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Darth Zombie

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Everything posted by Darth Zombie

  1. Introduction Welcome to the Elitehardcoregamers, a clan built for skillin and vanquishing monsters! We the players of Runescape and members of EHG play the game with a passion and go to extreme heights to achieve the unachievable. Hardcore play for the thrill of the outcome! Join us today and be part of a story in the future, a foot note in history, and become a Legend with us! "Elitehardcoregamers isn't a method but a meaning of life and the pursuit to be bad ass." Requirements to Join - No Combat or Skill levels required unless there is an event that requires one. - To be active on both of our Forums: -- Runescape Forums http://services.rune.../c=Pvy9p5UJwWM/-- Guildlaunch Forums http://elitehardcore....php?gid=268335- Attend events when you can. - Register and apply to the clan on GuildLaunch Register/Apply - http://elitehardcore...=app&gid=268335 Clan Rules - All Runescape Rules -- http://services.rune...es_of_RuneScape- No Drama - No Flamming - No Vulgar Language - No Naughty Pictures - Forums - And of course enjoy yourself Ranking System - Once recruited, you have two days until you are ranked up. That is the only normal rank up. - To rank up further you will either earn via RPS or earned via history. Are we Interested Yet? - If so please feel free to stop by at either of our: -- ClanChat --- Elitehardcoregamers -- FriendsChat --- EHG Zombie --- EHG deadly --- EHG Braver - PM -- EHG Zombie -- EHG Braver -- EHG Deadly - If not then here is some more reasons to join our clan: -- We offer Ventrilo -- We have our own Point System "RPS" -- All types of events --- Monthly Tournaments --- Bossing Events --- Mini-Game Events --- Combat Events --- Skilling Events --- Friendly and helpful members and staff. Application ----------------------------- Character Name: Lowest Skill: Favorite Skill: Favorite Minigame: Are you a Quester?: Do you like Bossing?: Are you a Skiller or a Combat or Both?: If your a Combat player what is your prefered build?: Would you be willing to attend our skilling or combat events?: -----------------------------
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