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Posts posted by Endasil

  1. Using a base php page is one of the best ways to maintain a template. However, some programs like Dreamweaver (and I hate to say it, but Frontpage) allow you to implement "templates." These put the main banners, menus, etc into EVERY page, but they "lock" template areas so that


    1. You can't accidently change any of the template area. and


    2. It will ALL be updated when you update the template.




    The template lets you lay out your page and then specify editable areas which will hold the differences from page to page. Then you can simply update the template, and all of its child pages get updated.




    But if you have the time and ability to study php, you'll be better off. You're usually best to combine it with a simple database to store the location of different content.

  2. If you want to take your browsing to the next level, get All-in-one mouse gestures. I can't live without them. Install, and you'll see what I mean.




    Other useful:




    SearchPluginHacks lets you remove search engines from the search bar.


    VideoDownloader, as others have said, is nice b/c you can download pretty much any embedded video from any webpage.


    IETab does what IEView does but puts it in a firefox tab!


    1-Click weather gives you the weather in a pretty much otherwise unused bottom bar.


    View Source Chart for pseudo developers. Basically does what "View Page Source" does but provides code folding (meaning you can minimize elements of html, etc) and is nicely colour coded.


    Session Manager is useful but often annoying. I stopped using.

  3. Make sure you have Java 1.5 runtime from Sun, not the Microsoft VM. Then, in internet explorer 6, go into tools->internet options->advanced and make sure that the option under


    Java (Sun): 
    Use JRE 1.5.0_** for  


    is checked.




    If that doesn't make it start working, hit control-alt-delete and bring up the task manager. Click on processes, and sort the list by "CPU." Make sure that the higher numbers are at the top. If there is anything over about 20% there, try killing the process by right-clicking and selecting "end process," and then try to load runescape again. While you have the task manager open, click on the performance tab and make sure under "physical memory" that you have at least 75 mb available.

  4. 8. "Listen" feature.


    similar to above. not really necessary, and the system that exists for pms allows you to do this anyway. you can switch public chat to friends and talk directly to the person in the same way




    8. "Listen" feature.


    Interesting idea, but I don't think it would work. Perhaps a right click option on a character that says "focus on", so that his writing is a different color or font (italics would work) in your chat window. It would remain so until that person either logged off (or you logged off) or you changed your focus to someone else.




    I don't think you guys have really read the REASONING behind why I wanted this. It was suggested in conjunction to being able to freeze the chat window, and is a problem that PM's cannot fix. I'll repeat the reasoning behind this problem:




    If you are in world 1, or 2, in a busy part of a city like Varrock, there are multiple people standing on EVERY square, each talking, and there is absolutely no way you can read the posts in the chat box in time to find the AUTHOR of the chat message. You could look above peoples' heads to find out where the message came from, but as there are multiple people on each square, it is impossible to know WHICH person to add. Ergo, PM's cannot help unless you add everyone on that square.




    However, the more I think about this idea, and though I still like it, it would be a lot of work considering this is really only a problem in those affected areas. So I concede defeit on this point, especially because it's not a "fix" but a new feature. What we DO need, however, is a way of viewing the chat box while standing in those problematic areas.




    6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


    i disagree with this. having the chat filter turned off would mean allowing some people to see offensive language words. while some people are 'mature' about this, it stills violates jagex rules. also, this could backfire on the person because youd be giving evidence that youre using abusive language and get banned faster




    Now, regarding the chat filter... I think a lot of people misunderstand my reasoning behind this suggestion as well. First of all, I think JAGeX understands more than most their own shortcomings with the chat filter, and would therefore understand (instead of condemn) people wanting to turn the filter off. The days are still fresh in my memory when they temporarly implemented a filter that only allowed you to say words that belonged to their "clean dictionary". Some simple words like "sister," or "weird" would be translated into completely different words like "system" and "word." It's a battle that JAGeX has been slowly winning, but has very much not perfected. All I am suggesting is a system of disabling the feature. I, more than most, would rather have the filter work perfectly and filter out offensive language. But as it stands right now, I'd rather be able to communicate effectively with people rather and get the occasional f word thrown in.




    I cannot, however, disagree with JAGeX's respect for the children playing the game. Ultimately I think that is more high priority for the game than my own inconveniences. So I'll concede this one too. For now. I really think that this needs improvements still.

  5. you should be able to reuse metals that dont take a second componet to smelt (i.e. steel, rune) because that would mess with the compound itself making it unstable.




