rising the cost of items due to a giant disruption in the supply.
  3. Overheating issue, try lowering your settings if you can to reduce temps. Another solution would be for you to take off the side panel of the case and have a desktop fan blowing into the computer to try and cool it off.
  4. Can't say I've ever been addicted to playing runescape in all my years of playing it since 2004. This could be due to the fact that I've taken multiple month and even year long breaks from runescape. The only reason I've started playing it again was because all the current games I play have started to get boring
  5. Also another thing, what is considered a 'normal' amount of kills per day? I've been pking now for 2 days or so and haven't gotten a single kill
  6. Alright so my main profile has these stats for cb, I'm wondering if its too late to salvage it so I can do pking in f2p COMBAT LEVEL -> 84 Attack - 70 Defence - 62 Strength - 72 HIT POINTS - 71 Ranged - 70 Magic - 54 Prayer - 45 I will be pking using MELEE, not ranged
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