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Everything posted by Pequ

  1. I usually start with a head or a chest. Then work my way out. Circles for head, trapazoids for chests, ovals for legs, circles for hands. Basic shapes. Then I go back and add in details. However, I should note.. my sigs are not 100% MS Paint. I sketch these on my drawing pad then edit the fuzzyness out, then edit/color on MS Paint. Then throw in some Photoshop for certain things like text, fire, etc. Mostly MS Paint though. I used to make them from scratch in ms paint, but sketching them is so much easier and helps me make sigs faster. ^_^
  2. Well. I've been pixelling for a year now, but those are my most recent. Trust me, you don't want to see how my sigs looked one year ago. :P Thanks for the comments though. :) Tutorial, ehhh. Trust me, I'm not a great tutor lol. I've been trying to help people with sigging lately, but I end up confusing them. :(
  3. Hi! Um. Well, my friend Misterxman encouraged me to post my sigs on the public forums. I've been pretty hesitant, since I'm sometimes sensitive to critiques, and I don't want any of these stolen, but eh. Here are a few sigs I've done in the past two months or so. Oldest ones are at the top. Newest at the bottom. Sig made when I was with him; we're good friends now though. He's a staker. I know the background sucks a -lot- in this one, but ah well. =( First try at a sig that has two major frames to it. Simple sig. There is a ripped version of this floating around, ugh. This was a big step for me. First try at some image animation. First time attempting some sort of flowing animation. =] Christmas sig! :D Did something a little different with this one: zoomed in on him a bit. I guess it'd look better if I made it so you can see his face in the ahrims, but ah well. I wub ze froggy cannon, hehehe. First time drawing guthans + bloodveld which looks weird. Bloodvelds look weird in the game anyway. :( First time drawing a gargoyle. Gah. >_ Last one I made just a couple days ago. But yea, those are a few of my work. I know I suck at backgrounds & the ground. Hoping to get better with that, drawing hands, and other things that need working on. Critique away, if you wish. Just don't be too hard on me! :( And oh! Yea, this is my first post on Tip.it. Hi everyone. :D
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