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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. The cat-hugging-a-rabbit sig isn't winning!? What is this world coming to!? j/k :P








    Celeste, it would be polite to answer Nadril. Either tell him how to improve it, or if you don't like it, just tell him so.








    And is there anything else I could do to improve mine?








    How will you be paying? Will you do first, second, and third place prizes?








    Sry for not responding.. it wouldnt let me respond 'yes' to firestorm post, and when it did, it double posted so i just got off...








    Nadril.. i DO like your sig, but i like the other ones better... there just cuter :) sry :cry:








    And since i only have like 400k atleast on rs








    1st will get 200k




    2nd will get 150k




    3rd will get 50k








    Fair enough?


    sorry for going off topic. . but real quickly . .. wacom tablet is where u get a pad. . and u get like a special pen . .wutever u draw on your pad wit your pen apears on your comp screen ..








    yeah i got one that i can't use well at all lol :P Its kind of old.








    on topic: what's the places right now? like 1,2,3?








    Good idea :)




























    However i still want to see other people's work..








    I love your styles :shock: :D

  3. Yes.. i need another siggy ... but this one will NOT be used for these boards.. so it doesn't matter if it's out of the limit.. though i dont want it to big...








    Anyways i want a sig.. smilar the the one i use to have that had thekat146 on it with a kitty kat catching butterflies by IDPUP.. but sadly scapeboards got closed down & i lost my siggy








    The 3 kinds of sig im mainly looking for is:








    A sig with a kitty on it...








    Abrast (sp?)












    The text i want is "Celestial Angel".. i might want a quote or something under it thou.. haven't decided..








    and btw im willing to pay .. not to much thou.. i only have like 400k left on rs... sooo












    Heres all the sigs that have been made:




































































































































    CURRENT PLACES (as of now)...












    2ndSleepingKitten.jpg- Granny :P
















    1st places winners will get 150k




    2nd 100k




    3rd 50k








    ALSO I have had a lil change in mind about the sigs, however i still am going to buy the kitty sigs but i also want..








    A sig w. a bg of white.. and it have a angel on it with like glitter/sparkles.. and it have Celestial Angel...








    This sig will be 100k, and i only want to buy one of these...








    Have Fun!! :D








    Im not sure when this will end since ppl pm'ed me saying to wait for em

  4. I want to travel over-seas places-- like Canada!




    - Britney Spears








    Dream as if you was to live forever..Live as if you would die tomorrow












    Mmm its 5 am :oops: can't think of any more lol

  5. i play piano, recorder(lol) and a bit of saxophone.. mostly piano tho..




    recent songs i learned, "to zanarkand" and "tidus and yuna".. both ffx.. lol i mostly play things like this.. i dont take any lessons or anything, so i gotta work with what i can.. :P








    Don't feel bad.. I had to play the recorder too :lol: had to play it in 7th & 8th grade for music ap.. ugh i hate that class.. but i also learned how to play the piano, in which i can still play it (not any good songs), Also i use to play the trumpet 3rd-7th grade band.. blah lol.. im a nerd :D :oops:

  6. heh haha this was posted a day ago but still funni.. ppl on rainbow six 3 act like that to.. infact one of my best friends on there, gets soo mad when ppl kill him.. he'll start cussing every1 out.. its very entertaining.. :lol:



    so if you get your dog put to sleep, cause it wouldnt be very good for the dog to keep it living... you're not considered a cold hearted murderer? yet its still more living than a fetus...








    and if you get an abortion, your considered more of a murderer, even if it is in the best interests of the mother/unborn baby that the pregnancy is not continued.....








    Thats a good argument, I see if the mother's life was in danger then abortion might be necesary, but then that brings us back to the point that its her problem that she got pregnate








    sorry, your baby is in a very difficult position, any attempts to give birth will result in death, due to hippies and greenies, it is illegal to get an abortion, it's your fault you got pregnant, too bad, you're going to die [/sarcasim]








    nice arguement buddy








    I could see ppl getting abortion for that, however, most of the time that's not the case, most of the time the ppl getting abortions are these 14-18 teenages who just runined their life, thinking that 'oh if i get pregnate, i'll just get an abortion', and usually ends up dropping outta school anyway :roll:








    IMO, if your having sex at 14-18, then take birth control :roll: or if u do get pregnate, have the child, and give he/she up for adoption, theres tons of familys looking for a new born child

  8. I reamber that shoot-out in that school in CO(i think).. Where they knew this girl was religious, and the two guys asked her is she believed in God, she said yea, and they killed her...








    This will probley be more common, in today's life, if someone ever asked me if i believe in God.. I'd say yes, even if have to die a sloow death..

  9. I guess ill post here (Im not gonna read all that stuff, i read about the first two pages and the last two). This is mostly turning out to be a flame war, but ok.








    Im an atheist. I belive there is no god, becase there is no scientific proof. Sure there is the bible, and all that otherstuff, but just hear me out. How exatly is the bible sappoused to prove it. Was i really writen by god? Or one of the Religions followers? it could of been some person a very long time ago, that was crazy, or board, or something, and wrote the bible. And some one found it, and belived it.








    Oh and to let everyone know, ther was a person called Jessuse.








    I belive in Eveloution, i belive in the big bang, i belive in the chaos theroy.








    For further explantiont of the chaos therory (I barly get it myslef, just enough- hey im 14) got to http://www.imho.com/grae/chaos/








    I have gone through and debated about this many times in diffrent places.








    The only thing that can kinda prove the excictance is all the religions. if you look closly, most religions are the same. morst of the bibles are the same (For Jewish its the tora, i thnk). So i could sorta see it there.








    Im gonna stop before i cause soemthing, hope i already didnt.








    from my understanding, God didn't right the Bible, his followers did, but God told them what to write...(someone correct me if i'm wrong)








    I respect other people's relgion, It's there life, not mine, if they don't believe in God, they'll be the ones to live through the seven years, where the anti-christ is over the world, then if they still don't believe God's son (Jesus) died on the cross for YOU(as in each one of us), then you'll rot in hell.. :roll:


    i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..




    Do you have actually read any posts of this topic??I do no consider it MURDERING because it doesn't even know if its death or alive like scruffy said. I consider killing a mouse worse thing because mouse actually has a life and not just a 'could be life' like a sperm or egg.




    Yes I have guts to say "it's the womans choise", because it is. You or anybody should't have right to say what do they have to do with their own body.








    Oh and that underwear thing was just too lame, man youre such an idiot.








    well don't sleep with men unless your going to face the conquences(spelling? lol) having a child is one of them.. and yea the baby is a egg at b4 it delevops into a child.. I still consider it a child.

  11. i say there be no abortion, every child haves a right to be born, when u get a abortion, your basically MURDERING a child that hasn't had a chance to live :roll: riiight.. and you have the guts to say.. ''well its the women's choice''.. dam.. they need to keep their underwear on, so that wouldn't happen :roll: Even if it does happen(accidents happen, though i wouldn't want my child to be born as an ''accident'')And you don't want to/dont think you can take care of it, then give it up for adoption..Theres millions and millions of familys willing to adopt a new born child each year..

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