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Posts posted by Tach

  1. Mfw when i realize that i really have to focus on DG again to get 120 before Invention so I don't have to wear s**t looking capes after i lose my max cape


    But in general, I really do like the idea even I don't have time to grind :(


    I think i am doing something right when i feel that rune dragons are even too easy to kill >.>


    Oh well, my spring cleaner grinds with a pleasure.

    What os your tactic?




    Death swiftness and tuska's wrath is your best friend in there :)


    Using worst slay helm + death lotus top/chaps + chaotic cbows + warpriest gloves/boots


    2 visages in 20 kills >.<

  3. I have a question about Daemonheim task set achievement.

    For task "Stacked", you will need to have 225 ammo bound to you at startup.

    I have around 150 sagittarian ammo bound to me at the moment.

    The question is, can I make 225 lower tier arrows for this task without losing my sagi arrows? I understood that if I bind runes i will lose the arrows. Or do i have to obtain more sagi arrows?


    Will probably regret posting this when it's nerfed but:



    I hid it so it's link only, but you can do Agility without moving your mouse at all during Voice of Seren (look at video for instructions)


    So during voice of seren I guess this will make it the same spam click method as dwarf traders but with Agility/Pray xp  :P


    Same as what I posted in the thread of Elf city if you missed.





    Lel, that method is slow. The most efficient way i have found is that you click the next obstacle just when you are about to complete the last one. It will make your character continue as fast as with Velocity. There is one obstacle that can't be right clicked during completing the last one, but that is where you set your velocity to kick in. Thank god for 34 second laps.

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