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Sgt Meaty

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  1. Hey all, I've recently come back to runescape to reminisce and enjoy the game once again. In the past I've played with a couple warring clans, most notably in Gods of Wild led by mr. frost22 oh so five or six years ago. I have at least five years of experience in f2p warring and about a year in P2P warring along with acting from leadership positions within the clans (Warlord, Council, Leader). After a couple years of a runescape break I felt it was time to come back and since most of the people I've played with on runescape have quit, I am in search of finding a f2p warring clan to play with. I am a level 130 P2P and 123 f2p (74 prayer and 58 summoning). My full list of stats is in my signature. I perfer not such a big clan, medium sized is perferred. It is also perferred if you have P2P events or if members participate in such together. Clan pking is also a plus. Any other questions are welcome. Thanks.
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