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Posts posted by Seraphin

  1. >Not just playing Planescape: Torment to get the best of both worlds


    Nothing says games and good literature are mutually exclusive. Well, perhaps literature cannot also be a game, but games can certainly also be literature.


    PS. Nobody plays games on the assumption that the time spent playing will be of use in their future endevours. They play them for fun, and because they felt like it, not because it is the most efficient use of their time.

  2. Gotta ask, are those skills accounting for armour check penalties or not?


    Because I was having some trouble getting my stealth, climb, swim and such to reasonable levels without losing most of my AC, and if those are accounting for penalties, I'd like to know how so I can shamelessly copy it.


    Edit: After a short nap, I am able to think clearly once more, and it is relatively obvious that those are before ACP.

  3. As I said, that was only responsible for 30 of the damage. If I were to spend money on various equipment to maximize it, I could just evenly divide INT bonus among all magic item slots, as every second point of INT increases the damage by 12.


    And I had reason to believe your intentions were to kill me, and in any case the trigger for our plan was to be the execution of my body double (one of the plans even relying on propping the body double full of explosive runes).


    And the reason Lei would go into melee with the Vampire is because when attacking with all four blades and buffed by me, her damage output is 8d3+26 per turn at +12 attack rolls, or she could go into grapple for 8d3+2d4+34 damage per round.


    Dealing a grand total of zero damage because a vampire has DR/10 silver and magic.


    PS. Enhancement bonuses to ability scores do not stack unless explicitely stated.


    PPS. Where are you getting all these feats from? I can't figure out a way to make 8 attacks at level 9 without being way down in the negative attack bonuses.

  4. Archi, you don't have a problem with me coming "back" because your character doesn't know me anyways!


    It seems rather impossible for anyone to really hate my character since I only just washed up on some beach on some unknown island two sessions ago. And I've only met two players/people and haven't killed either if them (granted the fact that I only met one for like a couple of minutes and the other is the only person I (as in my character) knows that seems friendly).


    FYI, we didn't really care about you being there, just Holo.


    Believe it or not, I was the one who managed to persuade Garmund not to drop a zombie dragon and a barrage of save or die spells on you. I guess my character was kinda tired of fighting the same people over and over? Always up for a decent fight, but you find one of the enemies insufferable? Solution: Teleport the involved parties 900 miles away.

  5. [hide]

    Rapid Reload (Combat)


    Choose a type of crossbow (hand, light, heavy) or a single type of one-handed or two-handed firearm that you are proficient with. You can reload such a weapon quickly.

    Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (crossbow type chosen) or Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm).

    Benefit: The time required for you to reload your chosen type of weapon is reduced to a free action (for a hand or light crossbow), a move action (for heavy crossbow or one-handed firearm), or a standard action (two-handed firearm). Reloading a crossbow or firearm still provokes attacks of opportunity.

    If you have selected this feat for a hand crossbow or light crossbow, you may fire that weapon as many times in a full-attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow.

    Normal: A character without this feat needs a move action to reload a hand or light crossbow, a standard action to reload a one-handed firearm, or a full-round action to load a heavy crossbow or a two-handed firearm.

    Special: You can gain Rapid Reload multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of crossbow or a new type of firearm.



    Are we talking about an alternate Rapid Reload here, or is it GM fiat? Not to say that I am against GM fiat, but I am just curious where you are getting free action reloading from.

  6. It appears we have pulled into powergaming avenue. Except it's actually worse because the one doing the powergaming is very bad at powergaming.


    Let's ignore for the moment that you are basically puppeting another player into a living weapon for you to use, yes? In the meantime, I shall provide a few counterpoints.


    1) You should probably reread the Rapid Reload feat.


    2) Concealment Rules


    3) A challenging encounter for a duo of level 9 characters is a CR 9 encounter. No Elder Elementals or Dragons here. A Nymph, CR 7, would be regarded as a very easy encounter.


    4) There is a reason gunslinger is widely regarded as the worst class paizo has created.


    5) Characters can generally only see so far. There are actually rules for distant spotting.


    And please don't respond to this by quoting my points and putting whatever silly argument you have constructed beneath each one, because I really don't care one way or the other if I am right or wrong or what have you, I'm just making myself known in a somewhat flashy way so that maybe people would pay attention when I ask that we please stop with the optimizing and powergaming, because it's not about who has the biggest powerlevel, it's about collaborative storytelling.

  7. Ross you should look into animating the fly trap (if it can be animated) as a fast zombie, as it would then have a movement speed of 20'.

    Also, which ruins are we exploring again?

    Thought it could only be animated if it had some kind of skeletal or nervous system?


    Else we would be running around with Gelatinous Cube Wights and other equally silly (and terrifying) creatures.

  8. I'm going to make a wizard tower. Possibly in the centre of the lake?


    Perhaps the monolith can make up the base of the tower? Or the top? Would make it look pretty imposing, and might increase it's area of control. I wouldn't know about the last one though.


    Either way, we're going to need a heck of a lot of building materials. I recommend we look into methods to alleviate the pressure, and then raid the Aboleths.

  9. Yeah I dunno where I got the 1000gp from. Lack of sleep, probably. I have Create Soul Gem as well though, so it doesn't matter too much. And I didn't take the cacodaemon spell, I obtained some scrolls of it, among other scrolls I scribed myself.


