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Posts posted by Azura_Skyy

  1. Then the solution is simple. Merge the worlds. F2P merges with P2P so that there are just 'worlds'. F2P would still be restricted to F2P areas and doing F2P things but they'd share their world with P2P players. That way F2Pers could see aspects of what they're missing. There's no better advertisement for P2P than the players themselves. The two communities could then interact more, form friendships and encourage more membership. It would also solve the problem of empty areas that are on the F2P maps that members don't use. F2Pers would certainly find this much more interesting than just seeing the F2P point of view. In the end F2P doesn't get anything new but players could see what they 'could' get.


    Granted there would be certain aspects that would have to be ironed out such as wildy etc. but with the advancements Jagex have made in their coding I'm sure that something could be done.


    I actually really like that idea! The issue is probably technical though - back when citadels were released, the reason given in the FAQ why they were not partly F2P was that Jagex said they could only make it fully F2p or fully P2P, everything else wouldn't be possible for them. This idea sounds like a bigger engine rewrite, and engine writers' time is always precious. But if it's possible to do, I think it could be a great addition.


    I hate trolling and intentionally being rude, but this is one of the worst Ideas I have ever heard.

    If we remember when Mark Gerhard first became the CEO, one of his first posts was regarding his plans and treatment for the F2P "version" of the game. He didn't beat around the bush- he clearly stated that he was going to remove the P2P advertisements from the F2P game.

    This announcement was probably my happiest RuneScape playing moment. Jagex was ackowledgeing that F2P was its own game, and Gerhard stated that too.

    (Do not comment and say I'm a tax on them and don't pay my way. Charts have shown Jagex's revenue from ads being in the millions of USD. In addition, I usually have a P2P account)


    By going against this, or rather, their inconsistency, they are continually pushing me to other MMOs and certainly other people to the same ends (or Console games ofc).

    I suppose I would be fine with this update if Jagex posts an update on the front page taking back their statement and promising to consistently advertise P2P in F2P.


    As I've said, I want consistency. I'll even add membership back to my classic account (which I play on maybe 5hours a month) to show my support for the company.



    P.S. I think the F2P areas will be far more crowded than we are crediting, especially if they remove an additional 50 servers (which is a guarantee with this style of update).

  2. What do you mean by fresh content if you don't want new content? :P Like, updates to content that haven't been touched in years? O:



    I mean, if they are going to give F2P "new" things, or at least, new to F2P, than I want new stuff- so, not dragon weapons. I want something for level 50 attack or something. A new metal or weapon style all together. Don't give us the stuff members find useless.



    Azura Skyy~

  3. True about the revenue, I forgot to consider that. I want consistency in management as well, and I do mean proper consistency. Change is good if it brings about greater benefits than shortfalls, and I think F2P would welcome change if it brought greater benefits to them. I mean, reverse the hi-scores update, at least. The reasoning for that is BS and they know it. Once you've done that, continue to be consistent by bringing F2P updates from left over P2P content (perhaps rarely used modes of P2P transportation and spells, like they did with canoes). Update F2P at least graphically so it doesn't look out of place. Thankfully, with the wilderness graphical updates coming this month, this issue should at least be partially taken care of :P


    Nyeh- the canoes are useless in my opinion. I've never used them on any account and probably never will.

    Once again- I don't need new content for F2P, I just don't want the game to die. Baby dragon bones and old equipment that they no longer need is always cool, however, I prefer fresh content for F2P rather than recycled garbage (No offense dragon weapons).



    Azura Skyy~

  4. Yeah. As I've said on another thread, I don't think Jagex cares about the impression it's giving as long as revenue is high. They like to say that isn't the case, but they say one thing and do another. One advertisement pop-up (out of how many in the whole F2P game?) isn't really intrusive to F2P game experience. Removal of hi-scores is much more intrusive, though. It'll take a considerable loss of revenue connected to an update for them to change their minds. <_< And that's not possible since F2P don't pay D:


    However, F2P generated a reasonable $2.25 million in 2010 based on the Jagex revenue charts in an older tip.it times post. It may not be fair to attribute all of that to F2P players, but, keep in mind, most long-term players have multiple accounts. I had a members account up until the announcement of the hiscores going P2P. At that point, I unsubbed my P2P account (I had paid for four months on it and maybe logged in for ten hours (mostly on classic- the reason I bought p2p on that account)).