    There is no coal in steel. I doubt there would be in any of the other compounds either. The coal is needed to fire the furnace at a hotter temperature. Therefore, if we realistically would want to melt down steel / mithril/ adamantite / rune, we would need to supply two (or 4, 6, 8) MORE coal to melt them down again...which isn't very plausible is it?




    I think you're overcomplicating the idea too much. Having separate XP's for resmelted items won't work, because then JAGeX will either have to:


    a. Create an entirely different item/skill set that reflects recycled bars.


    b. Keep track of the current xp value of every bar...which would never happen, given the likely 10-20 billion bars that exist out there.




    A bar is a bar, and it realistically should give you the same experience, if we're reflecting the real world. Beating a recycled bar into a sword is just as hard as beating a fresh bar.




    I'm not sure what the solution to this problem is..perhaps having nuggets, which are a smaller (say 1/9) denomination of a bar. Once you have 9 nuggets, you would need to go to a furnace and smelt them all, or use superheat item, to get a bar. This would probably ensure that people don't use it to level, as it takes too long, and would only give (1 + 1/9 + 1/81 + 1/729) the experience of a single bar in the long run...so a bar that normally gives 50 smithing xp would now give 56.25...after 3 resmelts. That's not that useful for smithing, most serious levellers would never go for that.




    What it IS perfect for are doing something with USELESS monster/newb drops like steel scimitars, which currently just get high-alched and introduce MORE GP into an already inflated economy.




    I'm a "Yay", but on the condition of some refinement, for the record.

  6. Although the idea is sound and useful, the only thing that worries me is the amount of memory it would take in the database. This would effectively double the amount of memory required by the bank. Other than that, it's a great idea.




    An alternative (or addition) would be a JAGeX layout...where basically THEY choose a layout (that stacks similar items together, so rares all together, ores all together, then bars right after that, than a hammer, etc. And then you could click to accept their layout. This would require effectively no extra memory and would at least tidy up peoples' banks.




    It wouldn't give them the customization that they probably would want, however.

  7. BTW That isn't what a Stock Exchange is.




    Yeah the title is pretty misleading.




    While your idea is not a bad one, I think JAGeX has attempted to lay such suggestions to rest by creating the official forums. THAT is your "marketplace." I don't think they're interested in the large framework alterations that would be needed to accomidate this idea.




    If I recall correctly, Ultima had a neat thing going which let you pay an NPC player to sell items for you in front of their house. If these were coded and placed inside of a central marketplace area, that MIGHT work, but would still take a large code overhaul,

  8. I like the majority of your ideas except for number 9. I think that would make the game too easy and would take away from the feeling you get when you achieve your target level.




    What feeling is that? The numbing pain in your upper palm and index finger?




    Honestly people, I don't think anyone except for monkeybud1 has grasped what I am suggesting for number 9.




    To say it would be "easier" would mean that you equate difficulty and mundane clicking.




    If easier means "faster", then this suggestion will NOT make it easier. Almost every skill is limited NOT BY HOW FAST YOU CLICK, but by the interval between actions. Example, maging. I can click the buttons needed to do a high alch about twice as fast as the allowed interval between spells. So for serious levellers, this would not speed the game up!




    What it would do, is take the strain off of your mouse hand, and make the game more comfortable. It would allow people to do the same things they already do every day, at the same speed, only more comfortably. To say that this would make the game easier is slightly absurd. It is easier only if you mean that easier==less painful/tedious.




    I wonder if most people are getting confused by the word MACRO. Macro != auto(ing). They are NOT the same. A macro, by definition, is just a shortcut of keys/mouse clicks. What I am suggesting is not even this...it would just be the ability to bind an action (with NO TARGET) to a key or shortcut menu.




    Great idea, I especially like the idea of increasing the use of the keyboard. Also, for number nine, from what I understand, you want to make it so players can set (for example) ALT + H would Cast Hi-alch, and then the player would just click an item to Hi-alch. If so, then I think it is a good idea.




    However, I'm not going to spend much more time arguing this point, because it is causing too much confusion, and is fairly low priority compared to the rest of the issues.

  9. Absolutely, on both topics. However, I do think that keeping the attack option for all levels needs to be extended outside of the wilderness as well. Or it should at least be an option to set on/off. See http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=494125.




    In terms of the red bar, I think I would agree...however, aren't there sounds, etc that you could go by to know that you have made your kill? (I'm not disagreeing with the idea, just with your claimed need for it :) ).