    I took undead master, and I have command undead as well. I'm not seeing why we don't just release all 100 rats at once, really. I have a 32 HD limit, you have a 32 HD limit... 64 rats is a significant amount.


    In terms of killing the kobold leader, I would recommend spell turning. See what happens when his disintegrate or chain lightning turns back at him.


    [Please ignore my math, I am deprived of sleep.]

  10. Okay okay okay, I think we can knock the Drow off the list of targets, as well as the whispering way. The former isn't hostile towards us and powerful enough to hunt us down, and the latter hasn't really interacted with us at all, but given what we are doing, they would probably be neutral leaning towards friendly. The kobold town would be very, very hostile if they actually knew who we were, so we should go ahead with plans A, B and C (A is release an undead blight upon them. B and C are much the same.) against them.


    As far as immediate plans of action go, I say we release the undead rats, and then go explore those cyclopean ruins. Piracy is fun, but my character is a treasure hunter at heart and would really rather steal things from the long dead than be forced to kill the living to steal their things instead.


    As for our long term power, I believe creating a large number of standard undead rather than one huge undead is a better plan (At least until we can get both). I would recommend either your standard skeletal champions, or guardian phantom armours. Equipment can vary, of course.


    Or, if we feel fancy (And my character always does) we can get a small number of a powerful, but not world ending undead. Say, a few dullahans rather than a tzitimitizltmzitlizitmzimlitlzmitlzmitlzl.


    PS. I took Greater Summon Cacodaemons, so I should be able to deal with our soul gem needs without the massive cost. 1000 gold per HD is a tad on the ridiculous side.

  11. So as for the plans to summon/create a major undead, that is something that you can progress through dedicated research or exploring knowledge from ancient libraries or getting it from people, or some combination of the three.


    And since these creatures are not normally created through normal magic (more epic level), there are often instructions that are rather vague or need to be tweaked, so that is something good to experiment on and actually develop instead of just throwing money at it. smile.png

    Yup, we have an arcane and a divine spellcaster, and I guess I can search for knowledge along with treasure. I figure the two come in a package more often than not.


    Mather, if you want to leave the island I'm going to be heading to deal with some of the problems on the outskirts of Absalom and act as a hedge wizard until something interesting pops up. You can come along.

    Basically I'll fix peoples problems and if it's a big enough problem they may give me their life savings, if they don't give me their life savings it's not like anybody is going to know anyway when I kill them.

    Please note that I expect my 2150 gold back, and Tena's 1000 gold as well.


    Also, the life savings of a generic peasant are likely something in the region of 5 gold, if thy are comfortably well off.


    D&D economics are strange.

  12. Erm, you do know that we have a bit of a pack animal in the dragon, right? As in, it has a light load of 1596 pounds . I'd advise teleporting the dragon and myself with you the first time, with most of the treasure, and then having us guard the boat, while you go back (Also, the two of us (with the dragon) would probably be the best able to deal with the remaining kobolds).

    Oh, sure. That works.

  13. As long as we are still within 720 feet of the exit, I can dimension door us all out.


    I worked around the limits. If I use bull's strength on myself, I can carry all of the treasure and the extra person without going over my maximum load, then I can cast dimension door on two people and myself, and transport us back to the boat. The reason I need to be carrying somebody when I cast it is that my dimension door only affects myself and two people.

  14. I forgot that you can only sell items for half value, which does indeed skew it. Rather silly, but I did do those calculations when I was half asleep, so sue me if you must.


    Which unfortunately leaves only 15,000 gold each. Still a relatively large amount, and I don't really mind giving up 1,600 of my share so Garmund can have the staff. Aside from that minor thing, the only part which is actually changed is the amount of gold in coins each person is receiving. Once everything bar the unique items, staff and rod are sold, we can divide up the gold, meaning Garmund gets the staff of souls and the crystal icon, Elgrator gets the Rod of wonder, a mithral chainshirt, the Jade Pendant and 1,900 gold, Tena gets 15,000 gold, and I get 13,400 gold and the ring of navigation.


    And I'm taking the ring, even if it isn't the most "efficient" option. The note Frega left was directed to the one who was originally seeking the treasure, which was me. I'm also a relatively proficient navigator, so it's not like it would go unused.

  15. Alright then. We shall take it to a nearby city and sell what needs selling, dividing up what remains as follows:



    Elgrator -

    Tiger Pendant of the Jade Regent

    Rod of Wonder - 12,000 gp

    Mithral chain shirt - 1100 gp

    14,900 gp


    Garmund -

    Crystal God Pendant

    Staff of Souls - 16,400 gp

    11,600 gp


    Tena -

    28,000 gp

    Firebird Feathers


    Trazin -

    28,000 gp

    Ring of Navigation



  16. Alright, I work it out to be somewhere just over 112,000 gold of loot in total, not counting the ring of navigation, firebird feathers, crystal symbol or the tiger pendant.


    Which comes to 28,000 gold each. If you want the Rod or Staff, deduct it from your total and take it. We can sell it and convert it into gold at the next opportunity.


    Furthermore, there are four unique items, one for each of us. I call dibs on the ring of navigation, leaving the fabled pendant, the firebird feathers, and the symbol of an unknown god.

  17. So you want to play Average Joe in a role playing game?


    I never really saw the point personally. The lack of realism is, to a certain degree, what makes the fun for me, but I guess it takes all kinds.

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