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Posts posted by crunchkilla

  1. Daakpunk
















    Praaaaaaaay was legit for a long time and he was an ordinary pb. He went for mith a bit later, then addy and finally rune. The current owner who autos that char isn't the original one. I believe Keeler sold that char and Crunch Killa.


    yes you are correct,when i quit i sold praaaaaaaaay and crunch killa because no need to have them go to waste,and yes i never autoed on any of my characters,praaaaaaaaay only had 10 def when i had him still,and had 95 or 99 attack(dont remember) and 99 strength with 89 or 90 range.in the time of pb's i was one of the best because of pure pking skills and as i had really high if not the highest pb stats when i retired,daakpunk was another very good pker at the time and is a very good and true friend of mine,if anyone else deserves credit for being one of best it is him. desire was also a good pb and maybe should have a spot in top 10 and he had alot of skills.dont remember many others because has been soo long since i played.i just wanna make sure everyone else knew i was not a cheater and my name remains clean.sorry about posting on this old ass topic but i was looking over forum topics and i havent been on these forums in atleast 6-8 years.thank you hohto for defending my honor and always being a friend.and ty to others as well who stood up for me

  2. Page 1 is sacrilege unless the following are added for various reasons...




    polomeros - greatest rs legend/player in my eyes . its down to him that i retired plev and created pure plev


    keelercrunch - funniest guy ever


    goneril - what no gon gon ?


    lil might + lotta might - cant remember which one helped me with mining ( gormis and lightning already on page1 but thanks also )


    dirtydevil - cos i say so =P




    funny how things just pop in ya head





    ROFL PLEV you remember me too well,i was hoping to read this post and see my name as one of top pkers on crunch killa,didnt expect for anyone to remember me that personally,thank you for letting me know i was not forgotten and i miss all the old days and chattin bs with everyone,let me know who all in the old crew still plays and on which rs it is.

  3. C'Mon guys how can all of you forget me in top pke's, on Crunch Killa i was first pure to hit 99 hp,whene full rune was finally available i had almost a thousand sets untill that email scam came out that stole your pw's.alot of people got hit with that scamm.i know meili remembers me and how could you not bring up my name?or my prayer beast praaaaaaaaay,if any of you think i dont belong on list for top pkers i think i might shoot myself because i had so much to show for it.Fook A Ji,Thug Style,Levi,And most of you others if you think about it you know what i was capable of,skill wise and stat wise.

  4. whats up everyone,i just happen to be bored and checking forums for first time in years, who remembers me crunch killa?thuggy there?whas up man,FOOK A JI where have you been,still playing rs?hi mythical.HAHAH i see kobe too its bringing back too many good memories of when i was younger.just reply me if you think it is worth going back to classic.PZ

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