    What I really think RS needs is a public forum for thinkers like you and I. This Discussion and Suggestions section is wasted too much on new "features" that get suggested over and over, when obviously they will never happen. I like it when I instead see people who have realistic, reasonable fixes to improve RS's quality of gameplay, not its quantity of "features."




    That's my 2 cents.

  10. To be honest i dont thing Jagex likes people buying bones for xp


    What?! Which smelly orifice did you pull that out of? The only way to raise prayer exp is burying bones (unless there's alternatives on p2p...?). Consider: Nearly 90% of all monsters drop bones, of which there are almost a dozen different types. How does any of that make you think they don't like people burying bones? Is your brain even turned on?


    Anyway, yes, Bury x would be quite useful...too useful, really. There are so many places where players can get bones for nothing that there'd be a flood of 99 Prayer players flooding the hiscores, not to mention the "Protect From..." abusers, so we're not likely to see this anytime soon.








    I was about to agree with you, but then I realized he said "buying" bones instead of "burying" bones. Which JAGeX undoubtedly does not like.




    But going along with my first thought; JAGeX liked people burying bones for prayer xp so much that you could gain prayer levels through burying bones a year before prayer was released as a skill :)

  11. Introducing the keyboard would also open the door to weirder suggestions, such as a first-person mode. Ever thought of what the RS world would look like from your player's eyes?




    With the 3D engine, this would really just be a matter of changing the camera location/angle. You could then click+drag the mouse to change where you're looking (Java applets cannot lock your mouse cursor within its boundaries, I believe, so just moving the mouse wouldn't work), and use wasd to move around. I wonder if the developers have fooled around with first person? I almost guarantee it. They probably weren't too impressed with it, because with the current graphics set, there wouldn't be anything to see past the 50m away horizon (and no sky, ceilings, etc).




    I'm not going to call this a suggestion, more just a curiousity.

  12. Lets make it official and call it Mastication. Why not have a skill called Digestion? The more you eat, the better your stomach can handle it, and the more health it heals! If you're not a good enough digester, bad kebabs can slowly kill you. Too much pizza could give you heartburn! Beware the kidney stone!




    While we're at it, lets add TV-watching, rolling out of bed, and recovering from a hangover as the next 3 skills.




    Totally not being serious.




    As a serious response to your (I can only assume) serious suggestion:




    RS skills are usually modelled after things in the real world that take skill. Hence, the name skill.




    Unless eating is the only and only skill where you progress from drinking breastmilk to eating solids in the first 200 xp, this simply would have nothing to do with reality.




    But then again, neither does eating a good lobster help you heal from some guy cutting your arm off. In fact, the only thing food should really do is give you more energy so that you can run further!

  13. Wow, good job, no spelling mistakes.




    So another random eh? Only problems are the following:




    Macroers, if they're alike in mind to me, would love the challenge to code a way around a new random. After the two days it would take to get around it, the only people being inconvenienced by this would be the legit players.




    It's incredibly boring (at least most randoms have an interesting part to them...except for that stupid mime *shudder*.)




    It's not complex enough. As others pointed out, macros can use image detection to figure out any static image, which is why:


    -the sandwich lady's sandwiches spin


    -evil bob has 4 different statues, which you only see as the camera is moving


    -the mysterious box spins randomly


    -the mime does different actions (not poses)




    My best guess would be that the easiest randoms to beat would be the swarm, dwarf, thief, etc (basically the ones where you have to talk to/run away from them.)

  14. 2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


    Just set public chat to hide to click the trade request and you're done.


    What I would like to see however is a second chat window (just below the current one) which only consists of 1 line. It would only show what the person you trade with is saying so you can talk about the deal a lot better.




    The main problem I found was not with being unable to click a trade request. It was that I couldn't even see the name of the person who was advertising a trade. In this way, stopping public chat would not help.




    3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


    Most monsters are agressive anyways, so it wouldn't matter much either way.




    Aye, but you say this from a pure fighter's perspective. Rangers and magers might not want to be close enough to a monster for it to attack them.




    4. Word wrap on the chat window.


    No. Even though I can make pretty long sentences when talking to someone on pm, I'm against this. Think about how people would spam with this function. Imagine your whole window filled with @@@@@@@ or !!!!!!!!! or whatever key the spammer found.


    Agreed. Maybe just set a maximum of two lines. One line is simply not enough.





    5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


    I'm not to sure about this one, because I think some of them are intentionally implemented. If you're pking and you want to switch from walk to run, that will cost you time (not a combat round if you time it right) and it should. If you want to change your music... that's not something that should be on your mind during combat :wink:


    I had not thought of that; however, the point still stands. Even if you click anything non-combat related (you might disagree, but when you're levelling for hours, something has to take away the boredom), you stop doing your current action.