    I know other people with similar situations or other people who straight up quit (both p2p and f2p). Jagex needs to understand that we aren't "units sold" as is the case with CoD, FF, RE, and other major titles and AAA games. We can't be "units sold" because they need us to be a recurring unit, and because of that, they have to respect us.


    I will resubscribe on my members account if they change their attitude (and I won't even play on it- LOL. Your welcome Jagex).


    I didn't say their ads are intrusive at the moment. They haven't been, and that has been a great thing. The Dwarven Army Axe ads (all three? or are there more?) are irritating only because Mod MMG's initial promises and claims that "F2P is not a demo," and "anyone should be able to enjoy it as its own game (possibly misquoted, but it was along these lines)" and stating that he would remove P2P advertisements in F2P worlds (for example: agility shortcuts, pick-pocket options). <-Dungeoneering went against this, as has the Dwarven army Axe.


    F2P players want consistency in management. That isn't the issue though I guess. I rant and go off topic... In any event, F2P players aren't a burden on Jagex. If they lost money on us, do you really think that the often player proclaimed "demo" would be infinite?



    Azura Skyy~


    P.S. ForsakenMage, this is a new account of mine on tip.it, though not the first. In any case, thanks for the welcome and acknowledgment.

  5. I have to admit, I feel in some ways F2P is just slowly being neglected when it should be one of the most attractive parts of the game as whole that would entice someone to join members to begin with. :-?


    o_o Hope my fictional isn't boring anyone.


    I'm glad you feel that way about the F2P game. I hope I didn't sound like I was asking for things, as people often make it seem, I only wish for the games longevity. If Jagex can find a way to keep the advertisements "unobtrusive" and find a way to keep F2P fresh and inviting to new players without adding any content, I'm fine with that as long as I have my favorite MMO. As a player since Oct 04 (spending 7 of my 18 years playing this game), I would be heart broken not to get to say at some point that I've played RuneScape for 50% of my life.


    TL;DR: I want longevity, not necessarily new content.


    In addition ForsakenMage- I plan to read your fictional piece at some point. As an aspiring fictional writer (though not RuneScape), I feel it only proper to offer feedback and compliments to someone who according to the comments I've read, has talent.


    It may take me a week or more to get to- but by the time the final piece of your story is unveiled, I hope to offer my compliments.



    Azura Skyy~

  6. Alg and Jonanananas' articles aren't so different. If we look into them we can see clearly what they are pointing at; the same problems in RuneScape.


    It would be hard to argue that range and mage aren't underpowered in F2P and potentially overpowered in P2P.

    Jagex has made combat increasingly more interesting in their P2P version and offered a vast variety of gears and spells to help the rusher in the wilderness. Between the multi-cast Storm of Armadyl spell (I mean the glitch (I know its patched), but the spell is very powerful too) and the Dark bow special attack 2-hit, Jagex has managed to make powerful (if not overpowered) range and mage attack methods. There is no doubt that melee receives a great deal of attention in P2P as well and needs little to no updating in F2P.


    That being said, I can't help but notice as a long time F2P pure, that the combat "triangle" in f2p is more like a V, with melee being the dominant at the point of the "V."

    Mage needs heavy updating in F2P and has only been slightly helped with the addition of dungeoneering rewards. I would argue that Ranged hasn't been helped since the day it was released (especially considering the lack of rune arrows in F2P).


    Before I continue, I would like to inform the potential readers of this that I am trying to be objective (which I think I am considering I don't raise range or mage on my F2P pure).


    F2P remains heavily outdated, especially in the area of the game that most players focus on, which is; *drumroll* COMBAT!


    It has become clear in the past three weeks that players who write for the tip.it times are concerned for the longevity of RuneScape's F2P game as well as the game as a whole (P2P). Jagex's inconsistency in treatment (after claims) to F2P leaves many to wonder where their hearts lay. Updating Magic both in F2P and P2P could offer a fresh feel to the combat aspect of the game that people focus on, and hell, since the Quests in F2P are so strayed from lore, why not make it a hard/grandmaster quest with medium requirements (high by the average f2p player or new to RS player). This would offer a beginning to a much needed solution.




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