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Old McAlphy

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Everything posted by Old McAlphy

  1. What's the current progress on adding percentage traits? It's been a few weeks now.
  2. I have another recommendation now: in addition to 'select all' there should be an easy way to select and unselect those crew members which have been placed on ships. Sometimes you want to plan ahead and see whether a really hard voyage is possible with your best crew, before seeing what you can currently do. However, that requires unticking all the ones on your boats, which is a little annoying.
  3. Oh my, thanks so much for the update allowing you to force certain crew members on board! It's actually amazing. THANK YOU!
  4. Ah awesome updates! I always found it hard to tell how much an effect could help for a voyage involving two or more targets.
  5. Thanks for your input; I did think it sounded like a considerably bigger job, but not that much!
  6. Oh wow, thanks for the updates! Keep at it, it's really much appreciated. (Plus, is my last suggestion on the previous page actually feasible; I don't want to get my hopes up unnecessarily?)
  7. This is absolutely fantastic! I do have quite a few suggestions though (don't take that as a bad thing!): Being shown the effects of the addition of up to three 'Ration Pack', 'Powder Keg' and 'Seasinger's Bottled Cry'. At the moment, the calculator always chooses five crew members. It would be nice to see the best options with fewer than 5 crew members used, as well as those with 5 used, so we can choose the final member(s) if we don't like the set up of the five offered. In addition to maximising success, we should be able to state other criteria and rank them in order of importance, such as trying to place certain crew members on board, e.g. those with the trait 'merchant'. Speed should also be added, with a dropdown box for the voyage saying which zone it is from, and getting speed to the maximum required for the zone added as one of the aforementioned choosable criteria. A dropdown box for the number of ships in your possession and a simple way to select crew members and put them on a ship (and take them off again when the ship returns). I have one final suggestion, but I have no idea whether it's feasible (I know little about programming and computing time). We should be able to enter ALL the voyages on offer (stating which special missions are mutually exclusive) and the calculator work out the best setups, given our criteria, for four voyages (this obviously includes at least one special voyage), three voyages, two voyages and one voyage. In addition, something to consider would be a box by each voyage to type in the success rate below which you just won't do it, so it can automatically skip showing you a terrible result which you definitely won't like! As it stands, you can, for example, easily send off two voyages at 100%, but then be left with something at 55%. It would be extremely useful to calculate for all voyages at once and know you can send out three at, say, 85% at least, even before seeing what new voyages appear as you send them off. The reason for giving it for four voyages AND three etc. is that if the calculator gives you four voyages at 60%, you can decide against that and look at three and see that it's something like 90% and go with that. Sorry to be so demanding, but perhaps consider it a challenge?
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