    7. Bring back the tell feature


    Good point, but not if someone has their private chat set to off or friends. People have chat settings for a reason.


    If I recall correctly, in the past your message would just bounce if the target was not online. (In fact, this was before friends lists, where you had to check the server status page on the RS website to see who was online).




    9. Action macros for most actions


    Maybe you could re-word your point, because I'm not sure what you mean here :?


    See previous responses.




    10. Language preference


    The main language is English, but other languages are spoken too, mostly at local servers (Dutch on Amsterdam servers). But adding filter predicates is not a smart idea. Firstly because you'd need to make the new filters (which languages would you include?) taking a lot of time and secondly because if I'd switch on the Dutch filter I could tell everyone to go f themselves since that wouldn't be filtered anymore.


    Jagex is already planning to make Runescape available in more languages. I think German, French and Spanish versions are planned for release somewhere this year.




    Good to see they're progressing in that direction. Remember though, that I wasn't saying that the langauge would be mapped to a server...it would be mapped to a person. Therefore, even if you told everyone to f themselves, only the non-english players would see it. And I'm sure in these cases there could be a "general" filter predicate which would filter out words like the f word no matter what language you are.




    I'm all with you on the idea of increasing the use of the keyboard, but since I don't know anything about programming I have no idea if this is easily implemented or even at all possible.




    Not too hard. If RS is well structured, the actions you find in the menu are likely just surface level buttons for core actions, that could be triggered from a key just as easily as a menu.

  15. They all sound like good ideas, except maybe #9. You mean like making an High Alch-all-of-(item) command/spell or cook-all command? Or actual macros recording the mouse movement? :anxious:




    Ahh, I don't think many people are understanding what I am saying for 9. Essentially what you would be making is a "shortcut" for common commands. Ultima Online has it. You would click "create shortcut", it would come up with available actions, like:














    and then once you clicked on an action, it would come up with available items, spells, etc.




    Cast (choose spell)


    High level alchemy


    Fire blast










    Wield (choose item)


    Rune 2-Handed Sword


    Adamantite Medium Helmet






    And that would be it. For casting shortcuts, it would save you ONLY the clicks of going to your magic book, and clicking on the spell. You would still have to manually choose a target every time.




    These shortcuts could then show up in a different shortcut menu, or could be bound to keys.

  16. if you knew anything about computers you know there is a way to auto alch, everycomputer has the abillity.




    I'm not sure what you're responding to, but of course I know there is the ability to do so. Don't pretend to challenge my knowledge of computers. Right now, you can program a mouse macro to repeat the mundane steps it takes to perform a spell. There are likely more sophisticated programs which do not require mouse clicks.




    But of course, none of these are legal within runescape's rules, and neither are they supported by Runescape code. What I would suggest is a type of simple macro that goes below the user interface level...ie would not use mouse clicks...which would allow users to simplify some of their mundane clicking.




    In the future, please make an intelligent argument if you think I've said something false.

  17. Being racist now?


    Easy now, he said "spanish," not "spanish speaking people." I've already said I don't like english, but if I hated english speaking people, I'd be in real trouble! I am one.




    2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


    In addition to this, a bit more of how much text can be there. In world 1, it will take only 5 or 10 seconds to have gone through all the text so that even scroll locking won't be much help.




    True. I'm not sure RS would resolve this one though. There doesn't seem to be a great easy fix. Maybe that's why I suggested 8 as well.




    3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


    I think they need to revamp that system. This was originally built on the pking/non-pking principle of early RSC days. This way people would only have the option to attack those near their level as how it was made in old RSC pking. I see that it may be used to protect people, but 90% of the dangerous monsters are aggressive anyway. Perhaps not shift clicking, but something would really make it easier


    I know the purpose of that system, and I'm not suggesting we change it. It actually had little to do with PK-ing, because in those early days, you could only attack people really near your skill AT ALL. (It would be similar to being stuck in lvl 3 wilderness all of the time). People need to be able to click on a rock without accidently attacking monsters that will likely kill them. Out of curiousity, what would you think as an alternative to shift-clicking?




    4. Word wrap on the chat window.


    Word wrapping would be good, but let's face it, there are few times that you need to type that much.




    I dunno, I like being sociable when I play. If I'm telling a story or explaining something, I don't appreciate having to trim my sentences. I mean, I can already type fast, so why not be able to use full sentences?




