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Everything posted by Lop

  1. ==Depletion== Lookin' good, RuneScape! I'm L o p, and I'm here to talk to you about clans. See, I've been playing this game on-and-off since 2005, and clans have been an instrumental part of this game for a long time now. The problem is that, especially lately, I have been in and out of clans, leaving me feeling naturally indecisive. The main reason for this is that I will eagerly join most clans that will have me, only to find most of them to be rather quiet and inactive. The ones that are active usually ignore me, and I feel like I'm just a number instead of a valued part of the group. I also finding myself doing a lot of the work(recruiting, forums, etc) for clans I don't even lead/own. I think it's time for this to change. It is with great enthusiasm and many delicious cookies that I am announcing my decision to found my very own clan! I think this will be a very fun experience as well as a great leadership excercise. I'd like to begin founding and recruiting as soon as possible! Now that we're done with my introduction which sounds more like a business proposal, I'll try to make this post as comprehensive as possible. Let's start out with level one of this friendship therapy exercise: An easy-to-follow table of contents. Utilizing this tool you can Ctrl+F your way to victory! 1). Clan Rules 2). List of members and ranks 3). Events 4). FAQ 5). Application form Post #2 - Clan Rules 1). Follow all of Jagex's rules and keep a general sense of respect and maturity about yourself. 2). You must respect all clan members regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or orientation. 3). Do not directly beg for ranks. If you follow the rules and chain of command, and show a knack for leadership you will find yourself in a leadership position. 4). No member is to be kicked unless a majority vote is taken by enough leaders/admins. 5). You must be at least partially involved in clan events. An inactive member is not a member. It's understandable if you cannot get on due to real life events, but if possible try to participate in clan activity at least 2 times a week or at least one clan event per month. 6). No trash talk among clan members or the rest of the RuneScape community. Trolling is acceptable, but keep it in good taste. 7). Lastly, rules will be subject to change by admins. Players of all skill levels, age, and experience are welcome to join! Remember to have fun! Post #3 ~Members and ranks~ Owner - L o p Deputy Owner - Skylann Overseer - Coordinator - Organizer - Administrator - Lucas Uk General - PvM Shines X Captain - Koolio1099 Lieutenant - Sergeant - Corporal - Recruit - Post #4 - Events Currently there are no events. Events will go here and will usually have a general summary and a description. (Ex. "Sara room at GWD - need good DPS players!") Post #5 - FAQ Q: Are there any ingame requirements to join? A: No! Anyone from a level 4 to a maxed 200 is allowed! A general understanding of the game and official forums is helpful, though. Q: Who is the leader? A: L o p. You can message him about any upcoming events or questions not listed here. Q: How do I rank up? A: By being active in the clan and showing that you deserve a higher rank. Capping at the citadel is always a plus! Q: What sort of activities do you guys do? A: Just what you'd expect from a clan. Boss fights, clan wars, minigames, skilling, community events, and more! Q: Why make your own clan? Why not just join one that's already big and popular or well-known? A: I've found that many clans I join are very quiet and inactive. Either that, or they tend to ignore me and don't really involve me in anything. Q: Who made this forum thread? A: None other than MarryTheNite, one of my best IRL friends who I've been Scapin' with since 2006. Q: So, how do I go about joining? A: You can either post here, or message me ingame. Q: What? You've been playing since 2005? Why are your skills so relatively low? A: I've been through more accounts than you can imagine. Post #6 - Application form If you are interested in joining, please copy and paste this form into your post and fill it out. ==Application== Character name: Favorite skill: Least favorite skill: Style of playing, in your own words: Combat level: How long you've been playing: Why you want to join: Any 99s: F2p or p2p: A few things about yourself: What is rule #3?:
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