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Everything posted by Philzo

  1. Recruitment Status: OPEN! Hello everyone, welcome to Deviant Skillers! We are a skilling and social clan, but we have many events outside of these categories as well. Our clan is primarily all about skilling, socializing with friends, and just having fun in general. We hold weekly events, but we will sometimes have more if we can get enough people going to them. We are looking for people who will be active. The more active the better, I will award ranks based on activeness and attitude. Higher up members will be given special responsibilities such as planning events etc. We do have an application form that we would like you to fill out and post in this thread. Below is some information about the clan that you might be wondering about. *Some Information* -Clan Requirements- 1500+ total Players with 3 or more 99's can also be accepted -Events- We will hold various skilling events such as fishing and dungeoneering. We also have minigame events. Many members in the clan are into steeling creation, so we will surely have this event from time to time. Also, we will have boss fight events. We will do any event our members want to do. In general, if there is a high demand for an event, we will do it. Events will be held AT LEAST once a week on the weekends. The more members we get, and the more people who show up for events, the more events we will have. I let my members vote on various things (not just events) in order to get an idea of what everyone wants to do. -Application Process- Below, you will find the application form. Please fill out this form and post it in this thread. When you are done, you can then join our clan chat and speak with anyone who is admin or higher. People in the clan ranked admin or higher can invite people to the clan. If nobody who can invite you into the clan is on, please be patient Please note, most of the questions below are to help me get an idea for your likes and dislikes, in order to plan events for the clan better. Please put your answers in the parts that has an A after it. Copy and paste the form below and post your answers in this thread. After you are done, you can join the clan chat and talk with our members. Admins and above can invite you to the clan. If you are unsure who can invite you into the clan, take a look at the list below. Leader: Philzo Organiser: Brad S Admins: Imsodope Triale *Application form* 1. What is your total levels? 1A. 2. Highest skill? 2A. 3. Favorite skill? 3A. 4. Least Favorite skill? 4A. 5. Please list some events that you like to do: 5A. 6. Please list any events that you hate to do: 6A. 7. Were you referred to the clan by a current member? If so, who? 7A. 8. How many clans have you been in? 8A. 9. If the answer to number 8 is not zero, why did you leave these clans? 9A. 10. How long have you been playing Runescape? 10A. 11. What makes you interested in joining us? 11A. 12. Anything else you would like us to know? 12A. *Q&A* Q1. Do you have a clan citadel? A1. Yes! Q2. How many members are in the clan? A2. Currently 10 Q3. When was the clan started? A3. March 6, 2012 Q4. How often do you hold events? A4. We will hold events at least once a week on the weekends. If we have alot of people attending the events, we will hold more events per week. Q5. What type of events do you guys do? A5. We do skilling events such as fishing and dungeoneering, minigame events such as castlewars and clanwars, and boss fighting events such as godwars. I like to get an idea of what everyone in the clan likes to do in order to plan clans better. If a high percentage of members in the clan want to do a certain event, we will do that event. The higher the demand is for an event, the more often we will do it. -Ranking Up- Our rank system here at Deviant Skillers works with our event system. As stated above in the information about events, we will hold at least one event every week. We don't require you to attend events; however, we would be very grateful if you did. Attending events allows other clan members to get to know you better, and it will make you feel more involved and welcomed in the clan. When attending events, you might also receive an advancement in rank. When you go to your first event, everybody is automatically given the Corporal rank. To advance up in rank, all you need to do is attend events, that's granting everything else is in order. What we mean by that is, you can't be the immature one, or completely disregard other clan mates then attend events and expect to rank up. For each event you attend you recieve 1 activity point. The way the activity points system works is as follows: To rank up to Sergeant from Corporal, it will require 1 activity points. To rank up from Sergeant to Lieutenant, it will require 2 acitivity points. To rank up from Lieutenant to Captain, it will require 4 acitivity points. Then 8, 16, etc. Everytime you rank up, your activity points reset back to 0. So, as you can see, it gets increasingly harder to rank up. Please note that this system for ranking up is also just a general guideline. The leader reserves the right to rank up people who are exceptional at attending events, recruiting new members, very active, and are very likeable in general. There is also a possibility that you can rank down. Either through attitude, or not attending events in a long period of time. For example, if you are a Lieutenant and you're 1 activity point away from reaching Captain. Your 3 activity points are safe, and will remain at 3 for 3 weeks. You have to attended another event within that period of time, or your activity points might be reset to back to 0. We hope that our ranking system will encourage our members to be active. :) *Also, if you'd like to apply on the runescape forums, our quick find code is: 288-289-388-63613827
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