    Personally, I have to truncate my sentence or go to a new line many times in every RS session I have.




    6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


    Eh, maybe. Chat filters arent necesarily bad. However, they need a full time person working on editing this.


    I didn't say they were bad. I said they are good for protecting the virgin ears of the younger players. That's why you could turn it on or off. Alternatively, RS could collect your date of birth (if they don't have it already, I can't remember) and give you the option to turn it off if you're over 14 or something.




    7. Bring back the tell feature


    What runescape needs is a command key. Like in blizzard games, the "/" is used for commands. Runescape needs to adopt one of these because typing can really streamline how things work. The complete lack of textual commands is slightly annoying


    Yeah, totally. I'm not sure what other commands would be useful to add, however, the more I think about it, the more I think they need to just drop "auto-chat" (that is, whenever you type a character, you're typing a message). I think there should be a chat activation button, probably just enter (return). That would bring the cursor to the chat window to type a message. Then you could have "w,a,s,d" as your view changing keys, which is MUCH more comfortable than the cursor keys.




    8. "Listen" feature.


    Eh, I find this unnecessary. If this did come, it should also come with different levels of talking. Itd be helpful if when your telling your team to attack in the wilderness, you don't let that guy know. A whisper command as well?


    Yeah, or friend groups where you could send a private message to a group of players.




    10. Language preference


    I believe there were rumors of Jagex looking into other languages for Runescape. I would think this is more of a long term project. It requires a significant staffing group to do this as well.


    You'd be surprised by the support they'd get from people who would translate for free. If they set up a wiki-based operation, where people would contribute and other people who spoke the same language would peer edit, JAGeX would not need to hire on many translators.




    Thanks for your responses.

  18. Sometimes I wish I worked for JAGeX. Let me explain. I'm a Java developer/student and my basic modus operandus is that if there's something in a program that needs fixing, I fix it. No questions asked. That's why I'd love to just be able to let loose on JAGeX's code on these things.




    What you find following are my idea of high priority bug fixes which, being high-priority, should take precedent over new features. JAGeX spends a lot of time working on new features to bring in the masses, but in turn they have not spent enough time working on the user interfaces.




    I have thought about these, and really don't think there are any disadvantages to them, though they are open to discussion. I would moreso like to see support for these so that we can catch the eye of the developers.




    1. Save the attack-mode state at log-off. As a mage, this one definately irks me the most. When I log off momentarily, and log back on, I click attack only to find myself in melee with a lesser demon with no armour and a wooden staff. This one has actually happened to me: I wanted to train def, switched to defense mode. Logged off momentarily, then back on and continued fighting. 20k xp later I realized I had gained an attack level. Not good when you're trying to be a mage. This would take minimal effort to program, as we already have save states for all other preferences.






    2. Scroll lock on the chat window. For anyone that has ever been in Varrock on world 1. Enough said? No? Okay, I'll explain. It's great that you can see everybody's text above their head and all, but when you've got 500 people squashed in a little area, you can't even see someone's text long enough to find out who said it, never mind carry a conversation. This fix would simply stop scrolling the text in the chat scroll-box when you start to scroll manually. Translation: when you manually move the scroll bar, you then would have full control of what you see in the chat area until the box "loses focus" (until you click on something else).




    3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level. As a developer, I know the benefits of using the keyboard over the mouse as much as possible. I find it extremely tedious, when levelling against a more powerful monster, to have to right click, find the attack item, and click it. This is particularly bad when there are multiple monsters under your mouse, and you don't know which is the one you're trying to attack. A shift-click would automatically attack ANY monster, regardless of level, and in the case of multiple monsters within the mouse range, would attack the one "closest to the mouse" (with the highest z-order).




    4. Word wrap on the chat window. There's not a single person in the RS universe who can say that it doesn't bother them that they can only say 15 words at a time. Why can't the chat system be reprogrammed to word-wrap? If you go over the limit, while typing, the typing window would display the words closest to the cursor location, and when submitted, would wrap over multiple lines. Picture msn, or virtually any other chat client.




    5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action You know what I'm talking about. Right now, you're in a battle with something/someone. You click on anything in the menu, ex, you change from walking to running. You change your music. Whatever it is, you stop attacking the monster/person. You could argue this is for protection, but its not! The other person continues to attack you while you don't fight back. GREAT... This one needs to be fixed.




