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  1. Thank you to everyone who actually took the time to understand and respond properly without making any insulting and unnecessary comments. I truly appreciate it a lot!
  2. Before I give up on this topic, let me say I should have put this on rants because I was venting it out more so than anything else. It wasn't runescape related (although it sorta was) so I came to the conclusion that it belongs on off topic. I feel like I should write something in an A. B. C. fashion for those who don't get it. And lastly, BMW lol if there is one person on forums who is narrow minded enough to think that love becomes limited once you exchange vows who learns that there is a broader side, then I'm happy. But for the most part, I was venting it out. I'm sure if there is one person who thinks that love is limited, there is at least one other who also needs to be informed it isn't so. If I'm wrong, at least I got my say out of it.
  3. It must have been the Jedi. The is no emotion, there is peace. Off with their heads!(?) ????? ??? ? o O (lost me there)
  4. The last time I checked, I was a woman. And why are you so concerned about me being so concerned about it? If it bothers you that much, maybe you shouldn't even be reading it in the first place, afterall, I'm entitled to voice whatever it is I feel like voicing. And yes, I enjoy reading what is on the minds of others. How open minded can we get. Hm?
  5. Don't forget the third kind: the kind with pants on fire :lol:
  6. ok, here is the deal... There's a friend that I cared very much about. He isn't my spouse. He isn't one of my kids. He was just that, my very best friend. I explained what happened between him and I in rants somewhere. It bothered me when some kid whose friends with my rs daughter, makes a remark at me about the situation saying how he thought I was married with kids, as if to say it wasn't right to love anyone else but your spouse and kids. Its just something that was bothering me. The comment came out of no where, and I felt there was something floating about that needed some flushing. (if that makes sense at all)
  7. Who has the right to say you aren't allowed to love anyone else?
  8. kaviacuar

    About love

    Since when does your love become limited to just your spouse (and kids) when you get married? :roll: Why aren't you allowed to love anyone else? (i.e) Grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, relatives of all sorts, best friends, etc.. And just because you say you care about someone else who ISN'T your spouse or kids...does that make it wrong? Why all the narrow mindedness I wonder...
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