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Le Valor

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  1. This blog follows the race between my brother and myself going from level 1 towards max. This is a first draft, I will update and edit over the next few days to create a nice template. The agreements made between us are as follows: 1) We must both work on the same skill as the other at any given time. 2) Everything is shared, so any clue/loot/luck one gets we both benefit from. 3) All quests must be completed together! My brother and I played this game many years ago with only one computer, but now we have our own, we thought this would be a laugh and a good way to relax after a frustrating game of HON (which if you play leave your name here, would love for you to join us). Our first intention is to quickly power up to Barrows and Dragon equipment, perhaps a roughly 100 combat in as little time as we can. Following this, only time will tell. We play on world 99, and if you ever wish to come by you can see where we are on the blog updates, so feel free to come say hi, we'll post pics up of visitors :D RSN : Le Valor / Le Triki --Blog-- Day 1 -- The introduction quest is not great, but I agree it beats trainee island, but I somehow managed to enroll myself onto the Death Plateau quest line, so it took somewhat longer than it should have. Pottered around for some time waiting for my brother to finish it and when he did we decided on combat. Killed many many goblins and leveled up to Iron equipment. Upon (googles) advice, then went north of Falador to get up to Mith gear. Brother is sadly currently the highest combat level, but it is very early days. Day 2 -- The aim today is to get to Rune gear. Rock Crabs has been the general advice we have received and we very quickly realised that the exp here was many times faster than we were getting before. Rune was achieved after a bit of a grind, and we have made the decision today to stay here until 60 attack before we go anywhere new :D We are however, unsure of where this new place might be. Day 3 -- We got to Rune gear last night, and have arrived fresh faced for a good grind at rock crabs today. The important news however, is that I am now the highest level, which I am reminding my brother at every opportunity. Still pounding away at the rock crabs, intending today to both be able to wield dragon weapons with our characters being 3 days old :D Everything seems to be going well, and I am 3 levels away. Le Triki has caught up a bit a is now 4 levels away. Following that we are going for 60 defence, but we imagine that will take longer than attack sadly. Day 7 -- Little bro came over to my place for a visit, and seeing that we had both managed to grind our way quickly to 60 attack, we decided to start working our way up to the Heroes Quest. We chose to do an all-nighter of questing, seeing that we could probably get to Dragon Slayer finished in one go if we went for it hard enough. We started the night with no quests finished and successfully managed to complete, in one sitting : The Blood Pact Cook's Asssitant Demon Slayer Doric's Quest Dragon Slayer Ernest the Chicken Goblin Diplomacy Gunnar's Ground Imp Catcher Lost City Digsite The Restless Ghost Rune Mysteries Swept Away Vampyre Slayer Needless to say, this was a good night! Day 10 -- Did some random skilling to work towards some of the further quests we wanted such as Heroes (we want to kill dragons), but realized that we would also enjoy having a bit more cash behind the operation. Therefore the decision has been made to start smelting Steel Bars and make some cannonballs. We have purchased just over 140k of Iron and 250k coal which is going to keep us both busy for a good month or so, but should net us a good profit and some sweet smithing EXP. Day 13 -- We have smelted about... 23k steel bars, but doing a big push today! --Currently listening to-- Bangarang - Skrillex Star Trek, The Next Generation - hardcore nerd.
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