    (withdrawn) 6. ON/OFF for chat filter. I'm all for protecting our young people, but this has got to stop. We need to be able to turn off the filter if we want to. Ever tried typing in "'s" in the chat window? Yes, that's right, the letter "s" is now profane. In conjunction, see 10.


    EDIT: I have conceded this point due to high opposition of people not wanting others to have the choice to disable filtering. I understand this, and think that a cleaner vocabulary is still more important for the children then having random things blocked wrongly. However, I do think that more work is needed here






    7. Bring back the tell feature This feature, way back in the day, allowed you to pvt message someone without going to the friends list and finding them, and then clicking on them. Only problem was, back then, you just typed "tell username (message)." But the tell keyword was too common. It should be changed to /tell or something with a non alpha-numeric prefix.




    (withdrawn) 8. "Listen" feature. Related to the issue in 2, this new feature would allow you to "listen" to a certain, say 3x3 area of land. It would essentially only display chat occuring in that area, so that you could carry out a conversation in a busy area.


    EDIT: I have conceded this point due to the complexity of the idea, and its limited usefulness. While I think it's a good idea, this would only be used on certain worlds in certain areas (mainly Varrock world 1&2). Because I entitled this topic high-priority "fixes," and this is a feature, I'll take this off of my list.




    9. Action macros for most actions I know this is a feature as well, but it's late. Forgive me. Now, don't object to this because it has the word "macro" in it. This is not suggesting making auto-(insert verb here) a legal part of the game. What I am describing are shortcuts for repeated tasks that take too much clicking. They would not need to be saved in the database, for storage reasons. Basically, they would allow you to save an action up to the point of choosing a target. So you could save a shortcut "cast high-alc", and when you clicked on that from your shortcut list, or pressed a bound key, it would just come up with the normal "cast high-alc on...". Again, this comes from a firm belief that games need a nominal amount of keyboard activity to have a good user interface, and runescape lacks that. Whatever, this probably won't happen because of too much rejection from people who feel like autoers rule the world or something. But in reality, it would decrease the gap between normal users and autoers. This might mean autoers can program their macroes easier, but I mean, autoers can find a way to macro without this feature. It's the legit players who really benefit from this. The real reason that runescape suffers from macroers is not because they cheat, but because they cheat AND there's no feasible way for legal players to keep up with them.




    10. Language preference Well, I speak english natively, and I haven't done the research to see how internationalized RS has become, but I can see great need for being able to set your language of preference. With this would come great things:


    • Filter predicates mapped to a language. This would improve the chat filter by only blocking offensive language in your language of origin.


    • Allow non-english players to communicate more effectively. This could include muting all but people of your own language, so you could communicate better. We needn't force english on the general population. It's a pretty gross language. If we all need to speak one language, can't it be something nice like spanish?


    • Internationalization of UI. Basically, JAGex could translate the user interface components into the major languages, and it would display the one you have chosen. Useful for ESL people to complete quests, where the language is more complex than they would be used to.




    I just wanted to get that stuff off my chest. With the exception of 8-10, I think that these are essential parts of the game interface that have gone largely unnoticed for the 7-ish years since the first testing stages. These are things that would truly push RS to a professional level.




    Tell me what you think. Give this stuff support, because JAGeX will continue just ploughing forward with new features if they think that's all their paying members care about.






    I'm adding a section for keyboard-based command ideas.




    Basically, RS should give up the idea that whenever you type something it automatically goes into the chat window.




    Enter would activate the chat window, letting you type a message. Another enter would send the message.




    ASDW should be used instead of arrow cursors b/c it's a lot more comfortable, and better for your body than using the cursor keys with your left hand.




    Escape would escape any window, be it help window, bank window, pm box, a box for specifying a number of items to give, etc. It could also be used to cancel an action at the mid-point (like cast- high-alch on... (escape) and it would be cancelled).




    Tab key or something else could switch through the menu tabs.[/b]

  19. It's not going to. Bill told me so. You can't convince me otherwise!




    But seriously, if you think about it, if Microsoft collapsed today, its effects wouldn't be felt severly for at least 5 years (think about how often YOU change your operating system / word processing software). If I'm not mistaken, most key society computing isn't done by Microsoft (bank software, etc) but rather Unix variations. So the main problem would come with the future of the PC. Five years is lots enough time for:




    a) a company to take hold of the GNU licensing market (Linux) and come out with a great product for native Windows users. Ubuntu already has a seemless install process and is easy to use the internet for pretty much anybody.




    B) Mac to take hold through brute force (if they all of a sudden lowered their prices in the case of a MS crash, they could form a monopoly really quickly).




