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  1. The offer on mainpage is still valid. Whoever finds the original ID maker or his topic on this forum will recieve 100k!
  2. I'll take it like that for 100k if your ok with that.
  3. That's a tough cookie, princessa9 and you both hit the nail on the head. Although I do like princessa9's better cause it has more detail. How mutch do you want for it like this princessa9 ? P.S. Other people may still enter new ID cards or edit the already submited cards because I haven't made up my mind 100% and maybe that last touch can give you the winning edge.
  4. Those cost like one million each.MrX was paid I think 2 mill before for a sig made in MSpaint(the paint you get when you install windows). The first one cost 1,2 mill and the second one I made myself.
  5. Okay just to show you how picky I am with my signatures. This is the kinda sign (besides the ID card) that I'm trying to get right now This is the sign i have right now.
  6. This is more like it, still the ID's of that other dude were 10 times as cool. Anyway your headed in the right direction. Do you think you can make it ever cooler and change "RuneScaper" into "RuneScape Citizen" (or however you wright that). You can aslo leave out the favourite weapon and enlarge the other tekst so it's more readeble. Anyway you guys are going good but it all still looks a bit to normal. I want something to look so cool that other people's mounth drops open and they immediatly think "I want one of those"
  7. Now this is what I'm talking about, It's still not even close to the guy who originaly came up with the runescape ID but your getting there. Do you think you can do even better? (and make it more readeble :P). Btw what is a RuneScaper, make it a RuneScape citizen. BTW you call all leave the favourite weapon out :).
  8. Well beter sigs get better prices. I'm not a cheap person and really good signs can get up between 100 and 500k (depens on the coolnest of the sign). If there really really cool they can even rise above 500, but for an computer made sign youu prolly won't get that much
  9. Sure can (don't really see why but hey :P). Shadowcrawler
  10. BUMB c'mon :P MAKE ME AN ID !!!!!!!
  11. I agree with the part about the quality of the whole picture. The backgrounds are a bit plain.
  12. That's allot man. Still it looks amazing and the fact that it is so unique makes it worth while.
  13. I didn't get that, sorry. How much did the second one go for?
  14. the second one is cool (although i do have a beard). Customize it to make the spell a zomorak strike and the guy in full zamorak outfit (including staff and cape and all that). Aslo redo the hear to make it look like my char. It should also say KillerBart on it and 80 magic and 85+ Combat. Then I will pay a good amount of money.
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