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Everything posted by Pikul

  1. I had done every quest before the 2 newest ones, so this list will be pretty accurate. 10. Sheep Herder-finished in 30 minutes, yet the most annoying and uptight 10 minutes of my life. Getting the sheep to right outside the pen then losing them at the last second happened 3 or so times and I wanted to shoot myself. 9. Monkey Madness-not quite as hard as it is annoying and long, but since it took me 10 hours, that doesn't mean it isn't hard. This took me longer than WGS in terms of start to finish. Very annoying as well. 8. Swan Song-surprised I haven't seen this one yet. Happened to lose my mind a few times during this quest, with breaks and such took around 4 hours. 7. Fremnik Trials/Isles (yeah, basically the same difficulty)-only found Trials to be hard because of both the fight and the one part that was like One Small Favour, Isles had quite a few difficult parts. 6. One Small Favour-again, not as hard as long and annoying, but slightly less as long as Monkey Madness but much more annoying. The awards make it more than worth it. 5. Desert Treasure-very annoying, confusing, and difficult, but also somewhat enjoyable and the awards make it worth the time. Took me around 4 hours. 4. Recipe for Disaster-the requirements are pretty tough, but if you get them the quest itself isn't hard, just long and repetative. 3. Summer's End-the requirements are nothing, a simple quest and skills most people have. The quest itself is a wilderness quest that rev magnets will die 20 times in alone, then the fast-pace action inside the tunnel is really hard. Better yet: Jagex made the first part harder with the bonfire update, requiring you to right click and hit 'use' on the logs before adding to the pyre. 2. While Guthix Sleeps-easily the hardest quest in terms of requirements. I think you have to complete every quest I stated above, or almost every quest, and also the one I will post below. The quest itself isn't as hard as most quests, but it is very long and you can easily die when fighting the elemental boss. 1. Mourning's Ends part II - The Temple of Light-well, other than the fact that it takes about 500 hours to complete, it also has a super risk of death and much annoyance, also very complex and requires much patience, along with the fact that you find it wasn't worth it once the quest is over. Gg, Jagex So..how's my list?
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