    In terms of third-party software written for Windows: well, compatability has become more and more of a key point of good programming. That's why you now see languages like Java, where I can write code on my Windows box, shove it into my Linux box and it'll run the same on both. So the transition from Windows to another OS shouldn't be the end of the world if the coders did their job correctly.




    However, that's irrelevant, because Microsoft will never die (short term). Of course they'll probably be irrelevant in 100 years, but who's looking that far ahead?








    To be perfectly honest, one of the biggest things Microsoft has going for it is that it IS the standard. Most things that MS products do can be done through free software, it's just "too much of a hassle," and, granted, Microsoft has come closer to perfection on many levels than free software products have.

  20. Unfortunately your analogies all break down. It is true that if someone made a song on your guitar, the intellectual property would belong to them, not you.








    Let me give some computer examples. One creates a novel using Microsoft Word. The writer retains the copyright for the intellectual property. A draftsman makes an AutoCAD drawing. AutoCAD has no right to withhold the sale of that intellectual property.








    Yet Runescape isn't a tool or an instrument. It is a game. In addition, there are certain distinctions that must be made that you are all blatently missing. The intellectual data physically belongs to Jagex, not just the abstract information itself.








    Jagex can do this and has in their agreement...which is much like a contract. Don't be fooled into thinking that this goes against US laws. Have you ever heard of an exclusivity contract? It means that, say someone is working for Hewlett Packard. In their spare time, they invent a new computer pointing device. Hewlett Packard then has the exclusive right to buy that invention before the inventor is allowed to go anywhere else. All this is established IN THE CONTRACT...much like the EULA agreement that Jagex has put forth.








    A similar example would be posting an opinion on this message board. I can post an opinion, and the work would be my own. Yet Tip.It has the right, as stated on your sign-up agreement, to modify any post which contradicts its preestablished rules. Likewise, Jagex has the authority to alter any account which as evidently broken one of its rules.








    I might add as an edit that the referred-to copyright law is not in application to anything to do with something like Jagex databases. The section referenced regards the physical transfer of copies of intellectual property...not the transfer of ownership of the property itself. And it is specifically talking about computer programs and other multimedia stored on hard media such as compact discs.

  21. yes my post is more than arrogant. I just really hate Christanity beacause it is screwed up has no one read the 'de-vinche code' or any of the related books.








    But yes I can see I was wrong about christanity lets go kill everyone who isnt christain because they are not us
















    Funny that one would let that work of FICTION affect them at at the same time baselessly refute the 40000 manuscripts of the non-fiction bible.

  22. right history lesson time:




    I will not be offence but you people who say 'god' in vain are the same as anyone else and I belive there is no god but it needs to be adressed for those who do.








    Christanity is the single religion that has been so incredible screwed up that it makes no sense anymore.











    -i suggest you observe some other religions to broaden your view











    Christanity has been screwed up since about the 4th century AD when the pope desided he didn't like the religion that much and changed it.







    -Christ did not say that the pope would be inspired. In fact, Paul writes that Christ is the head of the church, and not the pope. A body with two heads cannot function, as the last 2000 years has clearly shown.











    Christanity has been screwed up to fit in with the pagen belifes so that they would accept christanity.







    -Charlemagne, i believe it was, took existing rituals and made them into christian tradition. Yet remember that the heart of christianity throughout the dark 1500 or so years was NOT in the state.











    Christ was black so theres a big problem with the story already or was it that by some extreme power that he was able to stay pure white in the sun.







    -i'm not sure what "problem" that presents. White and black is metaphorical, black as sin, white as pure. I think that we can assume Christ would look fairly like the same people occupying the same land now. But rest assured, you're working against yourself. If Christ was (as I believe) deity, I don't think avoiding a suntan would be too far out of his reach.















    God created the heavens and the earth in one day...yes that makes sence and on another day god was lazy and deside that he would just create the animals.














    God created the earth, mars, venus and 50 billion other solar systems it one day.







    -does that suprise you? i mean, he's all-powerful.















    God desided that at some point he would let mankind be a ungodly as it wants.







    No, God decided in eternity past that he would give man free will. Our failings only amplifies the need for salvation.











    God created adam and eve in the garden of eden... ok... then they disobeyed him so he kicked them out...ok...then what he kick all the other animals out as well?







    -i'm not sure what you're getting at, but God definately filled the whole world with animals, not just the garden.











    The pagen god is called 'The horned god' sound like anone we know?







