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About MioJJ

  • Birthday July 19

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  1. Is it bad I booked the day off work for this? I can't wait to start getting my fresh char preped for barrowing :P
  2. But you could do that now! And there won't even be a market for any of that for months anyway. Everyone will be self made for a while until there is money to actually spend for bulk and a flowing market. I don't feel any of those sentiments are worth the money spent on old servers. I'm not going anywhere near EOC man, I gave it a try, I went into it really open mindedly on my main account and on a fresh account, but it's just not for me. And I know there wont be a market there, it'd be fun to watch it grow and see where it ends up if im honest.
  3. Voting yes, As soon as the poll goes live im buying membership and voting and I know a good 10-12 other people that are going to be doing the same. Starting fresh is going to be the most exciting part. Reliving all the old f2p quests, Earning cash doing skills, spamming at a bank trying to get rid of all of your unwanted shit... Man, I know it's really nostalgia based and I'm not going to deny it probably will die after a year or two, but it will be fun again while it lasts. Even if we get 50k votes I'll be happy.
  4. Hey guys, long story short, I want to get into boss hunting... I don't really have much, if all any experiance boss hunting apart from the giant mole and KBD, but other than them, i've done nothing... I'm currently at 82 att 81 str 81 def 77 range 66 pray 83 hp 60 sum (Loads of charms banked) and 81 mage. I don't have access to chaotics, overloads and things like that and I have 21m+ cash to use for a set up to use for hunting a certain boss. But yeah, my question is, knowing all that, what should I start out doing to get me onto the boss hunting ladder? I got invited to go to bandos once but skipped the chance because I couldnt get a decent setup together tl;dr - want to boss hunt, no experiance, 21m for setup, what do? :P
  5. I'd personally go for something with a bit more stab than a whip since metal dragons are weak to stab.
  6. You could just flip, where you buy a certain amount of items, for example 25k blood runes for 500gp and then resell them to the ge for 510gp making a 250k profit in literilly 10 minutes or so. (Just using bloods for an example, you'll find items which work best for you after you do some flipping. I could easily make 2m a day flipping with just 20m (Which is also what im doing right now to get a cashpile together...) But yeah, that's an alternative to the whole reading and predicting graphs etc etc. I'm sure there's many guides out there that teach the fundementals of flipping.
  7. Nice one guys, Cheers for the help!
  8. I just attempted to read the guides and it seems like so much effort for what it's worth... But that's just me, I'm a pretty casual, yet lazy player haha. As long as it's still somewhat profitable, I'm happy. (: Thanks for your help, Much appriciated!
  9. Hey guys, I've recently started playing runescape again after quite a long break (from about a few weeks after dung was released) and I've noticed there has been loads of updates and changes. So yeah I have a few questions: 1. Is farming herbs still a good method of income on the side? 2. If herb farming is still good, What should I do with 66 farming? Snaps still? 3. Are GE Limits effecting that item only? (Cooked food limitations are 10k p4h, Does this mean I could, for example, buy 10k cooked monks and 10k cooked sharks at the same time, Or will I only be able to buy 10k of any cooked food?) 4. Im still soloing dungs at 49 dung, When should I start looking into getting into a team? 5. Any 'Must-do' quests came out the past year? Thanks (: P.S - Sorry if some of the things I said don't make sense, My brain is destroyed from the weekend.
  10. That was pretty pro, But quick question, What makes an Agile pure?
  11. I'm really jealous... But this also makes me want to stake, but knowing me, I'll get cleaned and then give up. :')
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