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Posts posted by flamestrike

  1. im not the biggest kid 6'0 185, but its not for being big, its a personal thing, my last name is lating and it translates to powerful in battle, i dont want my last name on my back for obvious reasons but im proud of it and i wanted to pull it back to its latin roots.

  2. I was wondering if anyone spoke or new latin. I'm looking to get a tattoo that says "powerful in battle" in latin, but i cant trust an online translator for something as permanent as this. So i was wondering if anyone took latin classes that could help me out? thanks!

  3. i really dont know how you guys are reading it for a second or even third time. I got the book at 12:05 on friday and ive been reading it when i have the time and i just finished now 11:50 pm on the 23rd. I worked long hours and such but i dont know how you guys read that fast, 3 times in 3 days is rediculous, i dont think ive ever read a book twice. All i can say is, after reading half-blood prince i knew i wanted to see it in movie version, and now after reading this i can not wait for the movie. the whole time i read the book i was picturing it in my mind and its gonna be phenominal.

  4. If i leave a knife in my glove compartment or something just incase i do need to use it and i get pulled over and they ask if i have any weapons and i say yes, can i get charged for carrying a knife? Even if im not hiding it or anything. just wondering after a little mishap last night where a knife would of been very helpful, but i dont wanna get screwed even more if im like speeding and its in there

  5. windows movie maker should make sense to you.. I used it a week ago and its VERY BASIC...








    I need a program thats got depth changes.
















    Well first off, i can not figure out how to get the video off my camera onto the media player, id rather use another program

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