    -hey, you're starting to understand. good observation











    God created man and woman in his own image... so he just came up with all the other animals







    -image means "representation"--in this context, genesis 1:26 is talking about the spirit that only humans of all earthly creation has.



















    The people who pray to god are always rich as they tithe and charge for them to pray to god for forgiveness. But the richer they are the less pure they are so it circles.







    -visit china some day.




    -purity has no correlation to good deeds, bad deeds, or state of wealth in any way. Only Christ purifies through his sacrifice. We are all completely broken and crappy without his sacrifice, and in accepting his sacrifice are completely wiped clean.




    -read the parable of the poor widow to understand that God desires obedience, not money.











    The people who desided that woman was evil while man was pure was in fact the same people who where going round destroying villages and useing their Divine Right to do whatever they want to the woman.












    England split away beacause ther religion stop the king marrying anyone he wanted and carrying out his Divine rights as king.








    England overthrew the king because of the simple fact that he was living the high life while they suffered. Showing that Divine right means nothing.











    when people like luther started to observe catholicism, they saw that it was far from the heart of christ. Divine rights is a dogma, not a teaching of christ.











    Christanity means love thy neighbour unless he isn't what you want and doesn't believe the same as you.







    -why is it so hard to believe that Christians love those that believe in other things enough to want to bring the truth to them? People react to being presented with Christianity, saying that it is mean-spirited. For those of us who believe in Christ, how utterly selfish, disrespectful and un-loving would it be NOT to share that truth with unbelievers?











    Killing is wrong unless its for the greater good like when david killed golith it was for the greater good, but if theres a mad person blowing peoples brains out and you kill them its not the right thing to do. Reason beacause they are human there for killing them is wrong but if its a giant its fine beacause there not human.







    -killing was commanded by the law for some deeds in the old-testament, and was commanded by God at other times (ie in times of war) but know this: it was all in response to sin that humans committed. Death is a result of us screwing up, not God.











    So face it the religion is so totally and uttally screwed up it has about much truth as saying that this blue pen is a red pencil.












    Oh my God if said by non-beliver what does it mean. NOTHING. Its Oh my God. Not your god their god. So this shows us that christanity thinks its the best religion on earth and thats why everyone means the christan god not their own.











    -this is close to a good point. Congrats! The thing is, as someone said before, most of the people saying it are christians. Athiests dont say oh my God, or they are condradicting their beliefs. I personally object to self-professing Christians using "oh my god," out of brotherly discipline.




    -I honestly can't believe you are labelling Christians as arrogant for believing our religion is true. WHO WOULD BELIEVE IN SOMETHING THEY DID NOT THINK WAS TRUE AND RIGHT.



















    Lets split up the word, Christ-aint-y telling us that 'Christ aint' real and to cover that up they put a y on the end.







    Nice attempt at some word play. I'm not going to try and counter this, because it simply makes no sense.











    *This all goes to show that Christainty is screwed up so much there is little point saying its a religion its more of 'the religion that is adaptable we have an answer for everything' beacause its so General anything they say could mean anything at all.
















    So please go to the pope sort out the religion so it is truthfull then repost this discussion so that we can see how much of a fool you look. There is nothing on the face of the earth that would make me believe christanity in its current form, as it has no sense oh and more importantly there is no discussion. We are not refering to you in any way you are thinking that we are beacause we should be according to your religion.












    Thanks for reading this post if you argue back it will show that * was right




    If you do not reply it will show that you are able accept that sometimes you are wrong.




    But you are welcome to try.








    This was a Lone Zarosen argument if you enjoyed it theres most likely more out there. If you did not then I will argue until you admit you did.



    i have a idea suggestion for the game its Shop Rentals








    u pay so much for the shop a day buy a vendor and have a bank account








    u put stuf in the account and the players can buy from your vendor








    Not really a new idea. I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned about a thousand times since the stalls were put in the varrock market without any actual function.








    The problem isn't the idea. The idea is good. It's been implemented in games like UO. Don't feel stupid.








    There are basically two problems with the implementation.








    1. It'd be a real tactical nightmare to program, because you can't just change a system that's already in place a little bit. It would mean a really big overhaul.








    2. It'd increase the size of the database for the characters by a huge amount. Think about it...you'd need to add fields for every thing the person is selling, the selling value, blah blah blah. Huge increase in database size= slowing down of game.








    Which is why runescape should start to go with a engine where you have to download and install, like the other big MMORPG's. (Gate to Heavens, Roseon, etc.)








    Yes but all downloadable clients are so easy to hack. RS is fairly secure.

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