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Posts posted by AccountRecovery

  1. I should probably be updating with more pictures of actual loot tabs, I'll keep that in mind next time, for now:



    My TH keys after reset gave me the worst possible reward in my current situation:



    Now I have to resist levelling agility as I can't afford such an expensive item whilst going for this goal, one thing is for certain, I know what's happening to my cash after I achieve 1B. [/Hide]

  2. Hey all, been a little while since I've made any decent progress, needed something to convince me to get playing.


    Over the last 42 hours I have ground out the final 5.6m attack I needed for a 120 cape, that's right:





    I did this pretty fast at frost dragons, here is the loot:



    and here is my bank value after selling it:




    It's a little lower than it would have been if I had simply used a yak as usual, however I wanted to get my new cape quickly so I just camped with notepaper, I'm loving this new look my character has :)

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  3. Thanks for the comments guys, it means a lot for you to support me.


    So in my previous update my bank value was [328/1000m] and I was expecting to get home today, however I actually ended up getting home last night and have just done 15 straight hours of QBD, killing 270 (18 per hour)


    I am not going to sell the loot and instead am going to wait until I get to 1000 kills and sell it all in one go, this may take a little while as I'm not sure I want to do something crazy like this again, it is time for me to sleep now and I imagine I'm going to snooze for a long while.

    Anyway, here is the loot tab as of 270/1000 kills:



    Edit: A few of those lants are from farm runs during the 15 hours.

  4. I have finally been lifted from the curse of exams and although I'm taking a holiday-like thing next week, I'll still be able to play and work towards my goal, for now though I'll update you and tell you that I have paid off the 40m to my friend which means that everything I have is actually mine now!


    I've spent copious amounts of time at the QBD now and after a couple of days of earnings like this:



    My total value is currently:



    So I am [272/1000m] , it's going well!


    I have just noticed that since the last price check the torva value has gone up for a combined total of 12m, that's pretty impressive but I expect it might crash soon, no matter what it's not being sold so it doesn't particularly matter.

  5. Hey everybody :) No time to play right now, final few exams are tomorrow and looking forward to them being over and done with.


    My friend has asked for the 40m that I mentioned in the first post, for some reason I forgot about it so it came as a bit of a suprise, I'm going to attempt to grind that out in over Wednesday night and Thursday so that any money made after that is put towards my goal, that said, taking into account the 40m debt, my bank is actually [167m/1000m] 

  6. Hey there! It has been a few days since my last update, at that point I started using my newly acquired drygores to kill frost dragons, that worked for quite a while and even help towards my secondary goal of getting a 120 cape in attack, however the Enlightenment Aura has really ruined the frost dragon spot with so many people wanting the bones. 


    Instead of doing frost dragons I moved onto queen black dragon after selling my gathered bones for bandos and some money in my coin pouch. QBD is where the fun began! Just a couple minutes ago I sold the results of my most recent QBD streak and bought the last piece of armour to complete my current setup.


    With further ado, my current bank value is:



    That means I'm [207m/1000m] already! My final exams are over the next three days, I have 8 of them to do so it's going to be pretty intense until Wednesday night, hopefully I'll have an update then :)

  7. I had a day off from revision today, ground out a lot of Ganodermic beasts and managed to buy this:



    Which means I now have a main-hand rapier and off-hand mace, about 1m left over to start with some barrows armour but just a few hours will easily have that up to Bandos. Exams are fairly frequent now so just the occasional hour here and there until next Wednesday. 


    I realise drygore weaponry is dropping in price dramatically but I don't plan on selling these at any point so it doesn't matter.

  8. Not much to update due to exams, bought the off-hand drygore mace and currently have 20m cash towards the main-hand, problem is I need to use my summer xp aura today and tempted to do prayer.


    Edit: If I take it as a given that at some point I will do prayer during this summer, I realise that doing it at a later date when I already have the means to make money faster will be better than spending it whilst still building towards gearing up, I'll use this weeks on a random skill.

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