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Everything posted by lld3

  1. Hey Danni, I didn't know you made a guide :P . I've done some serious mole killing before and have some suggestions: First of all I don't think 20-30k per drop is worth teaming for on the mole unless you just want to have some fun with it. It is almost 100% necessary to solo the mole for it to be even close to worth the time. I've used the Bgs for mole hunting, but not the Ags although I assume they're fairly similar... The Bgs is far too inaccurate with the special attack and it does not recharge quickly enough to be a viable, trustworthy way to lower the moles def. Compared to Dh with low health the God Sword does not have the same consistently high hits. The issue with the mole isn't the attaining the greater accuracy of the Gs it is the K0 effect of the DH set. Almost every time you do hit with the Dh you will hit high, while when you do hit more often with the Gs it will not consistently be as high a hit and so you will spend more time running around for the mole. It has been my experience that for high lvl soloing the Dh is far more effective than either of the Gs setups. You will drink a ppot, espically if you do not have a higher prayer lvl (which is highly suggested for this method to reduce cost) but every time you have to run after the mole you waste so much time. I do thank you for writing the best mole guide I've seen and the amazing use of the spirit bird to track the mole has made it much easier. But in the end I think mole hunting is more something done for fun, or for a quick fix on birds nest. It is fairly inconsistent and i cannot stress enough that it is pointless to do in a team as the drops are not worth it. <3 Lld
  2. So how viable do you think it is to rc training? Is it just a fun minigame or something that would be good to use to train?
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